The fall of 2018 was the time I finally decided to go to Japan to see the leaves change color.
And to be honest, my husband was the main reason why I ended up going there.
If it weren’t for him, I don’t think I would have made it, but thanks to him, I have some beautiful memories to look back on.
Now here’s the thing about going to see the famous autumnal leaves of Japan…
They’re beautiful… mesmerizing.
But you also have to contend with all the other people who want to see them too.
That’s something you don’t consider when you see beautiful images on Instagram. The crowds.
But thankfully we went early on in the day, so it wasn’t too bad (which I would suggest doing… and on a weekday.. it makes a beautiful experience feel so much more exclusive.
It’s of course cliche to say this (sorry), but it does feel like you’re stepping back in time.
And you wanna know one of the craziest things about Japan?
You can walk past a small temple sandwiched in between two modern buildings, read the sign discussing its history, and then realize that it’s over a thousand years old. Kinda amazing right?
I think being in a Japanese garden or temple is probably one of the most relaxing things you can do.
It’s serene, quiet, and with the views you have, there’s no need for words. You can just sit there taking in the colors and the stillness of your setting.
Thanks to my husband (who stole me from my work that day), I got to relax and have my first real autumnal experience in Japan.
It was finally off my phone screen and in real life. 🙂
And… what better addition to this trip than a stop at a good coffee shop?
This was a REFRESHING cup of coffee.
Sounds silly, but I hadn’t had a good mocha in a long time.
Ever since we tried a cafe called Rocket Coffeebar in Bangkok, it was hard to get a good mocha anywhere else. Usually, people will just squeeze some cheap chocolate syrup in a cup with espresso and milk and call it good.
Also, it was just really nice to have on a cold fall day.
And if you’re curious, it’s called Blue Bottle which is a small coffee chain you can find in a few cities in the US. 🙂
So what about you?
Have you been to Japan yet? How was it? I’d love to hear. 😊
Chasing Foxes was started in 2016 as a way for Grace and her husband, Silas, to start traveling. However, they started to realize that they had a passion for improving themselves, and wanted to help others level up their lives as well. So whether it's with cooking, travel, or staying healthy, they want to help you better your life bit by bit, as they do the same.