Try Ebates to Get Cash Back Whenever You Shop Online (Plus a Free $10 Bonus for Signing Up)

Credit to image used in pin goes to Ken Teegardin and Pictures of Money.  – Changes were made to the original image.

Thousands of people go into the negative every Christmas, so why not be one of the few that actually gets cash back. Now whether it’s the holidays or you just want to do some online shopping, I’d definitely recommend Ebates. It’s one of the most well known free sites out there that’ll pay you for spending money online.

Now I’ve decided to do a review of Ebates because I know that many of my readers can benefit from using them.

I know that it can be easy to forget about saving up for Christmas; life gets busy that by the time 12 months later roles around, everything’s either gone towards the kids’ education or regular life expenses. So if you don’t have that Christmas budget set up, then I’d definitely suggest using Ebates.

If you sign up through my link, you can get a $10 BONUS after making a purchase of $25 or more!

So How it Works

Once you’ve signed up, you’ll receive an email letting you know that you have a $10 bonus. Then once you’ve logged into your account, that’s when it gets fun. You can choose from thousands of well-known brands such as, Macy’s, Kohl’s, Ulta, Target, Gap, Etsy, etc.

If you want to know how much you’ll get cash back, just look at the percentage next to the store name when shopping on Ebates.

It’s so easy to do and doesn’t cost you a dime when shopping through them.

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The Great Benefits of Shopping with Ebates

1. You Can Still Use Coupon Codes and Discounts When Shopping on Ebates

You’ll get to earn cashback in 2 different ways if you apply a discount/coupon/promotional code when shopping on Ebates. So not only will you keep money in your bank account with a coupon, but Ebates will put money in your account after making the purchase.

2. No Surveys

Many sites out there will require you to complete a time-consuming survey to get just a few cents or a couple bucks. It really isn’t worth it. But Ebates requires nothing of you if you want to shop through them and get cash back.

3. No Limits

They don’t limit you from how much you can shop and save on their site. So if you want to get all of your Christmas or birthday shopping done in one day, then go for it! You won’t have any limits once you’ve reached a certain amount of items or a certain price.

4. No Obscure stores

Some sites do the same thing as Ebates, however the majority will have stores you’ve never heard of or have never shopped at. With Ebates, you’ll have the option to shop at not just one or two known brands, but hundreds.

Scam or Real?

If Ebates was a scam, I wouldn’t be putting my reputation out there to get ruined by reviewing it. I know HUGE bloggers who also back it up such as Michelle from Making Sense of Cents who highly recommends it. So you have no reason to get worried that it’s just another site that promises big and delivers nothing.

So How are They Able to do This?

Ebates is able to run their business because they are an affiliate. An affiliate makes a certain percentage off a buyer’s purchase. This is at no extra cost to you, in fact, it’s just a benefit.

So for example, let’s just say that you bought a couple shirts from Old Navy. Well, Ebates gets a certain percentage of what you bought because they referred you. It’s that simple!

In the end, you really can’t go wrong when it comes to shopping with Ebates. Not only do they give you cash when first signing up, but they continuously give you cash back with every purchase. So why not save instead of going into the negative this season?

Make sure to sign up today so you can get $10 off your first purchase of $25 or more!

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I hope this Ebates review was helpful to you! There are so many other ways to make your money stretch further online such as learning how to get free stuff on Wish, learning how to make $100 per day online, or taking advantage of the many free budget printables you can download and print-off…there are so many possibilities!

If you have any questions about anything, just let me know in the comments down below. I’d love to help you out!

Chasing Foxes was started in 2016 as a way for Grace and her husband, Silas, to start traveling. However, they started to realize that they had a passion for improving themselves, and wanted to help others level up their lives as well. So whether it's with cooking, travel, or staying healthy, they want to help you better your life bit by bit, as they do the same.

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