7 Brilliant DIY Scents that Will Make Your Home Smell Amazing


Silas & Grace

I honestly don’t care if it’s the holidays or not, I just want my home to smell amazing. But I’m not always a big fan of scented candles; yes they’re nice, but if there’s a super cool and easy way I can make my rooms smell like Christmas or some fancy spa, I’m all for it. And that’s why I found some awesome smell hacks that will make your home smell great. All of them are either from amazing DIY bloggers or from lists of scent tips and tricks.

I like sharing links with my readers from other blogger’s awesome lists because it gives them the option to see even more great tips and hacks, not just the ones I’ve picked. So check out what I’ve found, and feel free to check out the other scent tips in the links at the end. And don’t forget to tell me what you liked the best or if you have any of your own!

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Sea Salt and Citrus


Found from The Krazy Coupon Lady: See Source Below

I love the scent of citrus and fresh herbs and spices, which is why I like this one a lot. The mix of the fruit, salt, basil, and cloves will help kill off the odors in your home. So if you want a bit of spring fresh goodness in your house, then try this one out.

Apple Cinnamon and Citrus

2 pin

Found from DIY and Mag: See Source Below

This is probably the smell of Fall, but I don’t care. It could be the middle of a hot summer and I’d be fine with my house smelling like this. And to be honest.. Fall is my favorite season anyhow so that’s probably why I’m a bit partial.

A Coffee Vanilla Scent Hack


Source Unknown

Alright so I told you I wanted to use something that wasn’t a scented candle.. but this also includes a non-candle ingredient (coffee), so it counts right? Also, I love the smell of coffee (even before I ever drank it), so this one’s a win for me.

Make Your House Smell Like Christmas


Found from Half Baked Harvest: See Source Below

Like I said, I don’t care if it’s not the holidays, I’m fine with my house smelling like Christmas. And that’s why I seriously love this one done by Half Baked Harvest. I’m pretty sure this one’s gonna smell like apple cider Christmas tree goodness.

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Spring Scents for Your Home


Found from One More Moore: See Source Below

Williams Sonoma is a fun place for me to go into, so if this one promises to smell even better than my favorite home decor and goods store, I give it an A+ immediately. With rosemary, lemon, and vanilla, I can’t imagine how good this smells.

Cranberry and Orange

6 pin

Found From First Home Love Life: See Source Below

More Christmas scents! For me, I feel like orange is an awesome Christmas flavor and smell which is why I’ll be happy to have this heating on my stove top and filling the rooms with the smell of Christmas when it’s not even Christmas. Heck yes.

How to Make Your Home Smell Good Naturally


Found from The Health-Minded: See Source Below

I really like this blogger’s idea of using a Himalayan salt lamp which can purify the air and leave things fresh in your home. I promise you, this isn’t some hippy frivolous thing, Himalayan salt whether ingested or used for your outer health, is a great way to get some awesome health benefits.

Bonus Tips and Hacks!

12 Ways to Get Rid of Lingering Food Smells


Found from Buzzfeed: See Source Below

I think this infographic is great since it shows you exactly step by step what you should do to ensure that your house doesn’t get a strong smell from food cooking. And then it shows you how to make sure that post cooking smells don’t come up. Definitely something to save.

Whether you’re a cook or not, a lot of these DIY scent recipes are so easy. I mean boiling a few ingredients is a simple way to make your house or apartment smell like Christmas trees or like Fall has just arrived. So get rid of whatever is causing odors and start up the burner because these scent recipes are way too cool not to try.

Now if you have any ideas or smell recipes yourself, let me know in the comments! I’d love to hear about them!


Sea Salt and Citrus – The Krazy Coupon Lady

Apple Cinnamon and Citrus – DIY and Mag

Make Your House Smell Like Christmas – Half Baked Harvest

Spring Scents for Your Home – One More Moore

Cranberry and Orange – First Home Love Life

How to Make Your Home Smell Good Naturally – The Health-MindedLink moved to their homepage; the blog post does not exist anymore.

12 Ways to Get Rid of Lingering Food Smells – Buzzfeed

Chasing Foxes was started in 2016 as a way for Grace and her husband, Silas, to start traveling. However, they started to realize that they had a passion for improving themselves, and wanted to help others level up their lives as well. So whether it's with cooking, travel, or staying healthy, they want to help you better your life bit by bit, as they do the same.

23 thoughts on “7 Brilliant DIY Scents that Will Make Your Home Smell Amazing”

  1. Im trying to think of some good summer scent recipes to do on the stove , its always xmasy or fall scents. I wonder if I put some lavendar plants & lemons & limes to simmer even vanilla & patchouli is good.On cotton balls , very calming too!

  2. Take used drier sheets and place them in a container. Sprinkle them with your favorite essence smells then attach them to the underside of your air vents…same as just using dryer sheet by recycling.

  3. i cooked up the citrus, cinnamon sticks, and cranberry during the Christmas season and got lots of compliments on it! Will try Spring smells also. Thank you for posting these great scents.

  4. Hey there I see your great post about homemade Holiday scents but where are the ingredients and how to make it. Please help

  5. I tend to be a freak about how my home smells and picked up see great ideas. One I like to use during the winter months when airing out the house isn’t an option, is to lay a softener sheet over the room vents, tucking in around vent to hold in place. When the heater kicks on, it warms the sheet, leaving the house smelling great even after removing from vents.

  6. I forget things are on the stove simmering, so I would put these items in one of those small crockpots (like you would use for dip) so it could stay heated just enough to emit the yummy smells.

  7. I really appreciate you linking to my post on making your home smell amazing – all naturally! It is so important to not bring chemical means of doing it into our homes! Lots of other nice ideas, here, too, from other sources! Great round-up. Thanks again for the shout-out!


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