115 Conversation Topics You’ll ACTUALLY Wanna Use

115 topics to talk about! Break the ice, have fun, & dive deep with these conversation starters to get to know someone or calm your nerves.

A man and woman having a conversation and eating.

Starting a conversation is almost like making friends with anxiety.

And finding the right conversation topics or icebreakers, so that things don’t get awkward, isn’t always the easiest.

So let’s get rid of that stress, and make you a conversation starting genius with small talk and good dialogue. 💪

I strongly believe that you deserve to have almost every part of your life leveled-up.

It’s something I like writing about.

And becoming a super confident person, who knows exactly what to talk about and how to exchange ideas, is a great way to do just that. 👍

You should be able to go from a close friend, a random stranger, or a party situation, and know some great conversation topics for good discussions.

I promise you, you can do this!

115 Conversation Topics

A woman and a man sitting in a kitchen, and having a conversation.

You’re not some loser who just can’t get things right when starting up a conversation. You can, and I also think it’s pretty cool that you’re here, and want to learn new ways to better yourself.

A lot of people just don’t do that!

So let’s get you started with some good quirky topics and deep talks that’ll help you:

  • Get rid of that anxiety & feel relaxed
  • Make more friends
  • Have deeper conversations
  • Make you a more confident person
  • Plus just know more random thoughts to talk about in general

You’ve got this! 🙌

General Conversation Starters

  1. If you were in charge of the playlist, which song would you play next?
  2. What do you think about this get-together?
    {Or insert location, speaker, event, party, etc. that you’re both attending}?
  3. What have you been learning or reading about lately?
    Follow up question: Tell me more. In what way do you feel it’s changed your perspective?
  4. Hey, I really like {insert their hairstyle, outfit, etc.}! 
    Quick Tip: Compliments are a powerful way to start a conversation, I’ve done it before. Use this if you want to quickly get rid of any walls, and make things more easy going. But just make sure the compliment is genuine!
  5. What’s a hobby (pursuit, interest, etc.) you’ve taken up this year? 
  6. So how many kids do you have? 
    Follow up question: Could you tell me more? I’d love to hear all about them!
  7. Hey, I heard about {insert trending topic}. What’s your opinion?
    Quick Tip: Make sure it’s a non-controversial topic or event to keep things casual.
  8. What’s something fun you’re planning on doing this year?
  9. How have things with your work/career been this year?

Interesting Topics to Talk About

I curated a list of some quirky topics and awesome ideas from (real people on Reddit) for interesting topics to talk about:

  1. Talk about the weather but from a different angle: “Talking about weather is bad if it’s about, say, how much it is raining outside right now. Talking about weather can be fun if it’s about how there was flooding yesterday and three dogs survived by riding on the top of a horse, and one time a bunch of thieves tried to rob a Target at night but then there was a flood and they ended up on the roof waiting for a police helicopter to save them/arrest them, etc.” – Preposterous_punk
    Side Note: Agreed, I’ve heard some crazy weather stories, so if I can tie in cool things into something as average as the weather, then I think it can make a great conversation.
  2. Talk about when the mundane gets crazy: “Again, everyone is familiar with the mundanity of the grocery store and DMV, and this is WHY they can be good topics, if something outside the norm happened. There doesn’t need to be a long explanation of the setting, the circumstances, or why what happened was unusual. You can just say, “that new grocery store on tenth? The staff all dress as clowns and speak in rhyme!” The context is common ground, but the specifics are unusual. Everyone can then discuss why on earth they would do that, whether that would make them more or less likely to shop there, and what other strange themed stores they’ve been to.” – Preposterous_punk
  3. Trending or talk-worthy food topics: “What works in this topic depends on what the people present care about —if everyone likes cooking, trading recipes is great! Otherwise, not so much. But most people enjoy talking about food extremes — unusual dishes, particularly delicious food (especially sweets) or funny/horrific cooking disasters. Be careful with gross-out stuff though; it can be super-fun for some people and horrible for others.” – Preposterous_punk
  4. Non-academic or work successes: “What is your biggest non-academic, non work-related accomplishment?” – Sushideception
  5. “What will always be funny to you?” – Sushideception
  6. Reliving one day in your life with no changes:“If you could go back and relive one day in your life without changing anything about it, which day would you revisit?” – Sushideception
  7. The season you’d live in eternally: “If seasons never changed, which would you most like to live in eternally?” – Sushideception
  8. Smallest thing you’re most grateful for:“What is the smallest thing for which you are grateful?” – Sushideception

Conversation Topics for First Time Meeting

  1. So what brought you to this event (or location)?
  2. So how do you know {insert mutual friend’s name}?
  3. What’s your workplace like?
  4. What’s something you’ve been working on this year?
  5. What’s something you’ve been wanting to pursue for awhile now?
    Follow up question: Tell more, what about {insert interest, passion, etc.}; why do you want to purse it?
  6. Tell me about your family! What are they like?
    Quick Tip: This one is simple, but it’s very helpful. Don’t underestimate this conversation starter; people love talking about the people they love.
  7. So what are you really passionate about right now?

Conversation Topics for Friends

A woman having a conversation on a phone.
  1. What’s something new you started doing this month?
  2. What are some of your favorite ways to do self-care?
  3. Are you still pursuing {passion, hobby, etc.}? 
    Follow up question: How is it going?
  4. How are your {kid(s), spouse, family member} doing?
  5. How’s the situation with your {friend or family member} going?
  6. How has your work life been lately?
    Follow up question: Do you feel that you’re thriving in it?
  7. Has anything changed at your workplace lately?
    Follow up question: Are there any projects you’ve liked working on?
  8. What are some ways I can be a better friend to you?
  9. What’s something that’s been on your mind lately, that you can’t stop thinking about?
  10. Hey remember {insert person’s name}? What are they even up to now?
  11. Have you learned any random fun facts that blew your mind lately?

Conversation Topics for Parents

  1. How have you been since the last time we talked?
  2. What kind of upcoming plans do you have ready for {month, year, holiday, season, family get-together, etc.}?
  3. Hey, how’s your friend, {friend’s name}, doing lately?
  4. Hey, how’s {family member} doing? I haven’t heard about them lately.
  5. How did your trip to {location} go?
  6. How have you guys been doing at your workplace lately?
  7. Hey, I’m planning on going to {inset location}. I know you guys went there before; any tips or advice on what to do or not do?
  8. Hey, I’m planning on doing {event, life change, sport, etc.}, and I know you guys did that in the past. Any advice or tips?

Conversation Topics for Siblings

These topics will help you to connect with your sibling more deeply:

  1. How’s your relationship with {person’s name} been lately?
  2. What do you think everyone in our family will probably be doing in {5, 10, 20 years, etc.} from now?
  3. Hey, do you have a {self-care, morning, night, etc.} routine right now?
    Follow up question: What do you do? I want to make my own routine for that.
  4. What’s one of your favorite memories from our childhood?
  5. How’s that {project, passion, etc.} been going?
  6. What’s something you had wanted to tell me when we were kids?
    Follow up question: Why did you decide not to?

Conversation Topics for Kids

  1. What’s your favorite part about school?
  2. If you could have any animal in the world as your pet, what would would it be? Why?
  3. What would the best day ever look like for you?
  4. If you could eat any food every day, for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  5. Who’s a cartoon character you’d love to be for a day? Why?
  6. What’s a movie you’d like to see take over real life?

Conversation Topics for the First Date

A man and a woman on a first date, potentially discussing a conversation topic.
  1. What’s something you want to do, or try, but you’re a bit too scared?
  2. Are you working towards any big or small goals right now?
  3. How do you {like, feel, or think} about your job position {or workspace}?
  4. What’s something you’re learning right now, or want to learn?
  5. So what kind of places have you visited this year? 
    Follow up question: Tell me about it, what did you think?
  6. So where are you from originally? 
    Follow up question: Tell me more about {insert their hometown, country, etc.}
  7. Tell me more about your family, what are they like?
  8. Is there anything you’re really passionate about?

Conversation Topics for Date Night

  1. I had heard {insert piece of information about a topic}, what’s your opinion? I’d love to hear.
  2. Hey last week {or other time frame}, you brought up {an interest}. Have you given that more thought? Any new developments?
  3. Has there been any little, or big, thing that’s been making you happier lately?
  4. What’s your favorite memory of us dating?
  5. What would your most ideal day together look like?
  6. What would you like to see yourself doing in 5 years from now?

Conversation Topics for Work

  1. What do you like to do immediately right after work?
  2. Is there a project, or a part of your work, that you’re really enjoying right now?
  3. What’s your favorite part {or not favorite part} about networking?
  4. What’s a skill you’d like to improve on?
  5. Have you been reading any books that have been helping you with your work and/or mindset?
  6. Are there any podcasts or audiobooks you listen to on your commute to work?

Conversation Topics When Networking

  1. What made you choose this career?
  2. If you could change just one thing in our industry, what would it be?
  3. Who’s been your role model for your career?
  4. What books have you read that have seriously helped you out with your career?
  5. What position are you progressing towards?
    Follow up question: What are some things you’re doing to get there?
  6. What’s been one of your biggest life moments of personal growth in your job position?

Conversation Topics for Strangers

A group of people at a cafe, all talking and having conversations.
  1. What’s something you personally enjoy doing every week?
  2. What’s something you read {or watched} recently that’s really got you thinking?
  3. If you could switch jobs right now, what would you go for?
  4. Is there a {hobby, interest, activity, etc.} you like doing and recommend?
  5. Any favorite {shows, podcasts, etc.} you’d recommend starting?
  6. Do you have any fun plans for this month?
  7. Are there any big or small things you’ve been enjoying working on lately?
  8. What’s a fun topic you’ve been thinking about this week?
  9. If you could switch jobs, what’s your dream destination in terms of work?

Conversation Topics for When You’re at a Party

  1. So how did you get to know {name of mutual friend}?
  2. What do you like about your work? I’d love to know more about it.
  3. The holidays {or specific season} is coming up. Anything you’re personally looking forward to?
  4. What’s something you learned recently that you think is pretty cool?
  5. Any new interests you’ve been looking into {or pursuing} lately?
  6. What’s something you’ve been reading or listening to that’s really got you thinking?
  7. What are your thoughts on {insert relevant, popular, and non-controversial topic}?
  8. Is there something you want to work on in your life this year?

Topics for a Deeper Conversation

Here’s a great list of conversation topics to help you get to know someone better:

  1. How are you, really?
  2. How have things really been between you and {insert family member name, friend, etc.}?
  3. Hey, is there anything in your life you need help or advice on?
  4. What are some things you really want, and need, to accomplish this year?
  5. Who’s been the biggest influence in your life so far?
  6. What scares {or excites} you the most about the future?
  7. How have your views {or priorities} changed in the last {year, 5 years, 10 years, etc.}?
  8. If you could change 3 things in your life this year, what would they be? Why?
  9. What’s a bucket list idea you’ve started pursuing this year?

Questions for Keeping the Conversation Going

Two women sitting on some stairs, and potentially having a conversation.

If you’re ever feeling kinda stuck in a conversation and you’re not liking the awkward silence, then I’ve got you.

Use these great questions to keep the conversation moving forward:

  1. How did you feel when {insert event} happened? Did it change your {belief, response, thinking, values, etc.}?
  2. Tell me more about your experience with {event}. What did you {learn, do, think, etc.}?
  3. Tell me more about this person. How have they changed your {thinking, values, etc.}?
  4. Could you tell me more about {location}? I’d love to visit someday!
  5. So what is it about {topic the person is discussing & interested in} that you really like? I’d love to know more!
  6. So how did that {book, show, podcast, etc.} change how you see {insert topic}?
  7. So what else have you been learning lately?
  8. What else has been happening for you this year? Anything crazy or interesting?
  9. What would you change about {the experience or event they brought up}?

How to Become a Better Conversationalist

Mural art on the side of a building, that asks the conversation topic, "How are you, really?"

Now that you have some good go-to convo starters, I wanna share some helpful tips for making conversation more smooth, and less anxiety-ridden. 😊 

Try these tips to start improving your conversational skills:

  1. Make it about the other person.
    This is a tip that came from a very good friend, and it really does work! When you turn your attention to the other person, and make it about them, suddenly your concerns feel a lot smaller. You’re not as focused on yourself, and saying just the right thing.
  2. Focus on the person you’d like to be.
    I’ve used this one, and it’s given me incredible experiences. Essentially, back in the day when Facebook was a lot more popular, I was on it quite a bit (not good, I know). And I started to notice something; the me on Facebook was a lot more outgoing. So I started thinking things like, “Ok, what would the Facebook me do in this situation? What would she say, or how would she act?” And suddenly, going to parties where I didn’t know half the people, felt extremely comfortable. My walls started coming down, and I had so much more fun!
  3. Do not monologue.
    I know this one is obvious, but it’s so easy to do, and especially when you’re feeling nervous. So if you start to see yourself talking a bit too much, take a small pause, and think through whether the next thing you want to say is important. If it’s not, and you realize you’re talking because of nerves, try handing the conversation back to the other person. Ask them what they think about the topic.
  4. Ask follow-up questions.
    I think many of us know that in order for a conversation to flow, you need follow up questions. But you also need to make sure it doesn’t feel like an interrogated. So before asking the next question, create a response that’s related. Example: If someone’s talking about there dog, you can give a quick thought you had on their dog’s breed (maybe something you like about it), and then follow it up with a question. It feels a lot more conversational if you’re giving your own input.
  5. Know that people like you more than you realize.
    In a study, it was shown that after people had participated in a conversation, they ended up being liked more than they realized. It might be easy for you to have horrible beliefs about yourself, and how you just don’t measure up. But others don’t see you that way. They don’t know the mistakes you’ve made, and if they did, they probably wouldn’t care. So try going into a conversation without assuming you know how other person feels about you, and see how things flow.
  6. Take notes on good future conversation topics.
    If you know you’ll be seeing a certain person, take notes on your phone (or elsewhere) about the things you want to talk about. I know this sounds a bit different, but I promise you, it really does work! I know someone who does this, and their conversations great! I mean how many times have you gotten together with a friend, and once the meeting was done, you’re in the car and realize, “Oh my gosh, I forgot to tell them!” And you KNOW it could have been a cool conversation! Also, if you’re nervous about awkward silences, then just having notes on what you want to discuss (or ask them) is a great way to prevent that. You can simply say something like, “Ok, so I took some notes on things I wanted to bring up because I know I’d probably forget.” They’re most likely not gonna care, and they might just think you’re being thoughtful.

Tips for Being Less Nervous When Starting a Conversation

If you’re still feeling a bit nervous when it comes to talking to others, I understand. Been there so many times!

So here are some extra tips that’ll help you be less nervous when starting a conversation:

  • Controlled Breathing: A study showed that doing controlled breathing (or slowed breathing), can help reduce anxiety. So if you’re feeling pretty nervous, try being mindful of how slow and deep your breaths are.
  • Compliments: Focusing on other people, and making them feel good, is a great way to get rid of nerves. When you’re genuinely complimenting a person, their walls tend to come down, and the conversation can flow more smoothly. I’ve done it plenty of times, and it’s a great way to get closer to a person more quickly.
  • Be More Specific: If you want a smooth conversation, then try being more specific with your questions. So instead of saying something like, “What’s a hobby you want to try?” Say, “What’s a hobby you’d like to take up this year?” It makes them give an answer that’s more thoughtful. It makes them think about what’s really been on their mind for the immediate future, not some far off distant idea. And when answers are more thoughtful, you’re more likely to have better (and deeper) follow up questions that lead to longer conversation.
  • Prepare: Before you go to a meeting or event, prep and think through the kind of questions you want to ask. What kind of topics do you want to have ready? And it doesn’t have to be a specific question, but maybe a general topic.
  • Know That the Other Person is Nervous Too: Keep in mind that the other person you’re talking to, is probably nervous as well. So try doing things that are going to put them at ease. Offer that genuine compliment, keep asking about their life, and put the focus on them. Having true empathy is a great way to get rid of anxiety and self-focus.
  • Identify Bad Beliefs: Are there any bad beliefs you have about yourself? Sometimes it can be good to be mindful about the negative thoughts that go through your head. So for instance, “I’m just gonna mess this up,” might be one. Catch yourself when you think this, and replace it with something positive. So instead think, “This is going to go well,” or “If I do mess up, it’s not the end of the world. In fact, the other person probably isn’t going to care.”

I really do hope that all of these tips and conversation starters helped you out! I know how stressful it can be, so I wanted to make some conversation starters that were actually useful.

PS – Let me know how it goes! 🙂


Chasing Foxes was started in 2016 as a way for Grace and her husband, Silas, to start traveling. However, they started to realize that they had a passion for improving themselves, and wanted to help others level up their lives as well. So whether it's with cooking, travel, or staying healthy, they want to help you better your life bit by bit, as they do the same.

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