127 Positive Affirmations to [Really] Empower You in 2024


Silas & Grace

A table with a notebook opened up to a page with affirmations and a coffee on it.

Positive affirmations are so important, but you need to understand why.

You need to understand your self-worth and that you are worthy of so much good in your life.

In fact, I believe that you are worthy and capable of leveling up your life in so many ways.

👉 I don’t care who told you otherwise, they aren’t important. They aren’t the ones living your life, you are.

You live in your body each and every day, and that means you don’t have to let every day be ruled by what others have told you.

Or even what you have told yourself!

I know it can be so easy to see this, agree with it, and then move on because life gets busy.

However, I think you deserve to have kind daily reminders (or positive affirmations), that are going to keep these truths at the forefront of your mind.

And when you read them over, these affirmations will help you level up by:

  • Mentally + emotionally setting you up for success each day.
  • Helping you to start seeing changes in how you think and act.
  • Changing how you treat yourself and others.

Lastly, if you want a new way to practice self-care and love, improve your self-esteem, or there’s a hard season you’re going through, then I hope each of these affirmations makes your routine so much better. ♥️

Related: 99 Self-Love Affirmations for a Lifted Self-Esteem


What Are Positive Affirmations?

A page in a notebook with positive affirmations on it.

Positive affirmations are phrases that you speak over yourself, that help change how you see and feel about who you are, and your capabilities.

When you speak a new identity and a new way of thinking into existence, soon the old thoughts will be subbed out for the new ones.

Breaking it Down:

You’re taking control of almost every thought so that you can change disempowering beliefs out for empowering ones that put you in control.

Do They Work?

Yep! Affirmations are real and they do work.

In fact, a study done on self-affirmations showed that when something negative happened, self-affirmations helped restore one’s self-competence by helping the individual meditate and think about their source of self-worth.

And Here’s What That Means:

Even when a horrible event happens that threatens how you see yourself, or your ability to overcome the problem, you have a new default system to return to.

So instead of returning to the old default system and thinking, “I have no idea how I’m going to get through this,” or “You know, all those negative things that person said to me really are true.”

Your mind instead goes to, “I am intelligent and calm and I will figure out a solution.” Or, “What they said was out of a very negative space. I don’t have to allow that to affect me.”

Basically, you’re taking control of your life and actions when you start implementing these affirmations.

And lastly, positive affirmations can potentially help you:

  • Change how you see others
  • Understand the right kind of friends you should have
  • Get rid of negative thinking
  • Grow your ability to solve problems
  • Give you a higher self-esteem
  • Grow your self-worth
  • Grow in self-belief
  • Have a better self-image
  • Improve your health
  • Give you way better self-confidence

How Affirmations Work

A coffee shop table with coffee and a notebook opened up to positive affirmations on it.

As shown in the study above, affirmations help with how you think about yourself and how you process different events that happen in your life. But it’s also important that they’re paired with action.

It’s so easy to tell yourself, “I am taking control of my life and making things better.”

But if we still hold onto old habits that keep us from progressing, then it doesn’t really matter what we say to ourselves.

Yes, what we say can encourage us to take action, but we need to make sure we push ourselves to do just that.

But don’t feel discouraged by this! I believe in you to start taking the actions you need to have for a better life. You’ve got this! 🙂

Related: 240+ Positive Quotes That Are [Insanely] Uplifting

127 Daily Affirmations to Positively Empower You

Affirmation that reads, "I make mistakes, but I am not a mistake."

1. Whatever happens today, I am able to handle it.

2. I am strong enough to fix any stressors that come my way.

3. I am in control of my mindset and emotions, not others.

4. I deserve peace and will take action to make my life peaceful.

5. I am good enough.

6. I can learn how to keep my home clean because I deserve to have a clean and peaceful home.

7. I am not a failure.

8. I have what it takes to succeed and I can take action to figure out what I don’t know.

9. I make mistakes, but I am not a mistake.

10. I mess up, but that doesn’t make me a mess up.

11. I am not lazy.

12. I am a person of excellence.

13. I deserve to be surrounded by beautiful things.

14. I am an encouraging person who loves to lift others up.

15. My body deserves nourishment.

Related: 5 Simple Self-Care Ideas I Think You Should Do this Week

A sticky note that reads, "Fear does not protect me. I take control and figure out a solution for my problems."

16. I define who I am, not others.

17. I do not need others to be complete, I can be complete in myself.

18. I am a positive person who rarely complains.

19. I deserve good things.

20. I can heal.

21. I am not weak and powerless; I am powerful to make changes in my life.

22. Fear does not protect me. I take control and figure out a solution for my problems.

23. I am not an overwhelmed person, I am in control of my emotions.

24. I deserve to be heard.

25. I kindly and respectfully set boundaries and make sure my voice is heard so that I am taken care of.

Related: 30-Day Self-Care Challenge

Affirmation that reads, "My feelings don't run me, I run them."

26. Boundary-setting is good. It is safe and benefits me.

27. I have more than enough time to get everything on my list done.

28. I am more than what is going on around me.

29. I take responsibility for my actions and thoughts.

30. My feelings don’t run me, I run them.

31. People understand me. I am worthy of being understood and heard, not ignored.

32. The day is mine to design; I am taking control of what happens.

33. My life is mine to design; I am taking control of my story.

34. I do things out of a place of love, not self-interest.

35. People love to be around me.

36. I do not deserve hate or rejection. Those who taught me that are not worthy of being in my life.

37. I am more than my past and each day I can become a new and better me.

Sticky note that reads, "My life is mine to design; I am taking control of my story."

38. I have time to take care of my needs.

39. I can take care of others and still have enough time to take care of myself.

40. By taking care of myself first, I am better able to take care of other people’s needs.

41. If I fail, I can just try again. I have what it takes.

42. Other people’s words about me don’t matter.

43. What I say about myself matters.

44. When I walk into a room, other people are drawn to me.

45. I am attractive, I am beautiful. 

46. I can have meaningful healthy friendships as an adult.

47. I can have meaningful healthy romantic relationships.

48. I don’t need toxic people in my life, they are a waste of my time.

49. It’s safe to create boundaries with people. I am safe to create a healthy space.

50. If someone rejects me for setting a boundary, then that’s fine. I will just find people who love and respect me.

Sticky note that reads, "By taking care of myself first, I am better able to take care of other people's needs."

51. I deserve to see my dreams come to fruition. I can have a vision for my dreams and make them happen.

52. I have the intelligence to figure out my goals and dreams and make them happen.

53. I do not deserve to watch my dreams go by the wayside. 

54. I am worthy of good things.

55. I am worthy of being happy and fulfilled in my life.

56. I can and will get rid of things that make me feel unhappy.

57. I am powerful enough to be the master of my own life.

58. I can get rid of any bad habits that hinder me from mastering my own life.

59. I am not hopeless to become a better me.

60. I am full of hope and powerful enough to change my mindset and how my life looks.

61. It’s safe to give to others. I won’t be taken advantage of as long as I’m being intentional to get rid of taking people.

62. Giving to others is a good thing. It helps me to become a better person.

63. I am not being controlled or taken advantage of if I help others.

64. I can create a healthy balance between taking care of myself and helping others.

Affirmation that reads, "I do not deserve to watch my dreams go by the wayside."

65. I love my body.

66. I love taking care of my body and being good to it.

67. I love putting nutrients into my body that support my health.

68. It’s important to me to take care of my body.

69. I have time to take care of my body.

70. I have time to do light easy physical activities.

71.  I have time to prep nourishing meals for myself.

72. Taking care of my body means I can live a more fulfilling life.

Positive statement that reads, "I love taking care of my body and being good to it."

73. I have a purpose. 

74. I am not lost in my life, I am just finding the right path for me.

75. It’s safe to ask others for help. They can help me in becoming a better me and finding my purpose.

74. I am going to find my purpose and live a happy life.

75. Things are not hopeless, they just need to be fixed.

76. I can and will fix the things I want to change in my life. I have what it takes.

77. Even if I fail in this process, that’s ok. I will try again.

78. I love making mistakes. They help me learn how to do things better.

79. If I fall, I’m great at getting back up and trying again. 

80. I am strong enough to get back up. I don’t need to stay down.

81. It’s safe for me to get up and try again, it doesn’t matter what others think about me. This isn’t their life.

82. I can be there for myself and make my life better. I don’t need to wait on others to do this for me.

83. I don’t need others to be there for me emotionally in order to be ok.

84. I don’t need others to believe in me in order for my dreams and goals to happen.

85. I am enough without others.

Affirmation that reads, "I can be there for myself and make my life better. I don't need to wait on others to do this for me."

86. I can make today a good day, no matter how it started.

87. Today is going to be a productive day. I am able to be productive and stay on task.

88. Even if others are not kind to me, I will not allow them to ruin my day.

89. I am powerful enough to block out the negative and make each day a good day.

90. If the entire day ends up being bad, I can always try again tomorrow.

91. Even if discouraging or inconvenient things happen to me throughout the day, I will be ok. I can take control of my thoughts and emotions.

92. My thoughts drive me, not my emotions.

93. My thoughts will drive me, my emotions will bury me.

94. I am not my feelings. My feels are only temporary.

95. It is so worth it to continue, things are going to get better.

96. I can make things better in my life and be happy.

97. I can see and work towards a future that I want to be in.

98. I don’t care what my negative thoughts say about me, I don’t have time for them.

99. I can replace all negative thoughts with ones that are going to help me.

100. I will find peace and happiness starting today. I have the strength to do this.

101. I will become a person I am proud of.

102. I am a hard worker and will shape and mold my life until it looks the way I want it to. I don’t give up.

103. Things are going to get better.

104. I have what it takes to set goals, and achieve them.

105. I have the courage to take the steps I need to achieve my goal.

106. I am not a failure if I don’t get to my goal right away.

107. I am not my family, I am becoming something new.

108. Who my family is, does not determine who I have to be.

109. I am moving beyond the people of my past, and into something better.

110. I have what it take to heal, so that my outer world reflects what’s going on inside of me.

Positive affirmation that reads, "I will become a person I am proud of."

111. I can and will alter my reality by changing my beliefs.

112. I have the power to change my beliefs and let go of the ones that don’t serve me.

113. I can change my mind whenever I want to. I am powerful in this.

114. I have the courage to do new things.

115. I am not stuck in old ways, I have what it takes to overcome them.

116. In a year from now, I am going to be shocked at who I’ve become.

117. I will not be defeated by my past any longer, I will conquer my fears.

118. My fears do not have control over me any longer, I can and will overcome them.

119. Fear is a liar. I can create my own truths and live in freedom from fear.

120. I am not helpless, I am strong to change my bad habits and problems.

I have what it take to heal, so that my outer world reflects what’s going on inside of me.

121. I am not a small child anymore, I have the courage to take control of my life and change it.

122. I can and will surround myself with people who encourage my growth

123. I deserve to be around people who encourage my growth.

124. I deserve a better future than the one my parents set me up for.

125. I am not weak, I can and will see my life change quickly.

126. I am going to make it. I will see the other side.

127. I am worthy of love, therefore I can and will love myself.

Tips on How to Use Affirmations

Three images of a notebook with affirmations and coffee on a table.

Here are some helpful tips for when it comes to creating your own positive affirmations and making them as effective as possible:

  1. Create a calm space so that you can focus. Grab that cup of coffee or tea, get your journal (or whatever you want to write on), maybe light a candle, and create a comfortable space for yourself. It’s so important that you create a space where you can focus on something so important. Also, I think it’s a good idea if you can make the time you’re writing and speaking affirmations to be tied to good feelings. When we create a space of comfort with the action practice, I believe we’re more likely to want to continue.
  2. Figure out what kind of actions you want to take with your affirmations. As I said above, it’s not enough to just speak these phrases, you also want to pair it with action. Now that doesn’t mean you need to find one action for each positive phrase you speak over yourself. Just start small when it comes to new good habits and you’ll find that these new ways of doing things affect a lot more of your positive affirmations than you realize.
  3. Find a small action you can do today and a small action you can take this week. It’s so important to get started right away so that you can reinforce the positive things you’re saying and feel encouraged by the progress.
  4. Consistency. There are going to be days when you don’t feel like doing it. In fact, there will be days when you miss it completely. And that’s ok. Don’t beat yourself up, and don’t feel like a failure, it happens to all of us. Just try again the next day, show up for yourself, and eventually, you’re going to see a lot more changes in your life than you ever thought possible! 🙂
  5. Set a certain amount of time to do them. So if you feel that you can only commit three minutes, then that’s perfectly fine. All that matters is that it actually happens.
  6. Make sure to keep them short so that you don’t get overwhelmed every time you try to do your affirmations. Even if it’s just five words, it works.
  7. Use bridge statements. Sometimes certain phrases like, “I am going to become successful in my work this year,” might be too much to believe at first. So don’t be ashamed if you have to do bridge statements that get you to where you need to go. So for instance, you might say something like, “I have the possibility to make X amount of income with my work this year.” Then you can get yourself to that place (just like crossing a bridge) where you actually believe in yourself to make that kind of income.
  8. And make sure that you’re following it up with real action so that these positive affirmations don’t become negative. Words can only do so much.

When to Practice Them

There are a few times in the days when I believe it’s best to practice positive affirmations.

The first time, is to do it first thing in the day. You want to start the day off with the right kind of thoughts. And when you do this, these good thoughts will help influence your actions.

They can also help you see things differently in your daily life.

So instead of feeling discouraged or upset when someone says something unkind, you know what the truth really is. The affirmations you say can change and shape how you react.

Their belief about you is not your truth.

Another great time to practice affirmations is when you most need them. Do you most need them right before work? Then try saying them while driving to work, or before you even leave the home.

And lastly, right before bed is a great time to do them. You’re going to bed with the right kind of mindset about yourself, your life, and the beliefs you want to have.

It’s so easy to go to bed with negative thoughts and worries, which can affect how you feel the next day.

But when you’re filling yourself up with the right thoughts before sleep, then I believe it can help affect your actions and feelings the next day.

How to Create Your Own

A table with a notebook and coffee on it.

A great way to create your own personal affirmations, is to think about the things you want to see changed in your own life.

Don’t focus on what seems or feels like the right thing to say.

So here are some questions you can ask yourself:

  • What do you want to see different in yourself and around you? 
  • What kind of relationships do you want to see in your life?
  • What kind of person do you want to become? 
  • What kind of goals and dreams do you want to see happen? 
  • What kind of person do you need to be to actually get to those goals and dreams? 
  • Are these goals attainable (so think SMART goals)?
  • What kind of negative thoughts are you having, that you could change into positive affirmations and beliefs?

When it comes to making your own, these should be statements that resonate with you strongly. This about what you need, not what sounds like the right thing to say.

Also, it’s important to make sure that they stay simple. No need to overwhelm yourself with making them too complex.

What are the Benefits of Using Them?

The cool thing about positive affirmations is that they actually work.

In fact, there have been multiple studies that have shown what the benefits are. 

So for instance, affirmations help with

  • Increase in self-confidence
  • Education
  • Health
  • Outcomes in relationships
  • Problem-solving under stress (Study)
  • Increase in physical activity (Study)

There really are so many reasons to do them each and every day!


Positive Affirmations FAQ

A notebook page with positive affirmations on it.
1. Why Do Affirmations in the Morning?

Doing daily affirmations in the morning helps you to make sure that you are in control of the reactions you have, and the thoughts that you think, no matter what comes up in the day.

2. Which Affirmation is Most Powerful?

Though subjective, here is what I believe to be the most powerful affirmation:
“I am not weak and powerless; I am powerful to make changes in my life.”
When you choose to believe an affirmation like this, any other lie that you can’t accomplish the things you want in life, goes by the wayside.

3. What is the Best Time for Affirmations?

There are three times that it is best to practice affirmations:
1. First thing in the morning so that you start your day off right.
2. When you know you’ll need them most. So whether it’s right before work, or another activity, you’re going into that situation with the best mindset possible.
3. Right before bed.

4. Should Affirmations Start with I or You?

I believe you should start your affirmations off with “I.”
I think that when you start them off with “You,” it might sound like you’re cheering another person on.

It’s so easy to feel discouraged with where you are in life. To feel like nothing is ever going to get better because it kind of just looks like it never did before.

But I just want to encourage you that even the smallest changes can create a new path to bigger changes.

Things like drinking a glass of water first thing in the day, journaling prompts, or even just doing positive affirmations (they really do help you have a better outcome in life!).

Your life is yours to take control of, and start making tiny changes so that you can eventually see bigger ones.

I believe in you! I’ve probably been in a similar situation to you, and I promise, doing things like this really does work. ❤️

Now have a wonderful day, and enjoy a hot cup of coffee or tea with your affirmations! 🙂


Chasing Foxes was started in 2016 as a way for Grace and her husband, Silas, to start traveling. However, they started to realize that they had a passion for improving themselves, and wanted to help others level up their lives as well. So whether it's with cooking, travel, or staying healthy, they want to help you better your life bit by bit, as they do the same.

4 thoughts on “127 Positive Affirmations to [Really] Empower You in 2024”

  1. I love these affirmation ideas. I find I need affirmations before I do things that are boring. Whatever I am doing, giving myself positive affirmations has become so helpful to me.


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