30 SMART Goal Examples (+ How to Make Them REAL)


Grace Moser

A notebook and coffee on a table.

Goal setting is so incredibly smart.

It’s the best way to make sure that your thoughts and ideas become reality.

So it takes you from going, “I would like to accomplish something,” to “I have accomplished something.”

But of course, setting goals isn’t always intuitive.

I mean, what comes in between where you are, and where your goal is? What are the steps you need to take, in order to reach your goals?

And that’s where helpful SMART goal examples come in! 😊

Wanna learn how to write a SMART goal? Here’s a quick guide:

How to Write SMART Goals (+ A Very Helpful Example)

What Are SMART Goals?

A infographic for SMART goals.

SMART goals are almost like guidelines, or a system, for better understanding what you want, and what you need to do to actually get there.

They take you from going, “I want this,” to “I know how to get there.”

They make goal setting easier, and being able to achieve goals a reality (not a “someday” kind of thing).

And here’s what the SMART acronym stands for:

Specific: You want to make your goal as specific as possible. So for example, instead of saying, “I want to lose weight and feel healthy,” you would say, “I want to lose 10 pounds in 2 months.” When you create a specific goal, you are a lot more likely to achieve it.

Measurable: You want to make sure that your goal is able to be measured. A goal where you can track progress, and keep notes.

Attainable: Any life goal should be something you can actually achieve. Something that’s within your reach. Not a goal that’s so big that when you don’t reach it, you feel discouraged, and give up.

Relevant: The goal should be relevant to your life, and what you really want. Not what others want, or what you think you should want.

Time-Bound: You need to make sure that your goal has a set date for being accomplished. This helps you make sure that it happens, and doesn’t get forgotten over time.

Benefits of SMART Goals

1. Seeing & Eliminating Roadblocks

SMART goals are great for making you more mindful, and can potentially help you find roadblocks, and overcome them.

So instead of starting off with a weight loss goal, then giving up when you run into an issue, you get to see what problems might come up before starting.

And then you can eliminate those problems right off the bat.

So for instance, if we’re sticking with the weight loss example, you might start thinking about the kind of bad mindsets you have around losing weight. Or even the bad habits you have when going to the grocery store. 

Then you can figure out what needs to be done to make sure you overcome those obstacles.

2. It Makes Your Dreams a Lot More Likely to Happen

It really is necessary to start writing down your big life goals, and small too.

In a study, it was shown that those who did write down their goals, were more likely to achieve them.

So don’t underestimate this part!

Side Note: Hey, I just started up an account for Chasing Foxes here on MSN. So if you’d like to get more good content from me, then feel free to follow! 🙂

Where Do Smart Goals Come From?

Back in 1981, George T. Doran, published what he found to be true about goal setting, and came up with the term SMART goals

He had originally set up this SMART goal framework for businesses and improving success with things like sales. However, SMART goals are now being used to improve almost every aspect of our lives.

So many people have now written, talked about, and benefitted from this framework. And since it’s lasted for over 40 years, I think it’s a good method to use for work life, personal development, and so much more. 🙂

30 Smart Goals Examples

A coffee, dessert, and notebook on a table.

You deserve to have a life that you actually want to be in.

I’m a strong believer in helping you level up, and making your life a lot better.

And knowing the best SMART goal examples is one of them.

You need to be starting off strong, so that you can see your dreams actually happen.

Let’s do this. 👍

1. SMART Goal for Having a Better Romantic Relationship

Specific: I want to have a more close and meaningful marriage with my spouse, and get better at communication without fear or anxiety.

Measurable: I will set a time during the week, where we can communicate about the things that are important to us, or that hurt us. This will be a safe place where neither of us will judge the other, and will listen. Then we will communicate back what we heard, and work together on a way to fix our problems.

Attainable: My spouse is someone who wants to work on things and get closer, so I believe they will be up for at least trying something like this.

Relevant: I want to have a happy and healthy marriage that my parents never had, and give my children a new legacy for having healthy marriages.

Time-Bound: We will try this out for a month, and takes notes on what did and didn’t work. Then we’ll see what things need to be changed after 30 days, and set a new goal for the next month.

2. SMART Goal for Having Better Friendships as an Adult

Two friends holding coffees.

Specific: I want to make one new close, and genuine friend.

Measurable: I will sign up for my local book club, and attend this week. I will be mindful, and take note, on anyone in the group that I might have common interests with. Then each week, I will talk to them specifically, and see if they are someone I want to ask to hang out with.

Attainable: I love reading, and this is a simple and non-intimidating way for me to potentially make a friend.

Relevant: I want to start putting people in my life that genuinely care about me, and build lifelong friendships.

Time-Bound: I will go to a book club this week, and give myself two months to find someone in this group that I can be compatible with. If there is no one, I will move onto another group, or activity, that can support my goal.

3. SMART Goal for Journaling

Specific: I will become someone who does mindful journaling every single day.

Measurable: I will wake at 8:30 AM, and journal for 30 minutes. I will also use 10 journaling prompts for self-discovery, and betterment.

Attainable: I already have a journal I can use, and I also have the time in the morning to do this.

Relevant: I’m seeing a counselor, and they’ve told me that it would help my mental health to start journaling daily.

Time-Bound: I’m going to be doing this for 4 months to see how this helps my mental health, and mindfulness. At the end of four months, I will re-evaluate, and see if I need to make changes.

4. SMART Goal for Increasing Income

Specific: I want to increase the amount of income I am making at my current job within one month.

Measurable: I will set a time this week to talk to my boss, and see if a raise is possible. I will respectfully bring to them the reasons why I believe I am deserving of a raise. I will show what I bring to the company. If my boss disagrees, then I will ask them what needs to be done this work quarter in order to see a raise.

Attainable: My boss is someone who I can talk to about important things, and they will listen. Also my work place is a space where raises can be worked towards.

Relevant: I want to be able to pay off my debt faster, and not be living paycheck-to-paycheck.

Time-Bound: I will talk to my boss this Thursday. If they don’t agree to a raise, I will do what they tell me to do by the end of this work quarter, in order to see a raise.

5. SMART Goal for Increasing Sales

Specific: I want to increase my sales by 20% by the third sales quarter.

Measurable: I can look at people in my workplace who are making the sales I want to achieve, and see what they are doing right. This can be methods, and mindsets, they have. Each week I will apply their methods and mindsets, and see if I have an increase in sales by any percentage. I will measure this weekly, and make changes until I am steadily growing to that 20% increase.

Attainable: I am a determined person, and I work with people who are helpful and will give me advice. Also, a 20% increase in sales is something that anyone in my workplace can achieve.

Relevant: I want to increase my yearly income so that I can build up my retirement faster, and increasing my sales is a good step in getting there.

Time-Bound: I have 3 months until the end of the third sales quarter. I will have achieved my 20% increase by then, and if I have not, I will see where I am failing and fix these problems.

6. SMART Goal for Becoming a Better Leader at Work

Specific: I want to build trust with my my team, and help them to feel that they are thriving in the work place.

Measurable: Every month, I will sit down with each of my team members, and ask them how they feel they are doing under me. I will have a list of 20 helpful questions to make sure that their needs are met, and they feel supported. And then, I will have weekly goals to make sure that each of my team members, feels helped and seen.

Attainable: This is attainable because I time each month to do this with my team. I also have the experience to make this happen successfully.

Relevant: I want to become a better leader so that others can feel comfortable in the work place, and the company can grow successfully each quarter.

Time-Bound: I will make sure that each of my team members are hitting their goals, without feeling overwhelmed, by the end of the third quarter.

7. SMART Goal for Creating Better Communication at Work

Specific: I want to make sure that my team members feel comfortable enough to communicate with me.

Measurable: Each week, I will talk to them as a group, and see if they have any questions. I will make sure that they know I am happy to take full responsibility, if they see any problems in our plans. I will also establish one-on-one communication throughout the week, each week, so that they can get more comfortable opening up to me.

Attainable: This is attainable because I have received training in doing this type of leadership, and communication.

Relevant: I want to help establish a healthy workspace at the company, and I love helping others improve their career.

Time-Bound: By the end of this quarter, my team members will feel comfortable with me enough to open up if they have ideas, or see something wrong. And if not, then I will re-evaluate, and see what needs to be done differently.

More Great Reads: 4 Steps for Creating a Vision Board That Actually Works

8. SMART Goal for a Side Business

A computer and coffee on a table.

Specific: I will start a side business, selling graphic t-shirts and mugs, within 4 months.

Measurable: I will take 1 hour each day to learn from others, and how they do it, and then implement their strategies for one extra hour.

Attainable: I have the time in my work week to make this happen.

Relevant: I love making fun and playful designs, and I’ve been wanting to create my own graphic design business for the last 2 years.

Time-Bound: For the next 4 months, I have my own marketing plan, and put my designs on 3 different websites. By the end of the fourth month, I’d like to be making at least $200 a month. If I’m not, I will see what needs to be changed.

9. SMART Goal for Better Financial Stability

Specific: I want to stop spending $300 on things I don’t need each month.

Measurable: I will look at my bank account, take note on where the money is going, then create a very simple, non-intimidating, budget. This budget will help me see how much I want to save each month, and cut out anything that will keep me from my goal.

Attainable: I make enough money, that cutting down on $300 of spending, will not affect me in a negative way.

Relevant: I want to become more financially stable, have more money, and give my children better money values as well.

Time-Bound: I will have achieved this goal by the end of next month, since this month has already begun.

10. SMART Goal for Getting Rid of Debt

Some folded up cash and a wallet on a table.

Specific: I want to get rid of my debt of $14,576.98.

Measurable: I can create a budget which will help me see where all my money is going, and get rid of any unnecessary spending. I will also either get a second job, and/or work on getting a pay raise at my current job.

Attainable: This is attainable because almost anyone can get rid of debt, and figure out how to get there. Also, my job is a place where I can expect a raise, and I have the ability to find a new job as well.

Relevant: I want to become debt-free so that I can start saving towards retirement, become more financially responsible, and actually achieve my goals and dreams. 

Time-Bound: I will pay this off by the end of next year. 

11. SMART Goal for Getting Rid of Childhood Trauma

Specific: I want to get rid of my fear of connecting with others, and stop sabotaging closeness in relationships.

Measurable: I will find a counselor in the next two weeks, who specializes in childhood trauma. Then I will meet with them weekly, and start doing the actionable things they tell me to do, without fail.

Attainable: People are able to heal from childhood trauma all the time, and there are people who have been through worse, and have overcome their past.

Relevant: I want to overcome my childhood trauma because I want to become a better person to others, form meaningful relationships, and really feel happy in the life I have.

Time-Bound: By the end of the year, I will have been able to form at least two genuinely healthy friendships, and have gotten rid of the belief that, “I don’t deserve closeness.”

12. SMART Goal for Better Emotional Regulation

Specific: I want to not be affected by other people’s emotions, and be able to have a reasonable,and healthy, response to any situation because I am emotionally in control.

Measurable: I will set an appointment with a counselor that can help me with emotional regulation, apply their methods, and also learn 3 new calming techniques. 

Attainable: This is attainable because others have overcome worse emotional issues, and I have been able to take control of my mindset and emotions before.

Relevant: I have allowed other people’s reactions, and emotions, to affect me for far too long. I would like to be in control of my own emotions. I don’t want my emotions to control me, and what I do any longer.

Time-Bound: By the end of this year, in 4 months time, I will be able to talk with people who I know are emotionally out of control, and not be affected by them. I will be able to set boundaries, and give healthy calm responses by this time.

13. SMART Goal for a Healthier Diet

Specific: I want to stop eating out every week, make healthy fats, lean meats, complex carbs, and produce the majority of my diet, and lose 25 pounds.

Measurable: Each week, I will meal plan healthy but tasty recipes, get rid of anything in the home that hurts my goal, and only eat out once a month.

Attainable: This is attainable because others have been able to healthily lose this amount of weight, with my timeline.

Relevant: This is important to me because I want to feel healthy, and well in my body. I don’t want to feel sluggish all time, and develop health problems later on.

Time-Bound: I will accomplish this in 3 months starting today.

14. SMART Goal for Running a Marathon

Specific: I want to be able to run in my city’s marathon by next year.

Measurable: For 5 days a week, I will run for half an hour. Then I will increase the time by another half hour every two weeks.

Attainable: I already love running, and challenging myself, so I just want to take it to the next level.

Relevant: I want to become someone who has better stamina, and heart health. This is important to me, as well as living a long life.


15. SMART Goal for Fitness

Workout equipment, for the SMART goal for fitness.
Photo by The Susannah Townsend Collection via Canva

Specific: I want to become more active, and be able to run one mile.

Measurable: For 3 days each week, I will start off by running for a quarter of a mile. I will increase this by another quarter every other week.

Attainable: This is attainable because I have been able to run a quarter of a mile before, and it’s not a large goal.

Relevant: I want to get in shape, and be able to do more activities in my life without running out of breath.

Time-Bound: I will accomplish this by the end of 8 weeks.

16. SMART Goal for Self-Love

Specific: I want to get rid of my top two bad beliefs that promote my self-hate. These are, “I can never do anything right,” and “No one will ever love me.”

Measurable: I will go to a counselor (once a week) that can help me figure out where these beliefs came from, and what I need to do about them. Also, I will also say 10 good affirmations about myself each morning.

Attainable: This is attainable because others have done it before too, and I am only getting rid of two beliefs, not 20 at a time.

Relevant: I want to start living a better life that I’m happy in, and that starts with seeing myself differently, and getting rid of beliefs that are holding me back.

Time-Bound: I will have accomplished this by the end of 6 months.

17. SMART Goal for Self-Care

Specific: I want to get rid of any distractions, and have at least one hour each day set aside for working on my dream of being able to work online, and travel.

Measurable: I will make a list of anything that is a distraction, and keeping me from my goal. I will then eliminate these distractions, or set a certain time in the week to do them.

Attainable: I already have 25 minutes that I can work on my work and travel goal, and finding an extra 35 minutes will not be hard.

Relevant: I have always wanted to have a location independent income and travel. I want to experience the world before I get married, and have kid someday.

Time-Bound: I will be able to have an hour of focus time by the end of two weeks.

18. SMART Goal for Becoming a Better Person Overall

Specific: I want to become a less selfish and more giving person, that others want to be around. I want to be someone who thinks of others before themselves, and makes a change in other people’s lives.

Measurable: Each week, I will find 2 people I can help, whether it’s a friend or someone on the street. And I will ONLY focus on how it is benefitting them, not myself in any way.

Attainable: This is attainable since I have the time in the week to do this.

Relevant: I have a lot of selfish tendencies, and I want to grow as a giving loving person. This will make happier overall, and give me a bigger community of friends as well.

Time-Bound: I will have accomplished my goal of growing into a giving person who thinks of others first, by the end of one year.

19. SMART Goal for Time Management

A woman checking her watch.

Specific: I want to be someone who is able to arrive at appointments, professional and personal, at least 5 minutes early.

Measurable: I will look at what is taking up the most time, when it comes to getting ready and leaving. Then I will find strategies for cutting down on these tasks, and start leaving at a reasonable time. I will also become mindful to check the drive time a couple hours before.

Attainable: This is attainable because I have been able to do this before, and there are plenty of things I can cut down on.

Relevant: I want to be someone who respects other people’s time.

Time-Bound: By the end of 4 weeks, I will have been able to arrive at appointments 5 minutes early for one week straight.

20. SMART Goal for Becoming More Productive

Specific: I want to become a more productive person, so that I can have at least an extra three hours in the evening with my family.

Measurable: I will make a list of things that are taking up my time each day, and then eliminate, or cut down. I will also research, and learn from others who are able to cut down on their work time. Then I will take immediate action on their suggestions.

Attainable: This is attainable because there are already 10 things I know that I can cut down on. Also, others who have the same at-home job as me, have already created systems for getting work done faster.

Relevant: I love spending quality time with my family, and I want to be apart of their lives more.

Time-Bound: I will have accomplished this in one month. And if I haven’t, I will re-evaluate, and see what mistakes I made, and what I can change.

21. SMART Goal for Social Media Addiction

Specific: I want to cut my social media time down to two hours each day, and spend more time with friends every week.

Measurable: I will set a two hour timer each day, for spending on social media. Once it’s done, it’s’ done. And I will schedule at least 2 outings with friends each week.

Attainable: This is attainable because I will get rid of any notifications, and have a list of things I can do for fun, or self-care (instead of social media). Also, I will have a weekly schedule for hanging out with friends.

Relevant: My time on social media has gotten too big, and this has hurt my relationships, and mental health.

Time-Bound: I will do this for one month, and see if there is anything that needs to be improved. If not, I will continue.

22. SMART Goal for Waking Up Earlier

Specific: I want to wake up at 6:30 AM each morning, so that I can finish my morning schedule sooner.

Measurable: I will start going to bed at 9:30 PM, and this will give me enough time to fall asleep, and have around 8 hours of sleep. I will also start a nightly routine that will help me go to bed by this time.

Attainable: This is attainable because there are things in my nightly routine I can cut out, and I have been able to go to bed, and wake up, around 6:30 AM before.

Relevant: For awhile now, I have been wanting to wake up earlier so that I can have more time to eat a healthy breakfast, do a workout, and start my work routine sooner.

Time-Bound: I will have accomplished this by the end of 4 weeks.

23. SMART Goal for Studying

Specific: I am going to study for one hour each day, so that I can finally get an A on the algebra exam.

Measurable: I will make a list of any distractions that keep me from my goal, cut them out (or down), and find a quiet place to study.

Attainable: I have a quiet place I can already study in. Also, there are plenty of things I can cut out that will help me reach one hour of study time.

Relevant: I really want to get A’s in all of my classes this semester, and feel accomplished.

Time-Bound: The Algebra exam is in one month, so I need to be ready by then.

24. SMART Goal for Travel

A winding street in Nice, France.

Specific: I want to travel to Nice, France in the first week of October this year. 

Measurable: I am going to set aside a separate savings account, and have 10% of my monthly income sent there.

Attainable: This is attainable because I make enough money to set aside 10% each month, and this will help me reach my goal.

Relevant: I have always wanted to visit the French riviera, and Nice looks like one of the best places to visit in that area.

Time-Bound: The first week of October is in 6 months. I need to have that amount of money ready by then.

25. SMART Goal for Communication

Specific: I want to be able to communicate my feelings, in a calm and healthy way, if someone says something that hurts me. And I want to do it immediately after it happens.

Measurable: I am going to find one instance each week, that is small, where I can easily communicate. Then every two weeks, I will add on another situation where my communication is necessary. I will also see a counselor every week that can help me with this. 

Attainable: This is attainable because I will be seeing a counselor who will be helping me. But also, others have overcome similar situation that were worse than mine, and that means I can do this too.

Relevant: It has always bothered me how I have let others run me over, and have not spoken up for myself. 

Time-Bound: I want to be comfortable in my communication by the end of one year.

26. SMART Goal for Learning a Language

Specific: I want to be able to speak Japanese fluently.

Measurable: I will take online Japanese classes four times a week, and find people on iTalki to help me twice a week. I will also visit the Japanese district in my city. There I can talk to people who’s first language is Japanese, and improve my skills.

Attainable: This is attainable because others have been able to do this in a shorter amount of time. I also have the time in the week to actually put towards this goal.

Relevant: I have always wanted to move, and live in Japan. I’ve visited multiple times, and have made friends over there, so I know it’s a place I’d like to be.

Time-Bound: I will accomplish this by the end of 3 years.

27. SMART Goal for Reading More Books

A book opened up on an iPad, showing the SMART goal example for reading more.

Specific: I want to be able to read one book every two weeks.

Measurable: I will find videos on how to be a faster reader, and set at least one hour a day towards reading a book. I will also make a large list of books that I want to read every two weeks, so that I’m not wasting time trying to figure out what to read next.

Attainable: This is attainable because I have been able to read a book in two weeks before.

Relevant: I want to become a more learned, and intelligent person, and take care of my mental health.

Time-Bound: I will be able to do this by the end of 2 months.

28. SMART Goal for Writing a Book

Specific: I have a great fantasy world story idea, that I want to publish.

Measurable: This story will be around 150,000 words, and I will spend at least 2 hours each night writing.

Attainable: I am able to do this because I have the time in the evenings to write my book. Also, I am a fast writer, so I know I can get this done quickly.

Relevant: I’ve wanted to write a book since I was 13, and I’ve had this story in my head for the last 4 years.

Time-Bound: I will have this book done in 7 months time.

29. SMART Goal for Writing

Specific: I am going to finish writing a 3,000 word essay for my communications major.

Measurable: I will set aside 1.5 hours each evening to research, and write out this essay.

Attainable: I am a quick writer, and I have the time in the evenings to actually make this happen.

Relevant: I want to get an A, and not stress out about finishing this essay last minute.

Time-Bound: I will have this essay done by the end of the month, three months ahead of when it’s due.

30. SMART Goal for Improving Spirituality:

Specific: I want to start doing one single practice each day, that will help me become more spiritual.

Measurable: I will do this practice for at least 30 minutes a day. I will also dedicate a journal to track progress, and writing down my thoughts right before bed.

Attainable: I have the time to spend 30 minutes, in the morning, doing this practice.

Relevant: I want to become a more thoughtful, and spiritual person. This has been important to me since I was young teenager.

Time-Bound: I will do this for 2 months. At the end, I will see how I feel, and if I need to make any changes.

How to Use SMART Goals to Improve Your Career

Step 1: If you’re wanting to improve your career as a whole, then I would break down every part you want to change.

Here’s a list of examples:

  • Sales
  • Communication
  • Leading
  • Presentations
  • Time
  • Connections
  • Learning
  • Design skills
  • Tech skills
  • Teamwork
  • Volunteer work
  • Beliefs and habits

Step 2: Then, find a specific direction you want to go with your career. What are the long-term goals for this direction? What are the short-term goals?

Step 3: Ask yourself, “Why is this direction important to me?” It’s important to understand the reasoning behind something; to know if it’s actually right for you.

Sometimes it can be easy to choose a goal based off of feelings, or personal beliefs. But that isn’t always beneficial, and you might be more likely to give up in the future.

Step 4: Once you’ve answered all of those question, here is what you need to consider when it comes determining what your goal should be for each area:

  • How can you serve others?
  • How can you reach these goals the fastest?
  • What mindsets, and beliefs, do you need to adopt?
  • What limiting mindsets, and beliefs, do you need to get rid of?
  • Who is already meeting these goals in your workplace? What are they doing, or have done, to meet them. And how can you replicate their success?
  • What are things in your life that you need to cut out, that are keeping you from your goals?
  • What can you learn to reach your goals efficiently?
  • How can you improve the skills you already have?
  • Where can you meet new connections? Sometimes Linkedin can be a good place.
  • Do you need to change workplaces in order to meet these goals?
  • Are there any books that can help with this?

Figure out the answers for these questions, and then you can start making some good SMART goals that are attainable for your career. 👌

How to Use SMART Goals to Improve Your Relationships

A couple holding hands on a coffee date.

Step 1: If you want to improve your relationships, then I would definitely make a list of the different types of relationships you currently have.

And also think about the ones you want to have!

Here’s a list of examples of the different types of relationships:

  • Romantic
  • Family
  • Friends
  • Work related
  • Extended network (mutual friends)

Step 2: Then figure out what you want your long, and short-term, goals to be for the relationship categories you choose.

Step 3: Next ask yourself these two questions:

  1. Why do you want these goals?
  2. What makes them meaningful to you?

Step 4: And lastly, think through, and answer, some of these questions down below:

  • What kind of person do you want to be in these relationships?
  • What do you need to work on personally, to be a better person in the relationships (can’t just make it about the other person)?
  • What limiting beliefs, and habits, do you need to get rid of?
  • What empowering beliefs, and habits, do you need to adopt?
  • Who do you need to cut out, that’s taking away from time and energy?
  • How can you extend your network of friends?

And lastly, if you want to make more friends, then you should check out my in-depth guide on how to make friends as an adult. 😊 

How to Use SMART Goals to Improve Yourself in General

Now if you’re wanting to make a big change in who you are as a person, that’s incredible!

Not a lot of people have the courage to do that. 👏 

So if you want to improve yourself, here are some things you might want to look at:

  • What are bad, and unhealthy, beliefs you have about yourself?
  • What are bad, and unhealthy, beliefs you have about romantic relationships?
  • What bad, and unhealthy, beliefs do you have about friendships?
  • What bad, and unhealthy, beliefs do you have about family?
  • What bad, and unhealthy, beliefs do you have about people you interact with regularly?
  • What bad, and unhealthy, beliefs do you have surrounding money and work?
  • What bad, and unhealthy, beliefs do you have around your future?
  • What bad, and unhealthy, beliefs do you have around your health?
  • What can you replace all these bad and unhealthy beliefs with?
  • Do you need to see a counselor for childhood trauma, or any other issue?
  • What are bad habits that are making you unhappy, and/or pushing others away?
  • Are there people you need to cut out, that are holding you back from improving?
  • Do you need to see your family less often, because they are encouraging you to keep bad habits?
  • What do you believe, or think, about your own dreams and goals? Are they doable in your head? 
  • What do you want your life to look like in 5, 10, 20, or even 50 years from now?
  • Is the job you have something that needs to change?
  • Are you in relationships that are taking you away from your dreams, and goals?

Figure out what is most important to you, create your short, and long-term, SMART goals surrounding them, and attack!

You have what it takes to become the better version of yourself, I promise! Don’t live a life that you don’t like. ♥️ 

13 Helpful Tips for Using SMART Goals

A woman starting to write down her SMART goals in a planner.

Here are some quick and easy tips for making the most of your SMART goals. 😊

  1. Starting Off Small: Start off small if you’re feeling intimidated! Don’t do something huge, and then allow yourself to get discouraged, and give up.
  2. Accountability: Find someone for accountability, or be accountability partners for each other, as you both work on your individual SMART goals.
  3. Milestones: Create a list of milestones in getting to your goal, and then set rewards.
  4. Vision Board: Create a vision board that you can pair with your SMART goals, so that you stay motivated.
  5. Ask Yourself Why: Make sure you’re asking yourself why you’re doing a goal before you plan it out. This way you can make sure it’s something you’re doing for yourself, and actually stick to.
  6. Make Changes: It’s ok to change up your plan, and make adjustments. Don’t get discouraged!
  7. Not All Goals Are the Same: Your approach for one goal, might have to be done differently for another. And that’s ok! It’s all about testing, and seeing what works best for you in the different categories like health, career, or relationships.
  8. Ambitious Deadlines: Try setting an end goal date that’s ambitious. This can help you work faster than you would have, if the goal was further out. Also, even if you don’t make it, then you’ll probably have gone further, than if you hadn’t set that goal.
  9. Don’t Overlook Wins: Acknowledge the growth, and small wins! They’re important, but easily overlooked.
  10. Look for Role Models: Look at other people who have accomplished the same goals as you. How did they do it? 
  11. Get Rid of All Limiting Beliefs: Make sure to look for any bad beliefs you might have, that are keeping you from your goals!
  12. Write Them All Down: A goal is just a dream that stays in your head, unless you write it down. So take time to do this, then you can see everything that needs to be accomplished in order for it to happen. And lastly, make sure to plan things out in your schedule!
  13. Learn from Mistakes: If you have any setbacks, don’t get discouraged. Just re-evaluate over the weeks what needs to change. Your goals should be evolving, and tweaked, so that you can reach them as quickly as possible.


A woman writing her goals for the day, in a journal.

If there’s anything else you want to know about SMART goals, then I hope this small FAQ list will help you out!

1. Why Use SMART Goals?

SMART goals help you to be specific.
They make you think about what it is that you really want, why, when you want it, and what you’ll do to actually get there.
Because goals without real plans, are just a nice daydream.

2. How Do I Find My SMART Goals?

Make a list of the main areas you want to change in your life.
What could be made better, and make you happier?
Then break them down into smaller sub categories. What are the main things you want to change in your finances, for example.

3. Why Are SMART Goals Important?

SMART goals are important because they help you figure out what you really want in life. They give you precise laser focus, and cut out all the distractions.

4. Should All Goals be SMART Goals?

Unless it’s a really small same-day goal, I think it’s important to create SMART goals so that you can make sure they actually happen.

5. What is a short-term SMART goal example?

Here are just a few short-term SMART goal examples to get you started:
– You want to finally finish that book that you’ve been putting off.
– You want to completely clean, and re-organize your bedroom.
– You want to become really good at driving stick-shift.
– You want have the money, and time, to go to a festival with a friend next month.

Now these are just a few SMART goal examples, but I do hope that they were able to help you out in creating your own.

SMART goals really are a great way of creating a life you love, so try making one today, and see where it takes you in the coming months!

PS – if you have any questions, let me know if the comments down below. I’d love to help!


Grace Moser is the owner and founder of Chasing Foxes, where she writes articles to help women create a life they love in big and small ways. She's been a full-time traveler since 2016 and loves sharing her experiences and exploring the world with her husband, Silas. Her lifestyle and travel advice can also be seen on sites such as Business Insider, Glamour, Newsweek, Huffpost, & Apartment Therapy.

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