9 Genius Ways to Clean Every Room in Your Home


Silas & Grace

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It can be so easy to lose motivation when it comes to keeping the home clean. You’ll have moments of where you’ll want to clean the whole house, but then it goes untouched for a month. I get it, I’ve been there way too many times. It always comes to a point where you realize that you need to clean up or it’s just gonna get worse.

But hey! Even if cleaning up the different rooms in your home aren’t fun, there are plenty of hacks and tips to make it easier and faster. So check them out and let me know what you think!

Use a Seam Ripper To Clean out Vacuum

Found from Real Simple

If you want to make sure your vacuum is picking up everything it can on your carpet, then try getting out all of the hair and string off the roller with a seam ripper so that there’s nothing blocking it.

Clean Faucets Around Home with a Lemon

Found from Homedit

Whether it’s in the bathroom or the kitchen, a lemon is a great way to get rid of hard water stains on your home faucets.

Use Vinegar for Your Faucets and Shower Heads

Found from The Melrose Family

Now if you don’t like that scum and dirt that gets trapped in your faucets, then try tying a bag of vinegar with a rubberband around the faucet.

You can find vinegar here!

Clean Your Stove with Amonia

Found from One Good Thing by Jilleee

Preheat your oven 150 degrees Fahrenheit, and then place a bowl of ammonia in the oven along with a pot of boiling water underneath.

All-Purpose Cleaner

Found from Today

This DIY all-purpose cleaner is an easy and great way to make sure that almost every surface in your home is clean.

You can find vinegar here for this recipe!

The Best Way to Clean Window Blinds

Found from One Crazy House

If you have a lot of blinds in your home and you can tell that they’re gathering a thick layer of dust, then try out this cleaning hack!

DIY Chemical Free Cleaning Wipes

Found from Buzzfeed

Now if you want easy to grab wipes for the home (or on the go), then this is a simple DIY recipe to try.

Use a Magic Eraser for Your Windowsills

Found from Building Our Story

Windowsills are prone to get dark with dirt and dust, but a magic eraser is a great way to get rid of it all.

You can get a magic eraser here!

Use a Cloth and Broom to Dust the Crown Molding

Found from Real Simple

If you’re having trouble reaching those high places and you notice that they’re getting dirty, then just tie a towel to the end of the broom to dust those hard to reach areas.

Whether it’s springtime and you want to get the home clean, or you’re prepping for family to come over, there are always great hacks that’ll cut our cleaning time in half. Seriously, these are all so easy to implement and will probably save you a lot of money too.

So if you’re up for saving money and time, then try out these home cleaning DIY hacks and tips! They’ll definitely make your life easier.

Now if you have any questions, just let me know in the comments down below! I’d love to help you out!

Chasing Foxes was started in 2016 as a way for Grace and her husband, Silas, to start traveling. However, they started to realize that they had a passion for improving themselves, and wanted to help others level up their lives as well. So whether it's with cooking, travel, or staying healthy, they want to help you better your life bit by bit, as they do the same.

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