5 Ways to Teach English and Work from Home

Silas & Grace

It turns out that there are plenty of English teachers making money from home and abroad. And if English is your first language or the secondary language you learned in school, there are so many ways you can find jobs that allow you to work from your own home. You don’t have to teach from a school anymore, and this is an amazing way to have freedom with your time and work.

So if this is something that interests you, then definitely check these ideas out!

Teach Others English by Becoming a Conversation Pal

There are thousands of people on the internet who would love to learn the English language. And as a professional, you can join international pen pal sites or other chat sites and use Skype or Facebook’s video chat to converse with people in English. Promote yourself by letting people you talk with know that you teach English, it’s a great way to start gathering a network of students.

Become an Online ESL Teacher

If you want to make some good income from your English language skills, then ditching that traditional English teacher job for an online ESL teacher job is definitely worth it. There are plenty of companies online that, with the proper requirements, will allow you to teach English from your home. Many will require you to have a TESOL certification (you can get one if you don’t have one yet) and be an native English speaker with a bachelor’s degree. And if this is you, then definitely try this out!

Start a Blog

Many people are looking into content that will help them grow and expand in knowledge, especially when it comes to the English language. So try creating a blog where you discuss various terms in the English language, give a beginner course, and soon enough you’ll have an audience that’s willing to pay you to learn English.

Create an English Class on Udemy

If you have a good camera and feel comfortable with recording yourself, then definitely try making your own classes for sites like Udemy.com. You can create a series of videos teaching people the basics of English and have people pay to take your prerecorded classes. And if this sounds good to you, then definitely study others who are doing it on sites like Udemy and see where they’re not giving value to potential customers.

Become a Teacher on Sites Like Italki

Sites like italki.com are great for putting yourself out there as an expert in the English language. And if you’re a native speaker, then this is going to help you out a lot.

Learning to find new ways to teach English from home may require some research, but it’s definitely worth it! Especially if you want to have more time freedom. So whether you want to be closer to family or just be in the comfort of your own home, these ideas will definitely help you get started.

Chasing Foxes was started in 2016 as a way for Grace and her husband, Silas, to start traveling. However, they started to realize that they had a passion for improving themselves, and wanted to help others level up their lives as well. So whether it's with cooking, travel, or staying healthy, they want to help you better your life bit by bit, as they do the same.

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