The Make-Your-Life-Easier Home Organization & Cleaning Binder (60+ Pages!)


Silas & Grace

IMPORTANT SIDE NOTE: If YOU have a great idea for this binder, something that YOU feel should be added, something that would make YOUR life easier, then tell me in the comments. I might just add it! 😃

Ok, so I’m SUPER excited about this printable binder!

After asking homemakers & those who work outside the home what they would like to see in a home binder, I was able to come out with The Make-Your-Life-Easier Home Organization & Cleaning Binder.😃

I personally know that it can be pretty darn hard to keep on top of things with the home.

And it can definitely feel overwhelming!

First, the sink starts collecting the dishes you were too tired to do the night before, then there’s clothing on the bedroom floor, and then to top it all off, your kids don’t feel like doing their chores!

So now…it’s time to claim your “You Time” back!

In this binder, I’ve gathered together ways to…

  • Get rid of the overwhelming clutter in the home.
  • Never fall behind on keeping up the home again.
  • And even ways to get your kids to want to do their chores (separated by different age groups!)

Oh also…it’s pretty which makes it that much more fun to use.😉

And here’s another, bigger, list of what’s in it! 🙂

  • Cover
  • Spines
  • Cleaning & Organization To-Do Lists (for daily, weekly, monthly, & yearly)
  • Food Expiration Tracker
  • Fun ways to get your kids involved in chores (For different age groups)
  • A guide to getting out stubborn stains
  • Cleaning Supplies Inventory
  • Cleaning Shopping List
  • Organization Shopping List
  • Cleaning & Organization checklists for the…Kitchen, Living Room, Bedrooms, Kids’ Bedrooms, Bathrooms, Garage, Office, Hallway Closet, & Garage
  • Seasonal Cleaning Checklist
  • Stocking Up Checklists for the Pantry & Bathroom
  • Spring Cleaning Checklist for each room
  • A Simple Weekly Cleaning & Organization Checklist (For those who just want something easy to follow 😊)
  • Fun & cute quotes to get you motivated!
  • A BONUS of fun ways to treat yourself after you’ve spent time working on the home. 🙂
  • And a TON MORE!

Feel free to click the link below to get it. 🙂

If you HATE getting behind on the home, and want more time to do the things YOU want, then this binder is definitely for you! 😁

Side Note: Also, it’s instantly downloadable, which means no ordering and waiting for it to come in the mail! 👏

My Favorite Parts in this Binder

Fun Ways to Get Your Kids Involved in Chores (Separated by Age Group)

This was something one of the homemakers I talked to wanted in the binder.

Sometimes it’s not always easy to get your kids to do chores (my parents had a hard time with me! lol).

And so I thought this was definitely a smart addition to the binder!

This section has some great and fun ways to motivate your kids to do their chores, whether they’re 4 years old or 17. 🙂

A Simple Weekly Cleaning & Organization Checklist

And another one suggested by a homemaker. 🙂

I feel like it’s great to include plenty of checklists for individual rooms and how to clean and organize them thoroughly each week or month or year.

BUT, I also feel like it’s great to have a simple and easy to follow weekly cleaning & organizing list.

Something you can quickly follow with no hassle.

It’ll definitely make your life a lot easier. 😊

Stocking Up Checklists

I LOVE getting super organized with the things I own. It feels so good to know what you should have in your home, and what’s unnecessary.

And I feel like the stocking up checklists for the pantry and bathroom are a great way to make sure that when you go to the store, you stick to a list and don’t add any non-essentials that’ll just end up being extra clutter in your home.

Also…it’s great to just go, “Oh! I’m glad this is on the list! I would have forgotten that item until I actually started making a recipe. Then I would have had to run to the store…again!”

Cleaning & Organization Checklists for Each Room

This was fun to make, and especially for rooms I feel like a lot of people don’t think about.

Rooms like an office, or a space like a hallway closet.

This honestly is a great way to stay on top of things and make your home feels like a peaceful haven, away from the noise and stress of the world. ☺️

Food Expiration Tracker

I really feel like this is GREAT to have since it can be so easy to forget what’s in your fridge and wait too long to eat it.

I do this ALL THE TIME.

It’s kind of embarrassing.🤦‍♀️

But, with this food expiration tracker, that you can put on your fridge, you’ll never forget again. 🙂

A Guide to Getting Out Stubborn Stains

Yet again, another great idea that was recommended!

I think we can both agree that having a list of ways to get stains removed with you in the home is always a good idea!

No need to Google search anymore; it’s all right there. 🙂

Fun ideas on how to treat & reward yourself after working on the home 🙂

Ok, so I felt like this one was VERY necessary!

I know what it’s like to clean the whole home and then just feel completely exhausted!

It’s not fun, which means that this bonus I added is TOTALLY essential!

Again, make sure to let me know what YOU would like to see added in the comments down below, I’d love to hear!

Get the Make-Your-Life-Easier Home Organization & Cleaning Binder {with 60+ pages} here! 🙂

Chasing Foxes was started in 2016 as a way for Grace and her husband, Silas, to start traveling. However, they started to realize that they had a passion for improving themselves, and wanted to help others level up their lives as well. So whether it's with cooking, travel, or staying healthy, they want to help you better your life bit by bit, as they do the same.

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