10 Easy Healthy Air Fryer Meals for People Who Hate Boring Food

I really like air fryers because, yes, they’re convenient, but they also give you the option to make recipes that would normally be pretty unhealthy.

Case and point, the first recipe down below. I actually get to eat chicken wings without feeling horrible afterward. So basically what I’m saying is, if you’re wanting to eat a bit more healthy but also want food that will actually taste good,  then the air fryer is your best friend.

Also, so are the recipes in this post; I made sure to pick out ones you’d most likely want to eat. So grab a few and put them into your meal plan for the week!

Side Note: Let me know what your favorite healthy air fryer recipe is in the comments down below!

Air Fryer Honey Garlic Wings

Wings are perfect party food, but when you can make them healthy, they kind of become the perfect anytime food. And the sauce for this one looks SO good.

Air Fryer Honey Garlic Wings Recipe

Citrus Glazed Salmon

I love salmon, especially when paired with citrus. It’s so refreshing and it really does make me feel good after eating it. So I think this is a great one to try if you want something tasty but not boring.

Citrus Glazed Salmon Recipe

The Best Sticky Tofu

The Best Sticky Tofu Recipe

If you’re wanting a meatless recipe that’s packed with flavor, then this is a great recipe to try in the next few days. It looks pretty simple but definitely isn’t bland.

Air Fryer Chicken And Potatoes

I feel like chicken and potatoes are a classic, and this air fryer recipe looks SO good! I’d eat this in a heartbeat.

Air Fryer Chicken Kabobs

Spring and summer are coming (I’m writing this in February 😅), and these kababs are perfect for outdoor picnic weather. I mean, how good do these look?

Air Fryer Chicken Kabobs Recipe

Air Fryer Teriyaki Chicken

I feel like this is the perfect recipe to have if you’re craving Asian food. Just spoon yourself up a bowl of this with some rice, then sit down, watch a movie, and relax. At least that’s how I envision myself enjoying it. 🙂

Air Fryer Teriyaki Chicken Recipe

Eating healthy isn’t always super easy, but thankfully there are plenty of air fryer recipes out there that will help us feel good and taste incredible. And I hope these great options help you have a more flavorful healthy meal plan for the week.

Grace Moser is the author and founder of Chasing Foxes, where she writes articles to help women create a life they love in big and small ways. She's been a full-time traveler since 2016 and loves sharing her experiences and exploring the world with her husband, Silas. Her lifestyle and travel advice can also be seen on sites such as Business Insider, Glamour, Newsweek, Huffpost, & Apartment Therapy.

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