7 French Women Beauty Habits That’ll (Actually) Give You Incredible Skin

7 French women beauty habits that focus on glowing skin, effortless routines, & natural looks. You'll find skincare secrets, cleansers, & why less is more!

Woman posing in a fashionable outfit.

I honestly love learning about how French women take care of certain parts of their lives.

I recently wrote on how they take care of their homes and it honestly impressed me.

They seem to have this amazing ability to cultivate healthy mindsets surrounding the different parts of their lives.

And I’ve personally found that when you take care of your mindset, and develop healthy life-giving habits, it really does make your life so much more enjoyable.

You’re not stressing over certain tasks that need to be done, you’re just seeing it as a way to cultivate your own inner confidence.

And because I’ve grown this casual fascination with the way they do life, I’m gonna take a look at some of the ways French women also take good care of their beauty routine.

French women understand the importance of self-care, and especially when it comes to skincare discipline. And I feel like these tips were actually very helpful and I hope you think so too!

1. Having the Right Mindset About Skincare

A woman with a bottle of oil.

They’re not seeing their skincare regime as a chore.

Their moms teach them that they get to take care of their skin. It’s a good thing and they like doing it.

Also, instead of seeing products and skincare as a way to fight problematic issues (think anti-acne, anti-aging, etc.), they see it as pro-skin self-care.

They’re looking at their beauty routine as integral to that process of taking care of ones self.

2. They Stay Away from Harsher Treatments

A woman getting a beauty treatment done.

While treatments chemical peels can be helpful, French women tend to stay away from harsher skin treatments.

Read More: 5 Ways French Women Keep Their Homes (Consistently) Immaculate

They like doing skincare that they believe is gonna be gentle and kind to their skin.

Why is this?

They believe it can cause inflammation and inflammation has been found to make you age faster.

3. They Believe That Sleep Really is Important for Their Beauty


I think it’s easy for some of us (myself included) to think that if we get less than 8 hours of sleep, we’ll be fine.

But the quick and simple fact is that French women are very careful to get the right amount of sleep for their beauty.

It really can have such a big effect on how you look, so try taking on some French beauty sleep habits and see how it affects your skin.

4. They Go to the Experts

A woman getting a skin treatment done.

Just like how you or I would develop a close relationship with our hairdresser since they know us, they know our hair, and they know exactly how to make it look amazing, they have the same kind of relationship with their dermatologist (and/or aestheticians).

When you cultivate a relationship with them over time, they’re gonna know exactly what you need and be able to carefully rule things out for your skin’s health.

Also, they see them regularly. According to one source, they’re seeing them seasonally (or even once a month), which is a skincare maintenance habit that helps them stay consistent with their skincare philosophy.

5. Taking Hydration Seriously

Glasses filled with water.

French women really do take this seriously and will drink a glass of water right before bed, and right after waking up.

They understand how important this is for their health and their timeless beauty.

6. They Keep Makeup Simple & Natural

A woman smiling and sitting down.

Everyday makeup for French women isn’t overdone, it’s a lot more natural and enhances natural features.

Honestly, I like this one because I’ve noticed that no matter how old a woman is (early 20’s to late 70’s), if the makeup is too heavy, it can really detract from how they look. And this less-is-more makeup approach is something that adds to their effortless beauty.

7. Using a Milk Cleanser

White cleansers on a white surface.

I recently just learned about milk cleaners, and I’m probably gonna get one!

They’re softer cleansers that aren’t going to be harsh on your skin and help keep it looking fresh. It really is a great part of the French beauty routine!

Chasing Foxes was started in 2016 as a way for Grace and her husband, Silas, to start traveling. However, they started to realize that they had a passion for improving themselves, and wanted to help others level up their lives as well. So whether it's with cooking, travel, or staying healthy, they want to help you better your life bit by bit, as they do the same.

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