The Portuguese Food Bucket List: 10 Recipes to Try Now


Silas & Grace

If you’ve never been to Portugal or had Portuguese food, then I can completely recommend it!

Last year, my husband and I stayed in Porto, a city in norther Portugal that has that perfect idyllic European old town filled with storybook-looking shops, small eateries, Michelin star restaurants, beautiful tiled buildings, wonderful views of the water, and so much more.

Oh also, the people are incredible, so I definitely recommend it!

And if you’re curious about the food, then definitely check out these Portuguese recipes you should put on your bucket list to try if you’re visiting or want to make it at home. 🙂

Pastéis de Nata ~ Portuguese Custard Tarts

When I was living in Portugal, I wold eat one (or more) of these almost every day with a cappuccino. I know, it’s not very healthy (at all), but they were so comforting and good!

They have this perfect flaky dough that melts in your mouth with an incredible creamy vanilla filling. And they really do go perfect with a milky coffee. 😉 

Just make sure to get them from a good place since not all pastéis de natas are the same.

My personal recommendation for the best place to get pastéis de natas in Porto is Manteigaria!

PS – Manteigaria translates out to “butter shop.” How cute is that? 

Pastéis de Nata Recipe

Abade Priscos Pudding

If you’ve only ever had store bought box flan in America, then I need to tell you that you’re not having the real experience.

I remember growing up with the rubbery-like flan since I was a kid and I wasn’t too crazy about it. Then… I had it in Mexico and it was a TOTAL game changer for me.

The one I had was baked so there was almost a super moist cake texture to it and the flavors were incredible.

So, I can only imagine how good this flan is going to taste when I try it in Portugal (or make it myself!).

Oh also, it’s made with bacon and port wine… I need this right away!

Here’s a keto version of Abade Priscos Pudding.

And here’s the regular authentic Portugues recipe for Abade Priscos Pudding. 🙂

Portuguese Sweet Bread

I love fresh bread recipes, and this one was made by the food blogger’s Portuguese mother for Easter. So you kind of understand that you’re getting the real deal when the recipe come straight from a mom in her kitchen.

Also, you know it’s gonna be good because that Portuguese bread was probably made with a lot of love. ❤️ 

Portuguese Sweet Bread Recipe

Portuguese Pudim Molotof 

Being described as a “soufflĂ© cake” already has my attention.

Also, it’s really easy! It’s just whipped up egg whites that are topped with a caramel sauce that’s made up of sugar and water.

I mean, this is the kind of dessert you make when you have friends over and you want to impress them and make them think that you’re some kind of complex recipe cooking genius. 👍 

Keto recipe for Portuguese Pudim Molotof.

Regular authentic recipe for Pudim Molotof.

Portuguese Piri Piri Chicken 

If you need a chicken recipe for this week, then this is it.

This isn’t your normally seasoned chicken where you put a bit of salt, pepper, and a couple other spices on. This is a potential go-to for a chicken recipe that’s packed with a lot of flavor.

I mean, chipotle chilli flakes, olive oil, birdseye chilli, oregano, paprika, garlic etc. How do you even go wrong with this Portuguese recipe?

Piri Piri Chicken Recipe

Shrimp Mozambique Recipe

Originating in Africa, this garlicky shrimp dish is probably the perfect thing to serve over rice.

I also think that it would be a nice spring or summer dinner to make!

Shrimp Mozambique Recipe

Prego Steak Rolls

With super juicy steak, garlicky wine and chili sauce, and soft garlicky olive oil bread rolls, I think this is probably at the top of my list to try.

Like I can’t imagine anything better right now. Really.

Prego Steak Rolls Recipe

Arroz Doce (Portuguese Rice Pudding)

I love rice pudding! It’s so creamy and when made with the right spices, it can be super delicious and refreshing!

Oh, and with this being made with egg yolks and cinnamon, I can only imagine how good of a dessert this would make!

Arroz Doce Recipe

Beef Trinchado

Being a South African Portuguese dish, I’m super curious!

Also, it’s spicy and has a lot of different ingredients that make this stew packed with flavor. So if you’re in the mood for some comfort food, then this might be the one you should try.

Beef Trinchado Recipe

Portuguese Orange Cake

I love moist cakes and this one looks incredibly good!

I can just imagine this citrus flavored Portuguese cake going great with a hot cup of coffee after dinner. 🙂

Portuguese Orange Cake Recipe

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Chasing Foxes was started in 2016 as a way for Grace and her husband, Silas, to start traveling. However, they started to realize that they had a passion for improving themselves, and wanted to help others level up their lives as well. So whether it's with cooking, travel, or staying healthy, they want to help you better your life bit by bit, as they do the same.

Food Food & Drink Leveling Up Your Cooking

Silas & Grace

Chasing Foxes was started in 2016 as a way for Grace and her husband, Silas, to start traveling. However, they started to realize that they had a passion for improving themselves, and wanted to help others level up their lives as well. So whether it's with cooking, travel, or staying healthy, they want to help you better your life bit by bit, as they do the same.

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