279 Love Quotes That Are [Seriously] Share-Worthy


Silas & Grace

Images of the ocean side with a romantic quote over it.

I feel like love quotes are incredibly good and should always be used.

And the reason why I say this is because there are so many situations where you can use them….

  • You’re deeply in love and want your significant other to feel special too.
  • You’re trying to put yourself out there and meet someone new.
  • You’re going through a breakup and you want a quote that’s relatable to your situation.

Your current love situation (or current lack of it!) is unique, and it can help to put thoughtful, beautiful, or even funny words to it.

Also, even though your love status is unique, sometimes you come across a love quote, whether it be from a great writer, movie, TV show, or even a song – that just gets you.

So check out these quotes about love that can help heal your heart, or help you get much closer to the person you love. I promise, you’re gonna like them. 🙂

More Great Ways to Showcase the Love You Have for Your Significant Other:

But First, What Do People Think is One of the Most Romantic Quotes?

I wanted to see what quotes actually felt romantic to people, so I ran a poll on Reddit.

I thought it would be interesting for you to know since it might lead you in the right direction for knowing what quote to share with your significant other.

So here’s what over 200 people voted on for the best love quote:


While it was close, it turns out the first one was their favorite and I completely get it!

It honestly sounds like the perfect quote for a special moment like an anniversary.

279 Quotes About Love

I’d really recommend looking over the table of contents above.

I tried making sure it was as comprehensively organized as much as I could for you.

That way you could find the exact love quote you want.

So whether you’re looking for a love quote for him or her, a romantic quote for a wedding, or a cute love quote, I think I should have you covered!

Favorite Love Quotes of Real People

Love quote that reads, "Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own." By Robert Heinlein.

I like creating lists of good quotes myself, but I also love knowing what other people think are great quotes too!

So after looking into Reddit, I found quite a few people sharing some readable quotes on love.

Check them out!

  • One Reddit user shared this quote by Antoine de Saint Exupéry, “Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction.”
  • Hyojun said, “Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own,” by Robert Heinlein.
  • Bigblueoni shared this one by Yukio Mishima, “When we fall on love we are filled with the sense of how defenseless human beings are, and we tremble at the daily existence we have led in blissful obliviousness until this time. For this reason people are occasionally made virtuous by love.”
  • One of Nikiverse’s favorite quotes about love and life: “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” — Rumi
  • “To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one, not even an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements. Lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket, safe, dark, motionless, airless, it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable. To love is to be vulnerable.” — C. S. Lewis
  • GloverAB shared this one: “It’s not love to be static like the desert, nor is it love to roam the world like the wind. And it’s not love to see everything from a distance. Love is the force that transforms and improves the soul of the world…when we love we always strive to become better than we are.” — Paulo Coelho
  • Ov3rpowered’s favorite love quote, “Love is like death. It doesn’t care whether you are strong or weak, old or young, hopeful greenhorn or a bitter veteran. When it comes, you can’t run away.” — Unknown
  • “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” — Lao Tzu
  • “Everyone says love hurts, but that is not true. Loneliness hurts. Rejection hurts. Losing someone hurts. Envy hurts. Everyone gets these things confused with love, but in reality love is the only thing in this world that covers up all pain and makes someone feel wonderful again. Love is the only thing in this world that does not hurt.” — Meša Selimović
  • This was FrozenFractalsofIce’s favorite quote, “You don’t love someone for their looks, or their clothes, or for their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear.” — Oscar Wilde

Best Love Quotes

Anonymous love quote that says, "I look at you and see the rest of my life in front of my eyes."
  • “I look at you and see the rest of my life in front of my eyes.” — Anonymous
  • “Who so loves believes the impossible.” ― Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  • “When I want to smile, I know exactly what to do, I just close my eyes and I think of you.” — Anonymous
  • “Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get — only with what you are expecting to give — which is everything.” — Katharine Hepburn
  • “Love is sharing without thinking.” — Unknown
  • “I have two luxuries to brood over in my walks, your Loveliness and the hour of my death. O that I could have possession of them both in the same minute.” — John Keats

Side Note: I also cover the best ways to share these romance quotes at the bottom. You might find it (very) helpful. 🙂

  • “Love, having no geography, knows no boundaries.” — Truman Capote
  • “Love doesn’t just sit there, like a stone, it has to be made, like bread; remade all the time, made new.” — Ursula K. Le Guin
  • “Every heart sings a song, incomplete, until another heart whispers back.” — Plato
  • “You might not have been my first love, but you were the love that made all other loves irrelevant.” — Rupi Kaur
  • “Every time I see you, I fall in love all over again.” — Unknown
  • “The secret of a happy marriage is finding the right person. You know they’re right if you love to be with them all the time.” — Julia Child
  • “My real purpose was to see you, and to judge, if I could, whether I might ever hope to make you love me.” — Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice

Short Love Quotes 

Love quote that says, "When I hear your voice, the sun is shining."
  • “In love there are two things: bodies and words.” — Joyce Carol Oates
  • “Love is forgiveness.” — Anonymous
  • “When I hear your voice, the sun is shining.” — Unknown
  • “Love is never any better than the lover.” — Toni Morrison
  • “No three words have greater power than ‘I Love You.'” — Anonymous
  • “Love recognizes no barriers.” — Maya Angelou
  • “I will always love you, even if there is no tomorrow.” — Unknown
  • “Love had a thousand shapes.” — Virginia Woolf
  • “Love is the strongest force in the world.” — Mahatma Gandhi
  • “I need you like a heart needs a beat.”  ― Unknown
  • “Two hearts in love need no words.” — Marceline Desbordes-Valmore
  • “We are all fools in love.” — Jane Austen
  • “With love one can live ever without happiness.” — Fyodor Dostoevsky
  • “Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.” — Aristotle

Love Quote for Her

Love quote that says, "Who, being loved, is poor?" By Oscar Wilde.
  • “I don’t know much about fighting, but I know I will fight for you.” — Beyonce
  • “Be with me always – take any form – drive me mad! only do not leave me in this abyss, where I cannot find you!” — Emily Brontë
  • “Who, being loved, is poor?” — Oscar Wilde
  • “I would not wish any companion in the world but you.” — William Shakespeare
  • “You are my heart, my life, my one and only thought.” — Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
  • “But once in awhile, like today, I meditate on it and realize how lucky I am to share my life with the greatest woman I ever met. You still fascinate and inspire me. You influence me for the better. You’re the object of my desire, the #1 Earthly reason for my existence. I love you very much.” — Johnny Cash
  • “I have so much of you in my heart that I must turn Mentor when I see a chance of harm befalling you. I would never see any thing but Pleasure in your eyes, love on your lips, and Happiness in your steps.” — John Keats
  • “His love roared louder than her demons.” — Anonymous
  • “A man does not recover from such a devotion of the heart to such a woman! He ought not; he does not.” — Jane Austen
  • “Once upon a time there was a boy who loved a girl, and her laughter was a question he wanted to spend his whole life answering.” —Nicole Krauss
  • “You don’t love a woman because she is beautiful; she is beautiful because you love her.” — Anonymous

Side Note: Done wanna just send a love quote? I think finding and sending good love messages for her is also a great idea! Just saying. 👍

Love Quotes for Him

Love quote that says, "He's more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same." By Emily Brontë.
  • “If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger.” — Emily Bronte
  • “All my heart is yours, sir: it belongs to you; and with you it would remain, were fate to exile the rest of me from your presence forever.” — Charlotte Brontë
  • “Thinking of you. When skies seem dark and times get tough, and you don’t know what to do…just know you have a friend right here to support and help you through.” — Anonymous
  • “He’s more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.” ― Emily Brontë
  • “Love is when you’re kept up all night thinking of him, and then when you fall asleep, you find him in your dreams.” ― Unknown
  • “My love for him felt so total and so annihilating that it was often impossible for me to see him clearly at all.”― Sally Rooney
  • “You know that I could as soon forget you as my existence!”― Emily Brontë
  • “The moment my eyes fell on him, I was content.”   — Edith Wharton
  • “There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment.”  ― Sarah Dessen
  • “You don’t need scores of suitors. You need only one, if he’s the right one.” ― Louisa May Alcott
  • “I love the ground under his feet, and the air over his head, and everything he touches, and every word he says. I love all his looks, and all his actions, and him entirely and altogether.” — Emily Brontë

Side Note: If you wanna send him something other than a love quote, these ideas for a love message for him are perfect. 👌

Love Quotes for Different Moods

Deep Love Quotes 

Love quote that reads, "I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear." By Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • “You can’t rush something you want to last forever.” — Unknown
  • “Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.” — Oprah Winfrey
  • “I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.” — Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • “Many waters cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it. What then kills love? Only this: Neglect. Not to see you when you stand before me. Not to think of you in the little things. Not to make the road wide for you, the table spread for you. To choose you out of habit not desire, to pass the flower seller without a thought.” – Jeanette Winterson 
  • “The times may have changed, but the people are still the same. We’re still looking for love, and that will always be our struggle as human beings.” — Halle Berry
  • “Above all, don’t lie to yourself. The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point that he cannot distinguish the truth within him, or around him, and so loses all respect for himself and for others. And having no respect he ceases to love.” — Fyodor Dostoevsky
  • Falling in love is easy. Staying in love is difficult. Losing love is unbearable.” ― Anonymous
  • “To love well is the task in all meaningful relationships, not just romantic bonds.” — bell hooks
  • “Love takes off the masks we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within.” — James Baldwin
  • “There is nothing I would not do for those who are really my friends. I have no notion of loving people by halves; it is not my nature.” — Jane Austen, Northanger Abbey
  • “Do they still call it infatuation? That magic ax that chops away the world in one blow, leaving only the couple standing there trembling? Whatever they call it, it leaps over anything, takes the biggest chair, the largest slice, rules the ground wherever it walks, from a mansion to a swamp, and its selfishness is its beauty…. People with no imagination feed it with sex — the clown of love. They don’t know the real kinds, the better kinds, where losses are cut and everybody benefits. It takes a certain intelligence to love like that — softly, without props.”― Toni Morrison

Unconditional Love Quotes

A romantic quote that reads, "Loved you yesterday, love you still, always have, always will." By Elaine Davis.
  • “I can’t see anything I don’t like about you.” — Joel Barish
  • “Loved you yesterday, love you still, always have, always will.” — Elaine Davis
  • “That I shall love always, I argue thee that love is life, and life hath immortality.”  ― Emily Dickinson
  • “You were made perfectly to be loved and surely I have loved you in the idea of you my whole life long. ” ― Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  • “Love is an endless act of forgiveness.” — Jan Karon
  • “We love the things we love for what they are.” — Robert Frost
  • “She was one of those, who, having, once begun, would be always in love.” ― Jane Austen 
  • “He brought her goodness like a gift and now it belongs to her.”― Sally Rooney
  • “As long as we share the same sky and breathe the same air, we’re still together.” — Donna Lynn Hope
  • “If you’ve loved someone your whole life, it kind of makes sense that you’d love them forever.” ― Annabel Monaghan
  • “I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even more.” — Angelita Lim
  • “Look, in my opinion, the best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what have you- That’s the kind of person that’s worth sticking with.” — Diabo Cody 
  • “You don’t love someone because they’re perfect, you love them in spite of the fact that they’re not.” — Jodi Picoult

Cute Love Quotes

Cute romance quote that says, "They say love is for everyone, but sometimes I think it’s just for you and me."
  • “I couldn’t crack the love code, dear, ’til you made the lock on my heart explode.” — Jonathan Larsen
  • “They say love is for everyone, but sometimes I think it’s just for you and me.” — Anonymous
  • “To be fully seen by somebody, then, and be loved anyhow–this is a human offering that can border on miraculous.” — Elizabeth Gilbert
  • “A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.” — Ingrid Bergman
  • “This is a hug from me to you, to let you know I am thinking of you. And although I have nothing to say, you know I have thought of you today.” — Anonymous
  • “Love doesn’t make the world go round, Love is what makes the ride worthwhile!” ― Franklin P. Jones
  • “Love is a smiling dog.” — Anonymous
  • “Maybe what we had was a secret you keep hidden in a book to take out and ponder on your birthday. I smile at the thought because I know I’ve stolen it from a movie.” ― Annabel Monaghan
  • “Sometimes me think, ‘what is friend?’ and then me say, Friend is someone to share the last cookie with.” — Cookie Monster
  • “I like the way he notices things. A noticer is a person who can never be entirely self-absorbed,” ― Annabel Monaghan
  • “If I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more.” ― Jane Austen, Emma
  • “It is not time or opportunity that is to determine intimacy; it is disposition alone. Seven years would be insufficient to make some people acquainted with each other, and seven days are more than enough for others.” ― Jane Austen, Sense and Sensibility

Romantic Love Quotes

A quote about love that says, "Thinking of you keeps me awake. Dreaming of you keeps me asleep. Being with you keeps me alive.”
  • “If you find someone you love in your life, then hang on to that love.” — Princess Diana
  • “Nobody has ever measured, not even poets, how much the heart can hold.” — Zelda Fitzgerald
  • “Life and love are very precious when both are in full bloom.” ― Louisa May Alcott
  • “Thinking of you keeps me awake. Dreaming of you keeps me asleep. Being with you keeps me alive.” — Unknown
  • “I am all the time thinking about poetry and fiction and you.” ―  Virginia Woolf
  • “There is nothing more important in life than love.” — Barbra Streisand
  • “Life is the flower for which love is the honey.” — Victor Hugo
  • “He was in love, very much in love; and it was a love which, operating on an active, sanguine spirit, of more warmth than delicacy, made her affection appear of greater consequence because it was withheld, and determined him to have the glory, as well as the felicity, of forcing her to love him.” — Jane Austen
  • “You are the last thought in my mind before I drift off to sleep and the first thought when I wake up each morning.” – Unknown
  • “Yes yes yes I do like you. I am afraid to write the stronger word.” — Virginia Woolf
  • “At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.” — Plato
  • “All my flowers grew back as thorns / Windows boarded up after the storm / He built a fire just to keep me warm.” — Taylor Swift, “Call it What You Want”

Feeling Love Quotes

A love quote by Beyonce that reads, "I’m a human being and I fall in love and sometimes I don't have control of every situation."
  • “I’m a human being and I fall in love and sometimes I don’t have control of every situation.” — Beyonce
  • “I had not intended to love him; the reader knows I had wrought hard to extirpate from my soul the germs of love there detected; and now, at the first renewed view of him, they spontaneously arrived, green and strong! He made me love him without looking at me.” — Charlotte Bronte
  • “A true love story never ends.” — Richard Bach
  • “When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.” — Harry Burns
  • “Love — a wildly misunderstood although highly desirable malfunction of the heart which weakens the brain, causes eyes to sparkle, cheeks to glow, blood pressure to rise and the lips to pucker.” — Unknown
  • “It is a curious thought, but it is only when you see people looking ridiculous that you realize just how much you love them.” — Agatha Christie
  • “I’ve got a problem. Once you stop this car, I’m going to hug you, and kiss you, and then I’ll never be able to let you go.” — Homer Simpson

Beautiful Love Quotes

A quote about love that says, "I don't want to live— I want to love first, and live…incidentally." By Zelda Fitzgerald.
  • “I don’t want to live— I want to love first, and live…incidentally.” — Zelda Fitzgerald
  • “Love, the poet said, is woman’s whole existence.” —  Virginia Woolf
  • “Being alone with her is like opening a door away from normal life and then closing it behind him.”― Sally Rooney
  • “A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.” — Mignon McLaughlin
  • “You showed me colors you know I can’t see with anyone else.” — Taylor Swift
  • “I love you for all that you are, all that you have been and all that you will be.” — Unknown
  • “There is no charm equal to tenderness of heart.” — Jane Austen
  • “They’ve done a lot of good for each other. Really, she thinks, really. People can really change one another.” ― Sally Rooney
  • “I have for the first time found what I can truly love–I have found you. You are my sympathy–my better self–my good angel–I am bound to you with a strong attachment. I think you good, gifted, lovely: a fervent, a solemn passion is conceived in my heart; it leans to you, draws you to my center and spring of life, wrap my existence about you–and, kindling in pure, powerful flame, fuses you and me in one.” — Charlotte Brontë
  • “Led by her mother’s hand, she had drawn nearer to the Friend who always welcomes every child with a love stronger than that of any father, tenderer than that of any mother.” — Louisa May Alcott

Sweet Love Quotes

A romantic quote by Julia Roberts that says, “You know it's love when all you want is that person to be happy, even if you're not part of their happiness.”
  • “The smile is the beginning of love.” — Mother Theresa
  • “Love means knowing a bad today does not equal a bad tomorrow.” — Anonymous
  • “I choose you. And I’ll choose you over and over and over. Without pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat. I’ll keep choosing you.” — Unknown
  • “Falling in love with your best friend is like meeting them all over again.” – Anonymous
  •  “I shut my eyes, and the music broke over me like a rainstorm. Marco’s leg slid forward against mine and my leg slid back and I seemed to be riveted to him, limb for limb, moving as he moved, without any will or knowledge of my own, and after a while I thought, ‘It doesn’t take two to dance, it only takes one,’ and I let myself blow and bend like a tree in the wind.” – Sylvia Plath
  • “Unable are the loved to die. For love is immortality.” — Emily Dickinson
  • “I have room in me for love. And for ever so many little lives.” – Sylvia Plath
  • “I knew, you would do me good, in some way, at some time;- I saw it in your eyes when I first beheld you: their expression and smile did not- (again he stopped)- did not (he proceeded hastily) strike delight to my very inmost heart so for nothing.” — Charlotte Brontë
  • “I’ll be there if you’re the toast of the town, babe / Or if you strike out and you’re crawling home.” — Taylor Swift, “New Year’s Day”
  • “To be fond of dancing was a certain step towards falling in love.” ―Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice
  • “You know it’s love when all you want is that person to be happy, even if you’re not part of their happiness.” — Julia Roberts

Inspirational Love Quotes

A quote on love that says, “Be worthy love, and love will come.” By Louisa May Alcott.
  • “You go from dream to dream inside me. You have passage to my last shabby corner, and there, among the debris, you’ve found life. I’m no longer sure which of all the words, images, dreams or ghosts are ‘yours’ and which are ‘mine.’ It’s past sorting out. We’re both being someone new now, someone incredible”… — Thomas Pynchon
  • “Love the animals, love the plants, love everything. If you love everything, you will perceive the divine mystery in things. Once you perceive it, you will begin to comprehend it better every day. And you will come at last to love the whole world with an all-embracing love.” — Fyodor Dostoevsky
  • “What can you do to promote world peace? Go home and love your family.” — Mother Teresa
  • “I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship.” – Louisa May Alcott
  • “Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend.” — Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • “You do not deserve love regardless of the suffering you have endured. You do not deserve love because somebody did you wrong. You do not deserve love just because you want it. You can only earn – by practice and careful contemplations – the right to express it and you have to learn how to accept it.” — Toni Morrison
  • “Be worthy love, and love will come.” — Louisa May Alcott
  • “I think… if it is true that there are as many minds as there are heads, then there are as many kinds of love as there are hearts.” — Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina

Sad Love Quotes

A Beyonce love quote that reads, "Love is so blind it feels right when it's wrong."
  • “Love is so blind it feels right when it’s wrong.” — Beyonce
  • “You’ve got to learn to leave the table when love’s no longer being served.” — Nina Simone
  • “There is something demoralizing about watching two people get more and more crazy about each other, especially when you are the only extra person in the room. It’s like watching Paris from an express caboose heading in the opposite direction—every second the city gets smaller and smaller, only you feel it’s really you getting smaller and smaller and lonelier and lonelier, rushing away from all those lights and excitement at about a million miles an hour.” — Sylvia Plath
  • “I have a strange feeling with regard to you. As if I had a string somewhere under my left ribs, tightly knotted to a similar string in you. And if you were to leave I’m afraid that cord of communion would snap. And I have a notion that I’d take to bleeding inwardly. As for you, you’d forget me.” — Charlotte Bronte
  • “In another life, I would have really liked just doing laundry and taxes with you.” — Waymond, “Everything Everywhere All At Once”
  • “Her heart did whisper that he had done it for her. But it was a hope shortly checked by other considerations, and she soon felt that even her vanity was insufficient, when required to depend on his affection for her—for a woman who had already refused him…” — Jane Austen
  • “As I’ve gotten older, I’ve learned that it’s totally possible to love someone from a safe distance.” ― Annabel Monaghan

Funny Love Quotes

A love quote that says, "It wasn't love at first sight. It took a full five minutes." By Lucille Ball.
  • “If you are intolerable, let me be the one to tolerate you,” I said, and then I kissed her and tasted the lemon juice on her lips.” — Taylor Jenkins Reid
  • “If you are lucky enough to find a weirdo, never let them go.” — Unknown
  • “I love you. You annoy me more than I ever thought possible. But I want to spend every irritating minute with you.” — Unknown
  • “Nothing takes the taste out of peanut butter quite like unrequited love.” ― Charles M. Schulz
  • “‘Sorry,’ he said, kissing me lightly once more and brushing my hair from my face. I’d never seen a less sorry person in my life.” ― Annabel Monaghan
  • “It wasn’t love at first sight. It took a full five minutes.” — Lucille Ball
  • “All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.” — Charles M. Schulz
  • “For some reason I want to stay in this moment, ride this line, so I can both know and not know what’s about to happen. It will be the Schrödinger’s cat of kisses.” ― Annabel Monaghan
  • “Isn’t it funny how danger makes people passionate?” — Zelda Fitzgerald

Love Quotes by the Famous

Famous Love Quotes

A romance quote that reads, "To the world you may be one person, but to one person you are the world.” By Bill Wilson.
  • “Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” — Martin Luther King Jr.
  • “The real lover is the man who can thrill you by kissing your forehead or smiling into your eyes or just staring into space.” — Marilyn Monroe
  • “To the world you may be one person, but to one person you are the world.” — Bill Wilson
  • “It’s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.” — Alfred Tennyson
  • “Grow old along with me; the best is yet to be.” — Robert Browning
  • “Love will find a way through paths where wolves fear to prey.” — Lord Byron
  • “Have enough courage to trust love one more time and always one more time.” — Maya Angelou
  • “To love is to burn, to be on fire.” — Emma Thompson
  • “I love you right up to the moon—and back.” — Sam McBratney
  • “A loving heart is the truest wisdom.” — Charles Dickens
  • “Better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all.” — St. Augustine

Famous Love Quotes from Movies

A love quote by Mr. Darcy that says, “You must know ... surely, you must know, it was all for you.”
  • “To go it alone, or to go with a partner. When you choose a partner, you have to have compromises and sacrifices, but it’s the price you pay. Do I want to follow my every whim and desire as I make my way through time and space? Absolutely. But at the end of the day, do I need someone when I’m doubting myself and I’m insecure, and my heart’s failing me? Do I need someone who, when the heat gets hot, has my back? I do.” — Kenneth, “Safety Not Guaranteed”
  • “You must know … surely, you must know, it was all for you.” — Mr. Darcy, “Pride and Prejudice”
  • “I wanted it to be you. I wanted it to be you so badly.” Kathleen Kelly, “You’ve Got Mail”
  • “It’s amazing, Molly. The love inside? You take it with you.” — Sam Wheat, “Ghost”
  • “Somewhere out there is a young lady who I think will never be a nun.” — The Baroness, “The Sound of Music”
  • “You have bewitched me, body and soul. And I love … I love … I love you. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on.” — Mr. Darcy, “Pride and Prejudice”
  • “If you were a melody…I used only the good notes.” — Miles, “The Holiday”
  • “I guess you might say he gave me the world.” — Lucy, “While You Were Sleeping”

Love Quotes by Famous Authors

A quote about love that says, "I fell in love like you would fall asleep: slowly and then all at once." By John Green.
  • “I fell in love like you would fall asleep: slowly and then all at once.” — John Green, The Fault In Our Stars
  • “In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.” — Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice
  • “You have been in every line I have ever read.” — Charles Dickens, Great Expectations
  • “A girl likes to be crossed a little in love now and then. It is something to think of.” — Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice
  • “Love doesn’t just sit there, like a stone, it has to be made, like bread; remade all the time, made new.” — Ursula K. Le Guin, The Lathe of Heaven
  • “I love you body, soul, and breath. Is that unromantic? Love is not a whim. Love is not a flower that fades with a few fleeting years. Love is a choice wedded to action, my husband, and I chose you, and I will choose you every day for the rest of my life.” — Brent Weeks, The Blinding Knife
  • “I’ve come here with no expectations, only to profess, now that I am at liberty to do so, that my heart is, and always will be, yours.” — Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice
  • “Where the heart is really attached, I know very well how little one can be pleased with the attention of any body else.” — Jane Austen, Northanger Abbey
  • “What did you think I was going to grow up and write songs about? I’ve loved you my whole life.” ― Annabel Monaghan, Same Time Next Summer
  • “I’m not ambitious for a splendid fortune, but I know, by experience, how much genuine happiness can be had in a plain little house, where the daily bread is earned, and some privations give sweetness to the few pleasures. I am content to see Meg begin humbly, for if I am not mistaken, she will be rich in the possession of a good man’s heart, and that is better than a fortune.” – Louisa May Alcott, Little Women

Famous Shakespeare Love Quotes

A Shakespeare love quote that says, "I Love thee with a love that shall not die, till the sun grows cold and the stars grow old."
  • “Doubt thou the stars are fire, Doubt that the sun doth move, Doubt truth to be a liar, But never doubt I love.”
  • “I Love thee with a love that shall not die, till the sun grows cold and the stars grow old.”
  • “Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
  • “The stroke of death is as a lovers pinch, Which hurts and is desired.”
  • “The course of true love never did run smooth.”
  • “Is this the generation of love? Hot blood, hot thoughts and hot deeds? Why, they are vipers. Is love a generation of vipers?”
  • “I know no ways to mince it in love, but directly to say ‘I love you.'”
  • “Hear my soul speak. Of the very instant that I saw you, Did my heart fly at your service.”
  • “Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.”
  • “See how she leans her cheek upon her hand. O that I were a glove upon that hand, That I might touch that cheek.”
  • “Love sought is good, but given unsought is better.”
  • “If music be the food of love, play on.”
  • “Love is like a child, That longs for everything it can come by.”

Love Quotes From Songs

Romantic quote that says, "All that you are is all that I’ll ever need." By Ed Sheeran.
  • “I see your face in every flower, your eyes in stars above. It’s just the thought of you; the very thought of you, my love.” — Nat King Cole, “The Very Thought of You”
  • “And my waves meet your shore ever and evermore.” — Taylor Swift, “Long Story Short”
  • “All that you are is all that I’ll ever need.” — Ed Sheeran, “Tenerife Sea”
  • “Every love I’ve known in comparison is a failure.” — Taylor Swift, “Ready for It?”
  • “Make of our hands one hand. Make of our hearts one heart. Make of our vows one last vow: Only death will part us now.” — West Side Story
  • “It’s you, it’s you, it’s all for you, everything I do. I tell you all the time, Heaven is a place on Earth where you tell me all the things you want to do.” — Lana Del Rey, “Video Games”
  • “You’re the closest to heaven, that I’ll ever be.” — Goo Goo Dolls, “Iris”
  • “I hope you don’t mind that I put down in words how wonderful life is while you’re in the world.” — Elton John, “Your Song”

Love Quotes for Special Events

Love Quotes for Wedding

A quote about romance that reads, “In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world, there is no love for you like mine.” By Maya Angelou.
  • “You know you are in love when the two of you can go grocery shopping together.” — Woody Harrelson
  • “In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world, there is no love for you like mine.” — Maya Angelou
  • “The highest happiness on earth is marriage.” —  William Lyon Phelps
  • “The greatest marriages are built on teamwork. A mutual respect, a healthy dose of admiration, and a never-ending portion of love and grace.” — Fawn Weaver
  • “You don’t marry someone you can live with – you marry the person who you cannot live without.” – Aleatha Romig
  • “Every atom of your flesh is as dear to me as my own: in pain and sickness it would still be dear.” — Charlotte Brontë
  • “I’m not a religious person but I do sometimes think God made you for me.” ― Sally Rooney
  • “Love is not affectionate feeling, but a steady wish for the loved person’s ultimate good as far as it can be obtained.” — C.S. Lewis
  • “The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.” — Audrey Hepburn
  • “Marriage means saying yes in the face of an uncertain world.” — Anonymous

Love Quotes for Anniversary

Quote about love that says, “And hopefully I have changed, you know, as a person. But honestly, if I have, it's because of you.” By Sally Rooney.
  • “And hopefully I have changed, you know, as a person. But honestly, if I have, it’s because of you.” — Sally Rooney
  • “The humblest tasks get beautified if loving hands do them.” — Louisa May Alcott
  • “To get the full value of joy you must have someone to divide it with.” — Mark Twain
  • “I love thee to the depth and breadth and height my soul can reach.” ― Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  • “A happy marriage is a long conversation which always seems too short.” — Andre Maurois
  • “For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love.” — Carl Sagan
  • “I’m much more me when I’m with you.” — Unknown
  • “Morning without you is a dwindled dawn.” — Emily Dicknson
  • “Why love the woman who is your wife? Her nose breathes in the air of a world that I know; therefore I love that nose. Her ears hear music I might sing half the night through; therefore I love her ears. Her eyes delight in seasons of the land; and so I love those eyes. Her tongue knows quince, peach, chokeberry, mint and lime; I love to hear it speaking. Because her flesh knows heat, cold, affliction, I know fire, snow, and pain. Shared and once again shared experience.” — Ray Bradbury

Love Quotes for Date Night

Henry David Thoreau love quote that reads, “There is no remedy for love but to love more.”
  • “What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us.” — Helen Keller
  • “I’m in love with you, and I’m not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things.” — John Green 
  • “But if you think there’s any chance that I could make you happy, I wish you would let me try. Because it’s the only thing I really want to do with my life.”― Sally Rooney
  • “When you fall in love, you meet the real you for the first time.” ― Unknown
  • “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach” ― Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  • “There is no remedy for love but to love more.” — Henry David Thoreau
  • “I see you everywhere, in the stars, in the river, to me you’re everything that exists; the reality of everything.” — Virginia Woolf

Love Quotes for Birthday

Elizabeth Barrett Browning love quote that reads, “You're something between a dream and a miracle.”
  • “I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. I love you not only for what you have made of yourself, but for what you are making of me. I love you for the part of me that you bring out.” — Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  • “You’re something between a dream and a miracle.” ― Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  • “Everywhere I look I am reminded of your love. You are my world.” — Unknown
  • “I’ve tried so many times to think of a new way to say it, and it’s still I love you.” — Zelda Fitzgerald
  • “Each time you happen to me all over again.” — Edith Wharton
  • “I don’t miss you and you alone — I miss you and me together.” — Unknown
  • “How we need another soul to cling to.” – Sylvia Plath
  • “You, you make loving fun. And I don’t have to tell you, but you’re the only one.” — Fleetwood Mac
  • “For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.” ― Judy Garland

Other Types of Love Quotes

Love Yourself Quotes

Romance quote that says, “First and foremost, self-love, and then give love away.” By Katy Perry.
  • “Your self-worth is determined by you. You don’t have to depend on someone telling you who you are.” — Beyonce
  • “You are your best thing.” — Toni Morrison
  • “First and foremost, self-love, and then give love away.” — Katy Perry
  • “It’s hard to fall in love with someone without first loving yourself.” — Anonymous
  • “Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.” — Lucille Ball
  • “When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.” — Marcus Aurelius
  • “One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.” ― Virginia Woolf
  • “When you love and accept yourself, when you know who really cares about you, and you learn from your mistakes, then you stop caring about what people who don’t know you think.” — Beyonce

True Love Quotes

Quote about love that reads, “Just in case you ever foolishly forget; I'm never not thinking of you.” By Virginia Woolf.
  • “Just in case you ever foolishly forget; I’m never not thinking of you.” — Virginia Woolf
  • “You have been in every line I have ever read” — Charles Dickens
  • “If hell is other people, then heaven is you and me.” — Anonymous
  • “If you’re with the right person, it brings out the best version of you.” — Beyonce
  • “Give you the silence that only comes when two people understand each other.” — Taylor Swift
  • “If I leave all for thee, wilt thou exchange And be all to me?” ― Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  • “Whatever happens, whether you get rich or stay poor, ruin your health or live to old age, you always end up back where you started: hungry for the one thing everybody loses — young loving.” ― Toni Morrison
  • “I loved him very much – more than I could trust myself to say – more than words had power to express.” — Charlotte Brontë
  • “Being in love is like riding a roller coaster for the first time, and hanging on tight.” ― Anonymous
  • “If I get married, I want to be very married.” ― Audrey Hepburn
  • “Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses.”  —  Ann Landers

“I Love You” Quotes

Romantic quote that says, “I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you.” By Elizabeth Barrett Browning.
  • “I am not a thing to be admired. You are, I love you; all I can bring you is a swooning admiration of your Beauty.” — John Keats
  • “I love you the more in that I believe you have liked me for my own sake and for nothing else.” — John Keats
  • “I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you.” ― Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  • “I love you more than I have ever found a way to say to you.” — Ben Folds
  • “I love you because the whole universe conspired to help me find you.” — Paulo Coelho
  • “I love you with so much of my heart that none is left to protest.” — William Shakespeare
  • “When you say you love me, know I love you more.” — Miley Cyrus, “Adore You”

Real Life Love Quotes

Love quote that reads, “Love casts out fear, and gratitude can conquer pride.” By Louisa May Alcott.
  • “At times I think of human relationships as something soft like sand or water, and by pouring them into particular vessels we give them shape.” ― Sally Rooney
  • “Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired.” ― Robert Frost
  • “Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable.” ― Bruce Lee
  • “Every person has to love at least one bad partner in their lives to be truly thankful for the right one.” — Unknown
  • “Love casts out fear, and gratitude can conquer pride.” ― Louisa May Alcott
  • “Love is a great beautifier.” – Louisa May Alcott
  • “To you I shall say, as I have often said before, do not be in a hurry, the right man will come at last.” — Jane Austen
  • “We get old and get used to each other. We think alike. We read each other’s minds. We know what the other wants without asking. Sometimes we irritate each other a little bit. Maybe sometimes take each other for granted.” — Johnny Cash
  • “Maybe we’re just born to love and worry about the people we know, and to go on loving and worrying even when there are more important things we should be doing.” — Sally Rooney

What is the Most Romantic Quote Ever?

Personally, I find that this quote is probably one of the most romantic quotes ever:

  • “I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even more.” — Angelita Lim

It’s such a great reminder that when you find someone, you understand that you’re both not perfect, and you can love each other regardless.

That your love is unconditional; it’s not based on them meeting certain expectations and always making you happy.

It’s seeing that they’re flawed, looking beyond that, and loving them throughout their growing process.

The Best Ways to Share These Love Lines

A vase with a pink rose in it.

If you’re looking for some great ways to share these quotes, then I’ve got you covered.

Here are some ideas for you to think about:

  • In a love text or voice message when… they’re having a rough day, you want to surprise them, or you’re just feeling really connected.
  • A card attached to a flower delivery.
  • A beautiful card that was thoughtfully picked out.
  • A sticky note left on the mirror that they’ll see when getting ready in the morning.
  • A hand written card or note carefully folded into a gift.
  • Personalized + simple gift like a mug (which is great since it’s something they might be using on the daily).
  • A love quote jar: This way they can pick one out whenever they need a little extra love and encouragement.
  • Surprise love notes that you put into their bag, pocket, wallet, etc. Another great way to surprise them.
  • You can also frame one that you know really touches them.

Romantic Quotes FAQ

A couple holding hands at a coffee shop.
1. What is a Strong Quote About Love?

“I love you more than I have ever found a way to say to you.” — Ben Folds
This is such a great quote that shows strong love. Sometimes, you have such powerful feelings towards someone that it’s more than you can express.

2. What is the Deepest Love Quote Ever?

While the deepest love quote is subjective, I really like this one by the Persian poet, Rumi:
“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there.”
It’s a quote that shows how you can go beyond any judgement or even societal norms to be with someone on a deep, loving, and authentic level. You’ll support and be there for each other no matter what.

3. How Do You Express Deep Love in Words?

One of the best ways you can express deep love in your words is to really think about what it is that makes you love them. Also, what first made you fall in love with them, and what could you not live without if they were gone? Then tell them. Tell them what you appreciate and love about them. Don’t let these important things go unsaid.

4. What is the Strongest Word to Express Love?

The strongest word to express love can definitely depend, but I’d say “unconditional.” It shows that your love isn’t dependent on any conditions or expectations. It’s just there regardless of circumstances.

I hope you enjoyed this list of love quotes, from classic authors like Jane Austen all the way to, yes, even the Cookie Monster. What can I say? Wise words about love can come from anywhere.

These quotes, whether they’re from the residents of Sesame Street, or from the lyrics of a Taylor Swift song, remind us that there are so many different kinds of love: the love between a married couple, a first love, even the love between friends. 

PS – Let me know which love quotes you liked the most? I’d really like to know!

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Chasing Foxes was started in 2016 as a way for Grace and her husband, Silas, to start traveling. However, they started to realize that they had a passion for improving themselves, and wanted to help others level up their lives as well. So whether it's with cooking, travel, or staying healthy, they want to help you better your life bit by bit, as they do the same.

Lifestyle Relationships Wellness

Silas & Grace

Grace is the owner of Chasing Foxes, a lifestyle blog that's here to help women level up their lives in almost every way possible.

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