Feel Good Friday – Part One


Grace Moser

I want to dedicate some time on Fridays to giving you a list of links that are going to make your Fridays, and weekends, just a bit better.

This one will be a bit short since I’m kind of a little too busy today, but I hope you enjoy it and have a relaxing time. 🙂

These 4 Simple Pieces of Advice Your Mom Might Not Have Given You are so incredibly helpful.

I’m not saying that your mothers didn’t give you good advice already, but these might just be things she never thought of herself. 

I can’t believe a place like this exists. It’s in China and I need to go there immediately.

It honestly doesn’t feel real.

Also, this field of wild flowers is on a whole different level.

A read on why you should never have to explain yourself that you might find useful.

You should probably make this monkey bread recipe this weekend. Just a suggestion.

I’ve never had it, it just looks really good. 👍 

Why You’re Not a Failure if You Can’t Keep Your Home Clean. You really aren’t, and you need to know why.

This elephant rescuer is getting some love and cuddles from a baby elephant. You need to watch this immediately. You will not regret it.

And that’s it. I hope you have a great weekend. ♥️ 

PS – What are you up to this weekend?

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Grace is the owner of Chasing Foxes, a lifestyle blog that's here to help women level up their lives in almost every way possible.

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Grace Moser

Grace is the owner of Chasing Foxes, a lifestyle blog that's here to help women level up their lives in almost every way possible.

2 thoughts on “Feel Good Friday – Part One”

  1. What a lovely post. I think it’s important to do things that will make you feel good. This weekend we will be doing some cleaning to prepare for fall. We scheduled a painting for our home. So while it isn’t the most fun thing in the world, I know I’ll thank myself later! Nobody wants to be trying to fix up a house with snow outside! lol


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