8 Daily Habits of Fit Girls You Need to Implement


Silas & Grace

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Losing weight and getting fit isn’t always the easiest. And in order to get there, it all starts with our habits. They shape and determine how we live our lives. 

And when it comes to weight loss, it’s all about daily habits that will get us to our future goals. So check out these fit girl habits and let us know what you think.

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Quick Important Note:

woman standing on dock


If you want an AWESOME guide that’ll help you lose weight (even when you’re eating out), then check out Eat This, Not That! here.

Basically… you don’t need to diet to lose weight and can STILL go to McDonald’s.

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First Thing’s First

Oatmeal with honey and peaches

Every fit girl knows that breakfast is a super important meal, so if you skip breakfast you’ll be setting yourself up for a dangerous craving of sugary snacks and other unhealthy meals.

QUICK Breakfast Hack: I personally lost 15 pounds in 1 month with NO EXERCISE. And the best hack I found for keeping my breakfasts healthy, but something I would actually want to eat, was to make overnight oats (like these SUPER easy Mocha Overnight Oats!). Took me just a couple minute to prep!

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Quick Tip!

Latte on a table held by a girl

If you want to add something to your drinks and food that keeps your skin looking younger, repairs your body (after working out), AND gives you energy throughout the day, then I would seriously recommend collagen protein powder which you can check out here. 

ALSO, this brand is specifically great since it’s flavorless (which is awesome since I hate adding things that make my favorite drinks and food taste horrible). So I would definitely check it out here and see how you feel and look after using it for a little while.

Branch Out

Try to diversify your workout routines by trying new and different types of exercises or sports. Not only will you learn new skills and techniques, but you can also target areas that you weren’t able to get before.

Easy Hack for Branching Out: My best suggestion would be to weekly start testing out a new type of exercise YOU like. This could be anything from learning dances like salsa or west coast swing. Or, you could even join local groups on sites like Meetup that gather for hike outings.

Quick Note!

Hey, also want to know the 10 habits of people who never gain weight? Click here to check them out!

Drink More Water

Drinking more water will help keep your body healthy and hydrated. So you should aim to drink eight glasses of water per day. But if you’re working out, you need to be drinking even more than eight glasses to maintain a properly hydrated body. And if drinking water isn’t your favorite, then you can drink tea as well.

Water Hacks: Two of my best hacks for makings sure I drink enough water throughout the day is to either a.) have a jug of water right next to me as I work or b.) as soon as I finish a glass of water, refill that cup right away.  


A woman in bed wearing long socks

Getting enough sleep and creating a nightly bedtime routine will help to ease your body into a healthy routine and get you one step closer to being a fit girl. Avoid using your smartphone before bed and instead read for 15 minutes.

Sleep Hacks: If you find it hard to get a good night’s rest, then definitely read my post on 10 ways to get a full-night’s sleep.

PLUS, here’s a great post on 10 houseplants that will help you with getting better sleep!


If you are prone to mid morning hunger pains, don’t go for chips or sugary snacks. Instead, keep healthy snacks in your bag and office like almonds or veggies and hummus. Learning to grab healthy snacks instead of sugary snacks will help you to build a habit of eating healthier and reduce the temptation to consume empty calories.

First Aid Snack Hack: A great way to always have a supply of healthy snacks on you is to get a kit that has compartments with different healthy snacks. PLUS, it’s portable which means it’s ready to go with you on a road trip or to work. That way you never have to get something unhealthy at the snack machine or at a rest stop. 

Some great ideas to include in your first aid snack kit could be…

  • Nuts (like pistachios)
  • Dark chocolate
  • Dried fruit (like blueberries – trust me, those are the bomb)
  • Granola
  • Granola Bars (homemade or brands that don’t include sugar or artificial sweeteners)
  • Trail Mix


If you create a daily schedule and find time to get in one hour of gym time per day, you’ll begin to see and feel the results. Going to the gym and being consistent will allow you to be the fit girl you’ve always wanted to be. You’ll become more confident and create a healthy change in your lifestyle.

Exercise Hack: It can be hard to do this (trust me, I know), so find lazy girl exercises that you can do while watching Netflix (like these ones here!)

Cook at Home

Learning to build healthy habits starts in the gym and the kitchen! Cooking at home will be just as delicious and you can find substitutions to make your favorite recipes less fattening and healthier. You’ll become more prudent in your food choices and appreciate the knowledge of knowing everything that you’re consuming.

Cooking Hack: One of the top things I do when it comes to making sure I cook at home, and it’s healthy, is to have an arsenal of some easy to remember recipes (like from this Pinterest board here). That way if I’m having a busy week, I know exactly what to get at the store (so I can get in and get out as quickly as possible), and cook quickly. 

Then I don’t have to feel guilty about what I’m eating, I eat something I actually like, and it saves me a TON of time.

Meal Prep

Just like planning your daily schedule and workout, prepping and planning your meals will help increase your productivity and reduce your stress levels. It will also reduce the chances of you running out to grab fast food for lunch and eating all those unwanted calories.

Meal Prep Ideas: If you want some AWESOME meal prep ideas to try this week, then definitely check out these ten.

When you just change a few habits in your life, you’re able to accomplish so much. And that includes weight loss! So give these a try and let us know how it goes!

Chasing Foxes was started in 2016 as a way for Grace and her husband, Silas, to start traveling. However, they started to realize that they had a passion for improving themselves, and wanted to help others level up their lives as well. So whether it's with cooking, travel, or staying healthy, they want to help you better your life bit by bit, as they do the same.

Health Wellness

Silas & Grace

Chasing Foxes was started in 2016 as a way for Grace and her husband, Silas, to start traveling. However, they started to realize that they had a passion for improving themselves, and wanted to help others level up their lives as well. So whether it's with cooking, travel, or staying healthy, they want to help you better your life bit by bit, as they do the same.

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