10 Easy Hair Tips and Tricks You’ll Wish You’d Known Sooner


Silas & Grace

Women have to deal with a lot when it comes to hair. The majority of us have a lot, and sometimes we struggle to find new ways to tame or style it. And that’s why I found some awesome tips and hacks from great bloggers on how to keep up with your hair without being overwhelmed. Because let’s be honest, we don’t always have the time to wash our hair every day or do a two-hour long hairstyle.

So check out the different tips and tricks below and be sure to click through to the original source to find even more ideas!

Tame Flyaways with Hairspray and a Toothbrush


Found from The Krazy Coupon Lady

If you want a more clean and crisp look for your hairdo, but there are a ton of flyaways, then use a toothbrush and some hairspray to tame them.

Use Command Hooks to Hold Hair Appliances


Found from The Krazy Coupon Lady

If you have a lot of hair heating appliances that get tangled up in your drawers or cabinets, then try command hooks. They’ll keep things organized and easy to grab.

Tic Tac Bobby Pin Container


Found from The Krazy Coupon Lady

Bobby pins get lost so easily and who knows where they go. But an easy way to keep them all together is to reuse an old (or new) tic tac container.

Brush Hair Before Shower


Found from The Krazy Coupon Lady

A great way to make sure that the drains don’t get clogged with your hair, is to brush it beforehand to get any lose and/or tangled hair out.

Use Cornstarch for Oily Hair


Found from The Krazy Coupon Lady

If you don’t have time to wash your hair, then quickly use some cornstarch to soak up some of the oils.

Curl Your Hair with Tin Foil and a Flat Iron


Found from Cosmopolitan

An easy way to curl your hair is to roll it up into some tin foil and then heat it up with a flat iron.

The Best Way to Curl Your Hair With a Flat Iron


Found from Hub Pages

I can honestly let you know that this really is the best way to curl your hair with a flat iron. It’s super easy and you get AMAZING curls!

Get Thicker Hair with Eyeshadow


Found from Cosmopolitan

If you want your hair to look a bit thicker, then use some eyeshadow that matches your color and spread it around the visible roots.

Use a Toilet Seat Cover to Take Away Excess Oils


Found from Cosmopolitan

Another weird way to get rid of excess oils is to dab at your roots with a toilet seat cover. Super easy!

Make a Salt Spray with Seltzer Water and Sea Salt


Found from Cosmopolitan

If you want to add a bit of texture to your hair, then create your own salt spray with 20 oz. of seltzer water and a teaspoon of sea salt in a spray bottle.

If you have a lot of hair like me or you just needed a few hacks to make your life just a bit easier, then I hope these tips help you. I know what it’s like to be running late and not have enough time to style and/or clean your hair. And that’s why I wanted to find some new ideas to help all of you out when it comes to hair tips and tricks.

Now if you have any questions about these hair hacks, please let me know in the comments down below. I’d love to answer them!

Finally, why not help a man out in your life and show him our guide to American Crew hair products? I’m sure he’ll find it useful!

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Chasing Foxes was started in 2016 as a way for Grace and her husband, Silas, to start traveling. However, they started to realize that they had a passion for improving themselves, and wanted to help others level up their lives as well. So whether it's with cooking, travel, or staying healthy, they want to help you better your life bit by bit, as they do the same.

Beauty Style

Silas & Grace

Chasing Foxes was started in 2016 as a way for Grace and her husband, Silas, to start traveling. However, they started to realize that they had a passion for improving themselves, and wanted to help others level up their lives as well. So whether it's with cooking, travel, or staying healthy, they want to help you better your life bit by bit, as they do the same.

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