10 Awesome 4th of July Desserts to Get Your Patriotic On


Silas & Grace

I love holidays and I love ones that include watermelon, fireworks, barbecue, and sugar. And in reference to the last one, I think you can understand why I made this post. It’s getting closer to the 4th and I’m getting pretty excited. And whether you care for the holiday or not, I’m sure you’ll still like these dessert recipes. I mean we can all agree that dessert is pretty great right?

Well after searching for some of the best and easiest Independence Day desserts, I found some awesome recipes for you. And to be honest, the people who make these are just plain skilled. I mean I knew 4th of July themed cupcakes were a thing (you know, the type that you get at the store and come in heart attack flavor?), but I had no idea that there were so many creative dessert ideas.

Well I guess this is all to say that I hope you enjoy these recipes and let me know in the comment down below if you have any favorite 4th of July dishes or traditions. AND REMEMBER! Make sure you don’t eat too much; I wouldn’t want you to get diabetes (oh Wilford Brimley…).

Patriotic Oreo Pops

patriotic oreos 2

Now I’m pretty sure that this is what Captain America eats for breakfast. And when I heard the word Oreo, I was already interested. Now since the cookie part is already made, all you have to do is dip it into the frosting and decorate it anyway you please. It’s that simple, nothing too complex.

Check out how to make the recipe here!

American Flag Cookie Cake

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Cookie cake? Oh you mean an excuse to make a giant cookie. Well I’m all for that! Especially if I can taste the freedom on it (sorry for all of my cheesy patriotic jokes).

And if you add some fruit on top, it makes it sort of healthy right? Well whether you’re health conscious or not, I just hope you enjoy it.

See Just a Taste’s how-to here!

Red, White, and Blue Pinwheel Icebox Cookies


I think I’d feel kind of guilty if I ate these.. they just look so cool. And with the word “icebox” in the name, it almost sounds like something my grandmother would have made. Which is fine by me, I like old fashion and these just look tasty.

See the recipe here!

Boozy-or-Not Watermelon Stars

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Now whether you drink or not, this is a fun recipe for everyone (just make sure you don’t get the alcoholic and non-alcoholic ones mixed up when handing them to kids). It’s so simple to do with a cookie cutter, a blueberry, and decorative sticks (and a mojito-style cocktail mixture if desired).

Take a look at the how-to here!

Cookie Cutter Fruit Salad

cookie cutter fruit salad

Yay! Even more healthy dessert options! Or maybe that’s not a good thing when it comes to holiday desserts. Well whether you want healthy or not, this is definitely an eye pleaser (also, watermelon is just plain awesome). So go buy some star-shaped cookie cutters and make this fast and quick 4th of July recipe!

Check out the recipe here! Link has been removed since the page no longer exists.

4th of July Dessert – Dipped Pretzels

dessert dipped pretzels 2

Salty and sweet has always been my thing. The combo just tastes so right, and don’t these just scream freedom? Also, what could be easier than dipping pre-made pretzel sticks into frosting and doing a simple decoration?

Now if you’re not into sweet and salty, then feel free to go onto the next awesome recipe. But if that flavor combo is your thing, then go ahead and save this recipe!

Check out the how-to here!

4th of July Brownie Bites

brownie bites 2

There was a time when I wouldn’t have even thought of putting these on the list. And that would have been a time when I couldn’t even smell brownies without feeling sick (long story short, I over ate on brownies and it was not a good day).

But now that I can finally love and eat brownie again, I had to add them to this awesome list of patriotic desserts.

Take a look at the recipe here!

Fruity Brownie Dessert Pizza

fruity brownie dessert pizza

I saw the word pizza and I was immediately drawn. And just looking at it makes me want to eat it down fast. With some fruit to make you feel like you’re eating healthy, this delicious dessert is gonna be a win at your 4th of July party.

Also, doesn’t adding the words pizza and brownie together make it sound pretty American?

Read the recipe here!

Easy Flag Fruit Dessert


More fruit? Sorry guys, I guess I’m just getting too healthy over here. But in all honesty, this is a great one if you just want something that’s quick and simple. I mean everything’s already made (er.. grown too) so there’s no real hassle other than going to the store. So if you’re wanting something a little less intimidating, then I’d definitely suggest this one.

See the rest of the how-to here!

4th of July Fruit Kabobs

4th of july fruit kabobs

So basically you’re mixing the concept of barbecue and everyone’s favorite summer fruit. I mean how can you go wrong there? Besides, they look awesome and they’re great for the kids (especially if you don’t want them to get a sugar high).

Super simple, this will be an easy to please refreshing snack right before the meat gets off the grill.

Read how to make this recipe here!

Bonus Recipe

Firework Pudding Cookies


I love adding bonuses at the end! They’re just an awesome surprise when you want more of a good thing, and this is definitely a good thing.

Ever put pudding mix in cookie dough? Well if you haven’t then you need to make these right now (or at least on the 4th). Somehow the pudding mix just makes it so much more moist and delicious. And these cookies just look so darn patriotic.

Check out the Crazy for Crust’s recipe here!

Now if these desserts don’t get your freedom on, then I don’t know what will! But in all seriousness, I really hope I was able to provide value to you and you found some recipes you really liked. And like I said in the beginning, if you have any favorite recipes yourself or family traditions, let me know in the comments below!

Chasing Foxes was started in 2016 as a way for Grace and her husband, Silas, to start traveling. However, they started to realize that they had a passion for improving themselves, and wanted to help others level up their lives as well. So whether it's with cooking, travel, or staying healthy, they want to help you better your life bit by bit, as they do the same.

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