6 Water Detox Hacks That’ll Make You Feel Amazing


Silas & Grace

Before I started eating healthy, I’d have friends who’d say, “Oh you need to eat (or drink) this, you’ll feel so amazing!” I’d follow their advice and if I were being truthful, I would probably let them know that I didn’t feel any difference. But what I’ve come to realize is that once you start to eat or drink healthy, feeling the affects will come. Pretty soon you’ll start to see and feel the changes.

And now that I’ve being taking in healthier things, I find that whenever I eat things like Taco Bell (oh so so good..) and drinks things like soda, my body gets pretty angry with me. But this is beside the point! Down below I’ve found some awesome healthy beverages that will help you detox and lose weight. I love finding awesome recipes from other blogger’s lists, and I especially love linking to them so my readers can not only see my favorite finds, but also what these other bloggers have to offer. So feel free to check them out and let me know what you think!

Pop Sliced Lemons in the Freezer

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Found from Elephantastic Vegan: See Source Below

I honestly love this hack! Lemon water is a great way to slim down fast if you drink it everyday. And what better way to cool down than to put lemon slices in the freezer and pop them in your drink? Definitely a detox win.

Skinny Wonder Detox Water


Found from Budget Savvy Diva: See Source Below

Just like lemon water, this combo is going to be great for your weight loss. Cucumber, apples, and mint are all great metabolism boosters, so drinking this right after waking up is a great way to burn some calories first thing in the morning.

Layered Mixed Berry Green Power Smoothie


Found from DIY Joy: See Source Below

I’ve had green smoothies with fruit in them before and I love them! You can’t taste any of the leafy greens at all and you’re packing yourself full of awesome vitamins. This is definitely a great way to start off your day.

Breakfast Smoothies


Found from DIY Joy: See Source Below

Now DIY Joy found an awesome video tutorial for making breakfast smoothies that you can drink everyday of the week. And each one is designed to help you slim down. I think my favorite is the berry one since berries are packed with antioxidants which fight aging and weight gain.

Freeze Fruit for an Instant Detox Drink


Found from Buzzfeed: See Source Below

I can’t tell you how much I love this find from Buzzfeed! Not only can you get some awesome and delicious health packed goodness, but it also looks great for entertaining friends. Probably something you’d want to try for a summer party get-together.

Jillian Michael’s Detox Water


Found from He & She Eat Clean: See Source Below

And last but definitely not least, I’ve been seeing this one floating around the internet for quite some time. Jillian Michael is known for her genius in weight loss and this detox drink is one of her specials. So make a couple batches, drink it everyday, and watch your waistline start to shrink (also, you’ll feel pretty darn amazing).

Alright, now whether you just want to lose weight or feel good, these drinks and hacks are a great way to do just that. They’re simple, nothing complex, and it’s a great way to get started on a healthy diet. And if you want the most out of each drink, be sure to have them right after waking up. That way, the first thing you drink will be something good for you and will affect your body immediately.

Now if you have any drinks or detox hacks yourself, let me know in the comments below! I’d love to hear about them!


Frozen Sliced Lemons: Elephantastic Vegan

Skinny Wonder Detox Water: Budget Savvy Diva

Layered Mixed Berry Green Power Smoothie: DIY Joy

5 Healthy Breakfast Smoothies: DIY Joy

Freeze Fruit in Ice Tray: Buzzfeed

Jillian Michael’s Detox Water: He & She Eat Clean

Chasing Foxes was started in 2016 as a way for Grace and her husband, Silas, to start traveling. However, they started to realize that they had a passion for improving themselves, and wanted to help others level up their lives as well. So whether it's with cooking, travel, or staying healthy, they want to help you better your life bit by bit, as they do the same.

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