Thoughts on Why You’ve Never Been a Failure (Also a Free Planner ♥️)

I just wanted to say that you are NOT a mess up and you’ve never been a loser.

I know that you might be behind on your schedule or the sink might be piled high with dishes, but that’s not a determiner of your worth. 

For YEARS I felt like I would never have it together.

The house was almost always messy.

I was behind on tasks and to-dos.

And I felt constantly overwhelmed.

Basically the complete opposite of those people who look like they’re confident about everything in their lives.

It’s hard when you live like that, you kind of feel like a complete failure, like you’ll just never get it. 

But I just wanted to say that you don’t have to feel that way about yourself.

While I went on a journey to discovering who I was really meant to be and loving myself (and not speaking horrible things over myself), I had to take some time to figure out good ways to get myself on this path.

And I feel like I found a way I could help you do the same as well. ❤️ 

It’s SO easy to feel alone in the process; like no one knows what you’re going through, and they just won’t help.

Or maybe you do have that person in your life that’s routing for you, but you feel a little too discouraged to even start (I have been there so many times).

But I’m here for you! I get you!

It’s not your fault that you’re where you’re at, you just haven’t had the help you needed. ๐Ÿ™‚

And that’s why I made this 80+ page (FREE) daily planner (Discount Code: FREEDAILY).

It’ll help you…

✨ Stay on top of your to-do’s and get them done.

✨ Get rid of stressors in your life.

✨ Hit goals!

✨ Get rid of bad habits and form good ones.

✨ And be intentional about your daily life.

Here’s what it looks like! ❤️ 

You can grab your free 80+ page Simple Daily Planner here!
Discount Code: FREEDAILY

I know that it can feel so easy to get discouraged when you don’t have the right set of tools, but I just wanted to let you know that you’ve got this!

You can make INCREDIBLE changes in your life and love yourself!

Oh, and I’m here to encourage you too. ๐Ÿ™‚

If you ever want to talk or rant or ask for help, comment down below or email me at!

PS – Here’s everything it includes!

💛 4 Planner Covers

💛 Daily Planner Pages

💛 Today’s Intentions Pages

💛 Weekly Schedule Planner

💛 1 Weekly Good Habits Checklist (With Ideas)

💛 1 Weekly Good Habits Checklist (Blank – Fill in with Your Own Ideas)

💛 Habit Tracker Pages

💛 My Goals List Pages

Grace Moser is the author and founder of Chasing Foxes, where she writes articles to help women create a life they love in big and small ways. She's been a full-time traveler since 2016 and loves sharing her experiences and exploring the world with her husband, Silas. Her lifestyle and travel advice can also be seen on sites such as Business Insider, Glamour, Newsweek, Huffpost, & Apartment Therapy.

4 thoughts on “Thoughts on Why You’ve Never Been a Failure (Also a Free Planner ♥️)”

  1. I have tried to get this planner where it says “get planner here”. It says the server isn’t there. So…how do I get the planner?


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