Easy Dark Chocolate Ganache with Raspberry Coulis


Silas & Grace

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I’m going to be honest, I made this by accident. It wasn’t intended to be a chocolate ganache, I was just trying to make a French hot chocolate. But I guess some of the best things come out of accidents, this one just happened to be really tasty!

In its heated form, it really was a decadent drink; rich, creamy, and dark. But the one key thing that I believe changed it was that I added a little too much dark chocolate (more than what the recipe called for). So when I placed the rest in the fridge and took it out the next day, I realized that it had completely firmed into this amazing chocolate ganache.

It was still rich and creamy, but the texture was now this crazy smoothness that I couldn’t get over. I wanted to replicate it, and so I did.

And now that I’ve been able to recreate it, I’ve decided to add a twist to it and add raspberry coulis, which is very simple to make. It rounds out the dark richness of the chocolate ganache with a nice sweet and tangy flavor. It’s the perfect combination.

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Just look at how well they pair together…Sorry, I’ll get to the cooking process.

First, you’re going to pour the milk and heavy whipping cream into a medium saucepan. Heat on a medium-high setting and stir often until small bubbles start to form on the sides of the cream mixture. Just make sure that you don’t let it boil.

Put in the powdered sugar and mix until dissolved.

Now, take your chopped dark chocolate and place it into the cream mixture stirring constantly.

Side Note: You’ll want to use a chocolate baking bar for this, not chocolate chips. The consistency comes out more smooth as opposed to getting tiny chunks of chocolate all throughout. I use Ghirardelli’s semi-sweet chocolate baking bar which you can get in the baking aisle of your store.

After a minute or two, it should be completely melted (it’s actually fun to watch it keep on getting thicker and darker as it melts).

Once it’s finished, pour the melted creamy chocolate mixture into a couple ramekins, small cups, or even a small mason jar
like in the picture.

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Place in fridge and let it sit for eight hours or overnight. I prefer to make it the night before or in the morning so that it’s ready to go for dessert.

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Now onto the Raspberry coulis! The process is fairly simple; get a container of raspberries (however many you want), heat in the microwave for 1-2 minutes, and mash it up with your fork (or put in a blender).

Once it’s a liquid consistency, pour it through a sieve and discard all of the seeds. Then, put powdered sugar and lemon (or lime) juice into the raspberry puree. Stir until thoroughly mixed, then place in the fridge with the chocolate ganache.

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And once it’s dessert time, you can share with friends or family…or just yourself. Be careful though, eating too much of this rich chocolaty goodness may give you a stomach ache.

Dark Chocolate Ganache with Raspberry Coulis

A deliciously rich dark chocolate ganache balanced with raspberry coulis.

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Serves 3-4 people

Dark Chocolate Ganache:
Prep Time:
Cook Time:
Total Time: 6 minutes
Raspberry Coulis:

Prep Time:
Cook Time:
Total Time: 4 minutes


For Dark Chocolate Ganache
  • 1 1/2 c whole milk
  • 1 c heavy whipping cream
  • 2 tsp. powdered sugar
  • 10 oz. chopped dark chocolate (this would be about 2 1/2 of the Ghirardelli chocolate baking bars that I talked about)
For Raspberry Coulis
  • 1-2 cups raspberries (or desired amount)
  • 1 T powdered sugar (or more if needed)
  • 1 lemon (or lime) wedge


For Dark Chocolate Ganache
  1. Pour the milk and heavy whipping cream into a medium saucepan and stir every so often over medium-high heat.
  2. Once it starts to steam, stir in powdered sugar until dissolved.
  3. Take off heat once you start to see small bubbles forming on the sides of the cream mixture (make sure it doesn’t boil).
  4. Take chopped dark chocolate and put it in the mixture and stir until it’s completely dissolved. (It takes a minute or two, but you’ll know it’s all dissolved when it becomes dark and thick).
  5. Pour into desired container (small cup, ramekin, or mason jar), and place in the fridge for 8 hours or overnight (or make in the morning so it’ll be ready by the time dessert rolls around).
For Raspberry Coulis
  1. Heat raspberries up in microwave for 1-2 minutes then take a fork and mash it (or place in blender), until it become a liquid consistency.
  2. Run the raspberry mixture through a sieve and discard all seeds left over.
  3. Mix in the powdered sugar and lemon until dissolved, and place in fridge to cool down with the chocolate ganache…Then, grab a spoon and eat up!

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Chasing Foxes was started in 2016 as a way for Grace and her husband, Silas, to start traveling. However, they started to realize that they had a passion for improving themselves, and wanted to help others level up their lives as well. So whether it's with cooking, travel, or staying healthy, they want to help you better your life bit by bit, as they do the same.

Food Food & Drink

Silas & Grace

Chasing Foxes was started in 2016 as a way for Grace and her husband, Silas, to start traveling. However, they started to realize that they had a passion for improving themselves, and wanted to help others level up their lives as well. So whether it's with cooking, travel, or staying healthy, they want to help you better your life bit by bit, as they do the same.

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