Choosing a Budgeting App that will Save You Money


Silas & Grace

Budgets can be a bit tricky and not all that fun. Whether you’re doing it on excel or on paper, it can be a chore to sit down and plan one out. But thankfully, there are apps that can help you create a budget and do so much more. Now most of the work is being done for you and all you have to do is check and see (or get an alert) if things aren’t quite right with your finances when you choose a budgeting app.

This post is apart of a money saving app series. Check out the last two posts to help you save even more!

5 Money Saving Apps for Shopping

5 Amazing Money Saving Apps for Groceries

You Need a Budget

How it Works: YNAB stays by four rules, but I’ll break them down for you.  Give Every Dollar a Job: you’ll know exactly what you can spend on everything so you don’t end up worrying about next week’s bills. Embrace Your True Expenses: You’ll start saving for larger less frequent expenses like birthdays, insurance, holidays, etc. each month and treat them like monthly bills. So no more emptying your wallet because you forgot to get a present or something unexpected comes up. 

Next, Roll with the Punches: Allows you to take money from your “fun category” and put it where you overspent on your budget. So no more going into debt! Then you’ll Age Your Money: Now you can take the money you saved 30 days ago and spend it on bills or emergencies that pop up. No more being strapped for cash.

While this app isn’t free ($5 a month or $50 a year, but the first 34 days are free), it’s goal is to get you away from living paycheck to paycheck. And as they put it, paying for the program is like skipping Starbucks once a month.

This is a budgeting app you should seriously consider if you find it hard to have enough money by the next paycheck.

Who it Works For

YNAB works for those who have iOS and Android.

Where to get It

You can get YNAB here.

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How it Works: This budgeting app (for computer or Iphone), was created by Dave Ramsey himself. The guy’s written books and created classes to help us with money. Now he’s gone the tech route just to help all of those who prefer something that isn’t pen and paper.

The app is user friendly and helps you by showing the progress you’re making everyday towards your goals (being debt free) and saving towards funds (a car fund, a vacation fund, etc.). You can easily change it every month to fit your needs for whatever funds you want to create. Then you can take that money and put it in a savings account so it’s forgotten until the time comes to use it.

You can hook it up to your online banking account so you don’t have to add in every dollar you spend (unless using the envelope system is your thing, then that’s pretty cool too).

Who it Works For

The EveryDollar budgeting app is accessible through your computer or iPhone.

Where to get It

You can get EveryDollar here.


How it Works: Wally is for those who are looking for a more simple budgeting app. It tracks your income and where your money is going (expenses), then it’ll show you your expected monthly savings. It helps you to budget and gives you the ability to set and achieve goals. And with every expense you have, you can take a picture of the receipt for your records. A pretty easy program, right?

Who it Works For

Wally works for those who have iOS and Android (the app is called Wally+ for those who have Android).

Where to get It

You can get Wally here.


How it Works: Ever heard of the envelope system (I talk about it in my post 6 Hacks to Saving Money Going Out)? Well this budgeting app isn’t created by Dave Ramsey, but it’s the same idea except on your phone. You can set aside what you need each month for each category and make sure you only spend what’s in that (digital) envelope and save for what’s important to you. Seems as simple as the Wally App.

Who it Works For

The GoodBudget app works for both iOS and Android (and computer).

Where to get It

You can get GoodBudget here.

There are so many apps to choose from when it comes to budget planning, free or not free, so I thought I’d make it easy on you and create a list of five budgeting app programs that you can look over and choose from.

I hope that these apps are helpful towards your goals, climbing out of debt, and getting away from paycheck to paycheck. And if you have any apps that have helped you with saving money, email me or let me know in the comments below! I might just add it in my future posts!

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Chasing Foxes was started in 2016 as a way for Grace and her husband, Silas, to start traveling. However, they started to realize that they had a passion for improving themselves, and wanted to help others level up their lives as well. So whether it's with cooking, travel, or staying healthy, they want to help you better your life bit by bit, as they do the same.

Managing Finances Money

Silas & Grace

Chasing Foxes was started in 2016 as a way for Grace and her husband, Silas, to start traveling. However, they started to realize that they had a passion for improving themselves, and wanted to help others level up their lives as well. So whether it's with cooking, travel, or staying healthy, they want to help you better your life bit by bit, as they do the same.

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