8 Tips That’ll Help You Get Rich at Any Age


Silas & Grace

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Everyone thinks that you have to be of a certain age to get rich. But the truth is, with some savvy money habits and planning… you can actually do it at almost any age (and without a rich aunt passing away!).

So read this tips over and let us know what you think!

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Important Side Note: 

book page beside eyeglasses and coffee

If you’re in debt, then I would definitely read Dave Ramsey’s book The Total Money Makeover which you can check out here. He’s helped MILLIONS of people climb their way out of debt and have financial peace and security. So DEFINITELY check him out!

Also! He has another great book called the Legacy Journey which is a great read. Check it out here!

Invest in real estate

By using websites such as Roofstock, you can invest in turnkey rental properties if you have a bit of money to back your investments with. The returns can be fantastic! And if you want to be more hands-off with your investing, companies such as Fundrise can allow you to crowdfund real estate. 

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Look Out for the Small Things

$1 here, $5 there. These little amounts all add up and, over a period of time, can show you just how much you could have put aside into savings rather than spending on purchases you didn’t need. So instead of buying that Starbucks drink or McDonald’s breakfast, put the money away and watch it grow without lifting a finger!

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Look for Deals

By changing your car insurance provider, phone plan, or even utility companies each year, you may find yourself saving money. And then by putting the difference in savings away, you can start building up your income. Loyalty doesn’t always pay when dealing with companies, so don’t be afraid to shop around yearly.

Quick Note!

Hey, also want to know the 11 habits of people who always have money? Click here to check them out!

Look for the Best Savings Accounts

Savings accounts will work wonders for you if you get into the habit of depositing. Especially if you find one with a higher rate of interest. Some also give better interest if you don’t withdraw money, which will give you another motivator to NOT touch your savings.

Consider Self-Employed Opportunities

While most of us have our daily jobs, another way you can build up your current financial status is with self-employment roles. By all means, keep your current job going as this gives you a guaranteed income.

A great example of this is what I do; blogging! I actually ended up making $3,000 in my 3RD MONTH after having launched my blog.

Go for Education

If you want a high-paying job, chances are you’ll need an education to match. Get into the habit of reading more and looking for courses (even online!) that can help you pursue this goal. Even the act of daily reading can help you towards personal development which can make you stand out during interviews.

These habits will show you how you can get rich without applying for loans or relying on others, and may also help you find the career path you’ve always dreamed of. So try them out and let us know how it goes!

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Chasing Foxes was started in 2016 as a way for Grace and her husband, Silas, to start traveling. However, they started to realize that they had a passion for improving themselves, and wanted to help others level up their lives as well. So whether it's with cooking, travel, or staying healthy, they want to help you better your life bit by bit, as they do the same.

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