8 Habits of People Who Look Great in Photos


Silas & Grace

We all want to look glamorous in our pictures, and especially for Instagram. And thankfully, you don’t have to be a model or a celebrity to take some great pictures.

It really is a lot easier than you think! So here are the top eight tricks of people who look great in photos.

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  1. Have a Background: A good background is important in a photo. This is something a lot of models do; they find a beautiful landmark, beautiful nature, or something else to really make their photos stand out.
  2. Be More Spontaneous: It isn’t really expected of you to be strict in how you take pictures. You can take a quick selfie with friends in the park or at the mall. This tends to show your followers how real and relatable you are. Many people like your personality more than having your makeup and hair just right.
  3. Know Your Light Spec: Light is necessary when taking your photo because if you have bad lighting, then your picture won’t come out right. And fortunately for all of us, there are different apps that are accompanied by different filters; this can help with the lighting problems.
  4. Know the Right Angles: You’ve got to know the angles that suit you because if you don’t, your photo won’t look right. And one of the best way to learn or practice your angle is by either taking several selfies and choosing one or practicing in the mirror.
  5. Have That Contact: You have to make the best contact when facing the camera; make sure your eyes are directly set towards the camera. People tend to connect with you better if your eyes are facing them in a photo.
  6. Get Your Hair Done: When you want a good photo, you need to make sure your hair is right (but it doesn’t have to be crazy fancy!). Your hair can send a message to your viewers and how you care for yourself. So make sure your hair is well done before you take that picture next time.
  7. Don’t End Without a Smile: I’m not talking about smiling always, but at least brighten up your face by either giving a smug smile or a soft grin. It’s one of the best ways to capture your audience. 
  8. Add a Little Detailing: Yes you heard right, detailing. And what I mean is this; you can use props like coffee cups, a newspaper, magazines, and other background items to add to the scene. Funny as this may sound, this a great way to dress up a photo.

Taking the perfect photo isn’t easy, but with a little bit of practice, some help from friends, and looking at inspiration, you’ll get some great shots. So keep on practicing, you’ll get there!

Chasing Foxes was started in 2016 as a way for Grace and her husband, Silas, to start traveling. However, they started to realize that they had a passion for improving themselves, and wanted to help others level up their lives as well. So whether it's with cooking, travel, or staying healthy, they want to help you better your life bit by bit, as they do the same.

Beauty Style

Silas & Grace

Chasing Foxes was started in 2016 as a way for Grace and her husband, Silas, to start traveling. However, they started to realize that they had a passion for improving themselves, and wanted to help others level up their lives as well. So whether it's with cooking, travel, or staying healthy, they want to help you better your life bit by bit, as they do the same.

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