11 Super Easy Hacks That’ll Make Being on the Keto Diet so Much Easier


Silas & Grace

keto diet hacks

So you finally decided to get into the Keto diet. Let me congratulate you first! You’re now on your way to a low carb diet that will benefit your health so much. And whether your reason is to get in shape, lose weight, or just wanting to stay healthy, the Keto diet is no doubt a great solution for your fitness goals.

And to help you stick to your Ketogenic diet, I’ve compiled some Keto hacks and tips that’ll keep you on track. These are proven and tested ideas that’ll make your Keto lifestyle less frustrating and more achievable.

Also, they are super easy to follow and give great results. So check them out, bookmark this post, and let me know what you think!

1. Choose Eggs and Bacon over Cereal

As you know, breakfast is the most important meal of the day since it fuels you to be productive and efficient all day long.

But many of us tend to have sugary high-calorie meals like cereal for our breakfasts that start the day off badly for Keto. In particular, budget cereals are usually the worst for high sugar content.

So instead, try having eggs and bacon for your next breakfast.

This meal is high in protein and low in carbs which is essential for your Keto diet. You can also try a different recipe for your eggs to make it tastier or more interesting.

And for your bacon, be sure to use coconut oil when frying them to keep it a little more healthy.

What Cereal Can I Eat on Keto?

If you must eat cereal, then try eating keto cereals such as porridge, granola, shredded wheat, or high protein cereal such as Special K Protein or Nutritious Living Hi-Lo Cereal.

These are all the lowest sugar cereals on the market and come packed with fiber and protein.

2. Replace Rice and Pasta with Cauliflower Rice or Veggie Pasta

These two are unhealthy carbs you want to ditch in your diet. Instead of eating rice or pasta, consider replacing them with a healthier version, like cauliflower rice or veggie pasta. Both of these are relatively easy to make. For the cauliflower rice, you can get it pre-made at your local store. If this is not your thing, you can make your own by using your food processor with the pulse setting.

And for your veggie pasta, try some zucchini and put it into your Spiralizer. In just a few minutes, you can have spiral pasta and cook it over the stove.

3. Prepare Your Own Lunch

For all the newbies in the Keto diet, I suggest you make it a habit to prepare and bring your own packed lunches to school or the office. It doesn’t just make sure you’re eating healthy but saves you money as well.

You can also have a meal plan to strategize what meal to prepare for the whole week. And you can consider making them in batches ahead of time and then freeze them. This way you can just grab and go for busy days!

4. Try This Quick Snack

Here’s a quick keto recipe for y’all in case you start getting sugar cravings!

Instead of heading to the nearest store to get some chocolate bars, get some almond butter, coconut oil, and cocoa powder. These ingredients make a great healthy recipe that tastes like a sweet dessert but is still low in calories.

To make one, just pour all the ingredients into a bowl and mix it until it’s a fine consistency. Put it in the freezer for around half an hour or take out once frozen.

That’s it! You’ll have a quick snack that’s one of the easiest keto recipes out there that also benefits your health.

5. Replace Regular Flour with Almond or Coconut Flour

Just like with the rice and pasta tip, you might also want to replace your regular flour with almond or coconut flour. They taste good and can be used with any of your baking recipes to make a Keto-friendly treat. Hop on the Pinterest and you’ll find plenty of great recipes for low carb diets that use these alternative flours.

6. Skip the Acidic Foods & Drinks

Say goodbye to your acidic foods and drinks that include alcohol, sodas, low-fat dairy products, and sweetened teas or coffees (but don’t worry, black coffee is keto).

These are foods and drinks that negatively affect your health and alkaline balance which is essential in your diet. This doesn’t mean you’ll ditch them forever, you just need to skip them temporarily as you go with Keto diet.

PS. Try drinking things like protein shakes, reduced-sugar juices, almond milk, or green tea!

7. Buy Vegetables in Bulk

A table of vegetables that you can eat on the Keto diet
One of the best ways to save money on vegetables is to buy in bulk when on sale. And don’t worry about them going bad, you can just store them in your freezer.

But before you put them in, wash, peel and chop them into different sizes for your different healthy recipes. You’ll find this super helpful especially for busy, lazy days where you can’t have healthy foods on hand. Implement this tip and you’ll save so much time and money.

8. Go on Intermittent Fasting

Make sure to ask your doctor before going on any diet like this.

Compared to calorie restrictions, intermittent fasting only limits your eating windows to just a few hours a day.

So for instance, for 14-16 hours of the day (and yes, this can include the time you sleep), you won’t eat anything with calories, only drink water. And for the rest of the day, you’ll eat healthy meals.

Your body will break down extra fats that are stored and use it as energy during fasting days. It’s pretty simple!

9. Plan for the Week

To make sure you stick to your Keto diet all week, make sure you plan out your meals for the entire week. That way you know exactly what ingredients to shop for and you won’t be tempted to cheat.

There are plenty of awesome Keto recipes out there, so try to get a week ahead for your diet!

10. Think “Shalom”

Here’s a fun little Keto hack some of you might appreciate! If you want a memory aid for some of the dos and don’ts of Keto, simply remember this Shalom acronym and be at peace. (Shalom is the Hebrew word for “peace”).

Sweeteners — If you just love sugary flavors, low-carb sweeteners will be your best friend on the Keto diet. The best sweeteners for the Keto diet are natural ones like Stevia that can help lower blood pressure (Source) and Monk Fruit which can help regulate blood sugar levels (Source). Though artificial sweeteners can be fine too (e.g. Sucralose).

High-fat dairy — Seriously, avoid low-fat dairy options. Go for dairy products high in protein and fat, but low in lactose. So skip goat’s milk, regular milk (or at least cut intake down a bit and still definitely only drink full-fat), and buttermilk, and eat more full-fat cheeses, creams, and butter.

Avocadoes — For 2 grams of carbs for every 100 grams, eating avocado is such an awesome Keto hack! It’s tasty, versatile, and you can’t say enough about its many other health benefits…

Low-carb vegetables —Bell peppers, artichokes, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, cucumbers, lettuce, cabbage, eggplant, sprouts, kale, garlic, tomatoes, celery, green beans, zucchini, and mushrooms, are just some great low-carb options for Keto.

Other fats — The “good” fats for Keto are saturated fats, natural trans and polyunsaturated fats, and monounsaturated fats, whereas the “bad” ones are processed trans and processed polyunsaturated fats.

Meats — Some good meats for Keto are porterhouse, New York strip, ribeye and t-bone steaks, chicken thighs, lamb chops, pork belly, bacon, baby back ribs, and any other meats where you leave the skin on with it.

11. Focus on More Than Food

Exercising on a rooftop while on the Keto diet
Lastly, after applying all the Keto hacks above, I suggest you reduce all the different factors that can negatively affect your Keto diet.

So have enough sleep, reduce your stress, exercise, stay positive, and be active. All of these things will contribute to your fitness goals and benefit your health.

Despite further studies needing to be done for conclusive evidence, there have been a few indications from one study that the Keto diet and exercise work well together since it can help retain muscle mass while still burning fat and losing weight. So I’d suggest staying active while on Keto to proportion your muscle to fat ratio effectively.

Moreover, the National Sleep Foundation reports that staying active can help you sleep better which is super important since sleep deprivation has been constantly linked with weight gain.

In summary, make sure you live a healthy, active, and balanced lifestyle while on Keto!

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Seriously, being on a Ketogenic diet doesn’t need to be a challenging and intimidating task. There are always plenty of tips and tricks that you can use just like the ten ideas above that will totally help you stick to your healthy lifestyle. So give them a try and let me know what you think.

Now, what’s was your favorite Keto diet hack from this list? Comment down below. I love to hear about them!

Chasing Foxes was started in 2016 as a way for Grace and her husband, Silas, to start traveling. However, they started to realize that they had a passion for improving themselves, and wanted to help others level up their lives as well. So whether it's with cooking, travel, or staying healthy, they want to help you better your life bit by bit, as they do the same.

16 thoughts on “11 Super Easy Hacks That’ll Make Being on the Keto Diet so Much Easier”

  1. You have a very engaging writing style, and I love what you have to say. Maybe you could add a bit more content to help readers connect with your message even more.

  2. During my work week, I only eat supper. On my days off, I make a late breakfast of eggs and bacon or omelet. Have a crunchy salad around 2 or 3pm then supper around 7pm. Since I’m home, I can drink a lot more water than I can at work and I hate water but it seems to work. I’ve easily lost 12 lbs in four weeks.

  3. Very helpful, informative and most of all made easy to understand. I appreciated the simplicity of it and wasn’t bored at all of reading as I get with some articles. Perfectly done

  4. Thanks for sharing. I am about to start the eating change. How long do you need to do the first time before your cheat day? Or how long would you recommend


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