13 Thoughtful Gift Ideas for Friends: A Simple & Helpful Guide on What to Get

Gifts for friends they'll love. Find unique, sentimental, & stylish ideas perfect for BFFs, coworkers, or anyone who deserves a thoughtful surprise.

Getting a birthday present for a friend will always be a kind thing to do. But when it’s thoughtfully chosen and curated, that’s when they’re really gonna feel appreciated.

It’s those gifts for friends that stick in their minds until the next birthday that really make the difference.

And if you’ve known this person for years, you really do wanna make them feel like you actually know them.

So whether it’s a personalized gift like a journal with their name on it for the friend who loves to write, or a small gift that just makes their day a whole lot better, there are so many ways you can make their birthday even more special.

And even if your best friend kind of already has everything they could want, there are ways you can plan out special activities and events to give them incredible memories.

Here are some of the best gifts for friends that are considerate and will definitely make celebrating their birthday a whole lot more fun!

1. Their Favorite Beauty Products


Whether it’s two or five items, an easy but super thoughtful gift idea is to fill a gift bag with some of their favorite beauty products.

Think small perfume bottles, their favorite moisturizer, a lip balm, lotion, or even a toner.

It’s a great way to show your bff that you know them and you’re gonna support their beauty addiction.

How to Make It More Special:

  1. Get a beauty bag instead of a gift bag and top it with a birthday bow.
  2. Throw in just one extra beauty item that they’ve never used before, but you’re confident they’ll like. It’s a good way for them to try something new that they might just fall in love with.

2. A Really Good Birthday Dinner


I made a whole list of recipes that I’ve tried, tested, and approved for birthday dinner ideas.

Sometimes just taking the time to create something homemade that ridiculously tasty is all that’s needed.

Case and point, this caramelized onion pasta is legit one of THE best pasta dishes I’ve ever made, and is perfect for your friend’s birthday.

3. Shoes That Work With Their Wardrobe


This is probably one of the easiest present ideas you can do, but it’s also basically guaranteed to be their favorite gift.

If you know them and the kind of clothing they wear (and their favorite colors), getting a really good pair of cute shoes will always be a great idea.

You get even more points if you know their favorite shoe brand.

4. Tickets to Their Favorite Event


Whether you friend loves Selena Gomez or rodeo shows, tickets tucked inside a card is gonna be a great birthday gift.

It kind of shows that you know them, plus you give them something to look forward to. It’s the gift that keeps on giving past their special day.

5. A Personalized Journal


Does she love to journal, make plans, or write down her thoughts and ideas?

A personalized journal is a pretty thoughtful present for her special birthday. The one I got as a gift above felt a lot more special with my name on the cover and a very pretty design.

My friend got this from Papier (not sponsored), and it might be a place you should check out too.

How to Make It More Special: Try pairing it with a pretty pen and washi paper set.

6. A Spa Bag


I am a huge fan of just getting a gift bag or box and filling it with multiple items.

And a spa bag is one of my favorite versions of this present curation.

Ideas on What to Include (Tried & Tested)

  • A really nice bath bomb or two: The one above is from The Body Shop, and it was very nice. 👌
  • A large sachet filled with green tea: It’s said that a green tea bath can help with inflammation. Results vary and I’m not an expert, but I did like it and it was very relaxing.
  • Lavender scented bubble bath: Lavender is so relaxing and perfect for soaking in hot water. The Deep Steep Chamomile and Lavender bubble bath is the one I tried and loved (again, not sponsored).

And anything else that you personally believe they’d like. Think calming bathtub lights, oils, face masks, etc.

7. Flowers & Coffee


If you’re on a budget, then flowers and a coffee (or matcha latte) will always be a great go-to.

You’re giving your BFF a nice tasty pick-me-up along with a pretty bouquet they can enjoy for days. Also, flowers are just a great way to make someone feel special.

8. Make a Day Plan


Legit just create a whole day around them. And it doesn’t have to be super complicated!

Here’s a quick example:

  • Pick them up for coffee and breakfast at their favorite cafe.
  • Head over to a flower or farmer’s market.
  • Grab the prepped picnic items at your place, and go to a pretty park for lunch and cake.
  • Bike ride and maybe stop at a cute coffee shop for another drink.
  • Head back to your place for pizza and a movie.

9. A Cute Pajama Set


Whether it’s something light for the warmer months or cozy for the middle of winter, I think pajamas are always gonna be a great idea.

They’re an item you can get kind of attached to because they can be pretty comforting. Also, pajamas are just great for lazy days at home.

10. Book a Weekend Airbnb Getaway


It doesn’t have to be all the way across the state or even in another city (although it could be).

Just find an Airbnb that has immaculate vibes, great sunlight, good reviews, near cute cafes, and you’re set for an amazing birthday weekend to celebrate your friend.

11. Beach and Pizza


If you live by or near a beach, then grabbing your friend for pizza as you watch the sun set over the water is a great way to make memories.

Bonus points if you invite other good friends to enjoy this special moment and have great conversations.

12. Lunch Drop-Off


If your friend happens to be working on their birthday (sad but it happens), stop by one of their favorite spots to eat and get something to-go.

Then head over and surprise them with a lunch drop-off to make their day feel just a bit more special.

13. Thoughtfully Picked Wall Art


Items like wall art are something you need to be careful with.

You need to know that you know your friend is gonna like an art piece (or pieces) that you get for them.

Because if they don’t, it might be a bit awkward if you’re never seeing it on their wall.

But if you really do feel that you know them very well, and they have plenty of open wall space, then definitely get them a nicely framed piece of art.


Grace Moser is the author and founder of Chasing Foxes, where she writes articles to help women create a life they love in big and small ways. She's been a full-time traveler since 2016 and loves sharing her experiences and exploring the world with her husband, Silas. Her lifestyle and travel advice can also be seen on sites such as Business Insider, Glamour, Newsweek, Huffpost, & Apartment Therapy.

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