If you’re finding yourself on this page after having clicked on a title for one of my previous articles on blogging, just know that you’ve been redirected.
The previous article no longer exists and this is my explanation why.
So back in 2016, my husband and I started this blog as a way to create a location independent income so we could travel full-time.
And it worked and still works.
Right now we’re in Buenos Aires, Argentina and enjoying the beautiful architecture. 🙂
Over the past 8 years, this site has been such a huge blessing; we’ve gotten to make friends in different parts of the world, see beautiful countries, and try incredible foods.
And when this all started up, we also wanted to teach others how to make money online.
It was doable (and still is) and we taught about it until around the beginning of 2021.
Why We Stopped Teaching Blogging
Since then, we had stopped and our interests in what we wanted to do with the site, where we wanted to take it, and how we wanted to help people evolved.
We had started Chasing Foxes as a blog that would only cover women’s lifestyle advice; but we quickly became known as a blogging success story the same year we created the site.
And while this was incredible, we also knew that continuing to write about blogging wasn’t our passion.
We wanted to help others in learning how to level up the different parts of their lives.
But there were other reasons why we stopped as well.
We found that sharing our success made certain people we knew treat us differently.
While some were very happy for us, others didn’t like our success too much and would make commentary that made us feel uncomfortable.
And on top of that, sharing our income reports could be dangerous.
There are some countries that if it gets out how much you make online, your safety could be at risk. So not sharing income reports seemed like the smartest thing to do.
Who You Can You Learn From
While I’m not teaching others how to blog anymore, I’m still happy to point you in the right direction for where you can learn!
I really love the Facebook group, Blogging Like We Mean It.
The group is run by and filled with people who are very helpful and informative when it comes to blogging.
They’re a great space for helping you to learn more.
Also, Carly Cbell is another great source! Her site Mommy on Purpose, has a section called “Start a Blog” that’ll help you get started and learn the ropes.
I hope you go after and do well in blogging!
It’s honestly so worth it and a great way to start creating a life you love.
And if you have any questions, please feel free to leave them in the comments. 🙂
Grace Moser is the author and founder of Chasing Foxes, where she writes articles to help women create a life they love in big and small ways. She's been a full-time traveler since 2016 and loves sharing her experiences and exploring the world with her husband, Silas. Her lifestyle and travel advice can also be seen on sites such as Business Insider, Glamour, Newsweek, Huffpost, & Apartment Therapy.