Money Saving Hacks for the Modern Man’s Wardrobe


Silas & Grace

Whether you want to expand your wardrobe and choices or you need to replace damaged clothing, there are plenty of hacks out there to help you save money. Because let’s be honest, us men like problem solving and coming up with the best solutions. And by solutions, I mean getting the best deals for our money.

Not all of us can afford to spend fifty dollars for a t-shirt that has a designer name on it. We like to look good, but spending a lot of money on a few items just isn’t worth it. And thankfully there are ways to work around those price tags that make us flinch.


Speaking about fifty dollars for a designer t-shirt, one of the things you should always avoid when shopping for clothes are the brands. I know this goes without saying, but more likely than not, a designer/brand name doesn’t always mean quality. In fact, it usually means you end up paying more for something that won’t last you for a year.

So look for the brands that aren’t so well known or the stores that offer the same look but for a better price.


I know a lot of men get nervous about online shopping. They wonder if those jeans will look good on them or if those shoes will fit. But there are plenty of stores online that will offer you free shipping and returns if that button-up doesn’t quite work out.

I highly recommend Zappos. They’re an online store that offers both free shipping and returns on your items, plus you have a whole year to decide if you want to keep your order. If you feel that those shoes just aren’t for you, return them and you’ll get a full refund. And lastly, if you’re shopping for an outfit because you forgot there was a special event the next day, Zappos does overnight shipping if you order by 1PM PST.

One thing you should know about Zappos though: Zappos doesn’t always have the lowest of prices. However, when making a decision about clothing, it can be best to choose quality over quantity. Thankfully Zappos provides quality products, so you’ll save money on a quality shirt instead of going through a couple within a year.

If you’re not interested in Zappos, then take note. looked over more than 750,000 sales items from over 200 online retailers and found that each day had patterns. It turns out that on Tuesdays, you can save more than 40% on men’s apparel from many stores online.

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If you live stateside, then there are great deals for many stores.

The first one I would recommend, Goodwill. Sounds cliche, but Goodwill does offer great prices for great finds. Yes you will have to wade through a lot that just isn’t you… or anybody for that matter. But you’ll also be able to find that one piece or a great outfit for an amazing deal. It’s a great way to get clothing that’s unique but stylish.


Target’s next, and here’s a quick secret. If a discounted price ends in 8, so for instance $30.98, it means that it will be marked down again (but if it ends in a four, it’s the lowest it will ever be). So check back the next couple of days if you find a great pair of clearance jeans.

Second secret; Target has a mark down schedule. This means, each day they mark down a certain section of the store and put things on sale. For us men, this means Wednesdays are the days we shop at Target for our clothes.

If they still don’t have the price you want for clothes, check out your local Salvation Army and Goodwill; Target donates to both frequently.


Buying the essentials is a great way to ensure that you don’t waste money on pieces that only go with one outfit. Yeah, it’s great to have pieces that pop and make you stand out, but make sure that the majority of your clothes are neutrals that are easily interchangeable.

This insures that you’ll be able to have any number of combinations for your daily wear. You won’t feel the need to up your wardrobe and spend more cash because you already have that great pair of dark wash jeans that goes amazing with your chambray shirt.


Want to make your jeans last longer? Then don’t wash them (or at least not often). Sounds strange, but unless you’re doing manual labor or you’re out and about in the heat often, than washing your jeans all the time isn’t necessary.

Washing your jeans is extremely hard on them and wears them out more quickly. You can apply this for many pieces in your wardrobe, but jeans specifically don’t do great with being machine washed. They’re an essential in your weekly outfits, make sure they last long so you can save money and keep them around.

Going shopping for clothes isn’t a regular recurrence for us men; we’re creatures of nature, we like what’s comfortable on us. But when we do make it a point to restructure and level up our wardrobe, we like to make sure that one of the few times we go shopping isn’t an overpriced or frustrating experience.

Thankfully there are hacks like these that we can apply to shopping and saving time.

If these tips were helpful and you learned something new, let me know! However, if it didn’t provide value and you still have questions or want to know more about a certain aspect of the topic, email me or let me know in the comments below! I’d love to hear you out and give you an answer.

Chasing Foxes was started in 2016 as a way for Grace and her husband, Silas, to start traveling. However, they started to realize that they had a passion for improving themselves, and wanted to help others level up their lives as well. So whether it's with cooking, travel, or staying healthy, they want to help you better your life bit by bit, as they do the same.

Fashion Style

Silas & Grace

Chasing Foxes was started in 2016 as a way for Grace and her husband, Silas, to start traveling. However, they started to realize that they had a passion for improving themselves, and wanted to help others level up their lives as well. So whether it's with cooking, travel, or staying healthy, they want to help you better your life bit by bit, as they do the same.

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