8 Fat Burning Foods That Will Help You Lose Weight Fast


Silas & Grace

Whether you’re on a diet or you want to make a gradual lifestyle change, it’s probably best if you know the foods that will affect your weight loss. They say that what you eat is a bigger factor in losing weight than exercise, so if you want to take a off a few pounds, it’s good if you start with what you’re taking in.

There are snacks that will suppress your appetite and then there are meals that will speed up your metabolism. So combining the right meals will make a good impact on your weight loss.

Down below I found some awesome foods that will get you well on your way to your goal weight. I went through different lists of snack and meal tips from awesome sources. And by the end of this,  I list all of the posts I got these tips from so you can see more of their awesome weight loss foods. So go to the end to read more lists on meals for weight loss.

Lemon Detox Water

Coconut water (which tastes nothing like artificial coconut, I promise) and lemon water are an amazing combo for boosting your metabolism. Drinking this will definitely get you charged for the day and help you burn calories more easily.

Check out the recipe here!

Found from 31 Detox Water Recipes by DIY Joy. See source below

15 Amazing Fruits for Weight Loss


All of these fruits are awesome, but cantaloupe is a great fruit for weight loss. It’s super filling and low calorie which is great for suppressing your appetite.

Whole Grains

whole grains

Whether it’s quinoa, oatmeal, or brown rice, whole grain foods help you to lose weight. The fiber in them helps lower your blood fat levels, and not to mention that your body burns more calories from just digesting them.

Found from Best Foods for Your Weight Loss Goals by Skinny Mom. See source below.

16 Healthy Eating Rules You Should Always Follow


Now I thought this was a great infographic for showing you how to eat healthy without going hungry. This is definitely something to take note of.

Found from 16 Healthy Eating Rules You Should Always Follow by Cosmopolitan. See source below.

Green Tea


As I talk about in my post on Losing 15 Pounds in 1 Month (without exercise), green tea was a HUGE factor in my weight loss. Green tea has a special antioxidant called catechin which helps to boost your metabolism and burn fat. It’s definitely something you want to stock up on. Try this green tea detox recipe here!Site no longer reachable.

Found from 5 Tummy-Melting Foods by Skinny Mom. See source below.



With lots of fiber in them, apples keep you full and take longer to break down (which means you body will burn more calories just from digesting it). Make it easy for yourself to eat and cut it up into pieces (I prefer to eat it that way since I’m not a huge fan on biting into apples).

Found from 13 Weight Loss Snacks by Skinny Mom. See source below.

35 Amazing Foods for Weight Loss


Avocados are a great source of healthy fats which help to increase your metabolism so I can see why they put it on this list.

Found from 35 Amazing Foods for Weight Loss by ModWedding. See source below.



This fruit is great for lowering your insulin levels which helps to give your metabolism a nice boost. So if you want a tasty snack, go ahead and have it topped with a little honey, agave nectar, or maple syrup!

Found from 10 Tummy Tightening Foods by Skinny Mom. See source Below.

I’ve substituted out many unhealthy snacks and meals for the ones listed above. However, I did it slowly; and that’s one of the keys to weight loss. You take out one unhealthy food for something low calorie but still tasty. Otherwise, if you cut out everything at once, then you’re guaranteed to go right back to the same unhealthy diet you were on before.

Now if you have any healthy snack or meal tips, let me know in the comments below! I’d love to hear about them. Also, check out the sources below and see if there are any lists you’d like to read through!


31 Diy Detox Water Recipes – DIY Joy

Best foods for Your Weight Loss Goals – Skinny MomSite no longer available.

16 Healthy eating Rules You Should Always Follow – Cosmopolitan

5 Tummy-Melting Foods – Skinny MomSite is no longer reachable.

13 Weight Loss Snacks – Skinny MomNo longer available.

35 Amazing Foods for Weight Loss – ModWedding

10 Tummy Tightening Foods – Skinny MomSite not available.

 | Website

Chasing Foxes was started in 2016 as a way for Grace and her husband, Silas, to start traveling. However, they started to realize that they had a passion for improving themselves, and wanted to help others level up their lives as well. So whether it's with cooking, travel, or staying healthy, they want to help you better your life bit by bit, as they do the same.

Health Wellness

Silas & Grace

Chasing Foxes was started in 2016 as a way for Grace and her husband, Silas, to start traveling. However, they started to realize that they had a passion for improving themselves, and wanted to help others level up their lives as well. So whether it's with cooking, travel, or staying healthy, they want to help you better your life bit by bit, as they do the same.

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