5 Simple Ways to Save Money on Clothes This Spring


Silas & Grace

The freshness of spring is said to make us eager for romance. Whether that’s true or not, one thing is for certain, you’ll be eager to freshen up your wardrobe! But if last spring’s clothes shopping was a bit of a blow to your budget, or you’re hoping to save a few dollars and still look great, some money-saving tips are in order. So definitely try these strategies out to help your dollars go further.

1. Unpack Your Closet First!

A really obvious way to save money is to buy only what you need. But what do you need? Well the best way to find out is to unpack your closet and sort your clothes into categories.

  • If it’s still something you’ll wear, keep it.
  • If it’s worn, decide whether you can spruce it up or repurpose some of the fabric. If not, give those old clothes away or discard them.
  • If it still looks nice but isn’t really “you” anymore, put it aside for trading with friends. If they don’t want it, donate it to charity. Either way, it makes someone happy.

Now that you know what you have, look at how you can combine items creatively to get a new look from old outfits. If you’re a handy needlewoman, a few simple alterations can give an old item a new lease of life or a creative twist – but beware of storing up a pile of sewing if it’s something you struggle getting around to!

Ideas you can explore include adding ribbon trim, iron-on embroidered patches, a twist of tulle, or even pretty buttons to add zing to a used item.

And don’t forget that fabric dye is an option. It’s a slightly messy process, but the refreshed color should make faded clothes look like new. Or you can change colors completely. Everybody will think you’re wearing brand new clothes.

2. Decide What You’re Looking for BEFORE You Shop

It can be very pleasant browsing around shops looking at clothes. It can also end with you coming home with yet another item you’ll hardly ever get around to wearing. Think about which of your existing clothes you’ll wear on which occasions and look for gaps in the mix.

Of course, it can be hard to specify exactly how the things you’ll buy must look, but you can at least specify what type of item you need and what color you’d like it to be.

And don’t forget to check with friends who will be going through the same process (or who would be interested). If you’re the same size, you can trade clothes you aren’t planning to wear again. Just remember to be honest with yourself about what you will and will not wear so that you don’t end up with a lot of new clutter.

3. Mix, Match, Accessorize

Any woman who dresses well on a budget will be happy to share her secrets with you. Choosing items that can be combined in different ways to create a new look makes each item you buy part of several outfits not just one.

Accessories can also change an outfit completely, switching it up from informal to formal with the stroke of an artfully-draped scarf, a pretty belt, or the addition of some affordable yet elegant costume jewelry.

And when you shop, you’ll be looking for those big payoff items that you can use in a variety of ways. For example, a lacy top can be a formal blouse or a light jacket over a casual tee. It could also go with evening wear, business wear, or you can match it with denim shorts and hit the beach.

4. Never Pay the Full Price

If you’ve got your heart set on branded goodies, then there are lots of ways to get them without paying the full price. Of course, you could wait for the sales and shop for next spring, but you can also look for discounts or low prices on the items you need right now.

Start at the thrift shops. You’ll be amazed at what you can pick up for a few dollars. You might even find items with the original price tags still in place.

Also, bookmark coupon websites like DontPayFull for discount deals, free shipping, and other special offers. At the moment, for example, you can get discounts at Guess, Gap, and Forever 21. Are you excited about your frugal shopping yet? You really can be a fashion diva on a budget.

5. Turn Budgeting into a Game Not a Limitation

Have you ever made good resolutions only to let them go the minute you’re confronted by a “must-have” item with a scary price tag? Walking away from it is hard, and you may even decide to rebel against your own good intentions, buy it, and face the consequences afterwards.

However, as you will see when shopping around for something distinctive, there are always affordable alternatives that will give you a similar effect. How good will you feel when you discover a budget-friendly alternative to those costly pair of shoes you first saw? It’s like winning a treasure hunt, and the best part is that you now have MORE money left to save or spend.

Track your spring clothing shopping savings and don’t forget that they earn you bragging rights. Your friends will be excited to follow your money-saving yet super-stylish example.

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Chasing Foxes was started in 2016 as a way for Grace and her husband, Silas, to start traveling. However, they started to realize that they had a passion for improving themselves, and wanted to help others level up their lives as well. So whether it's with cooking, travel, or staying healthy, they want to help you better your life bit by bit, as they do the same.

Fashion Style

Silas & Grace

Chasing Foxes was started in 2016 as a way for Grace and her husband, Silas, to start traveling. However, they started to realize that they had a passion for improving themselves, and wanted to help others level up their lives as well. So whether it's with cooking, travel, or staying healthy, they want to help you better your life bit by bit, as they do the same.

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