11 Cold Weather Hacks That’ll Get You Through Winter


Silas & Grace

Whether winter is almost or already here, it’s freezing outside. There’s ice on the road and the temperature is dropping down. Seriously, it can be hard to stay warm and cozy in this kind of weather. No matter how much you feel like you prepped for this, it always feels like you’re not quite ready.

Thankfully though, there are simple life hacks that can keep you a little warmer this season. These tips are honestly great for people who hate the cold and need some ways to make it a little less miserable. So check them out and let me know what you think!

Use Socks as Windshield Wiper Covers

Knee-high socks slipped over windshield wipers before a storm will save you from de-icing. The ice won’t build up and make it hard to freeze. So the next time you hit the road in a winter season, store a pair of socks in your compartment and save your windshield from icing.

Wool Felt or Fabric Can help Keep Feet Warm

In winter, one of the best ways to keep your feet warm is to cut out felt insoles. Just use some scissors to cut out the shape of the inside of your shoe (use the insole as a guide if you have one), place it in, and you’re ready to go!

Waterproof Canvas Shoes With Wax

Who wouldn’t want waterproof and winter-ready shoes in this cold chilly weather? All you need to do is rub a candle against the entire canvas surface of your shoe, take a hairdryer and melt the wax into your shoe’s surface. Repeat the process on your other shoe, and you’ll be ready for any rain or snow that comes your way!

Leave The Oven Door Open After Baking

Cold weather and warm cookies always seem to be the perfect combo. Take advantage of the oven warmth by leaving the oven door open after cooking. Just make sure any small children aren’t close by!

Use A Lighter And Your Key To Thaw A Frozen Lock

De-ice a frozen car door lock by heating your key with a match or lighter, then gently push the heated key into the lock to melt the ice as you apply pressure. Just be careful as the key will be hot. Another option is to apply a few drops of hand sanitizer on your key and open a frozen door lock.

Frosty Side Mirror Solution

Similarly to a DIY windshield wiper, covering your side mirrors with plastic bags and securing them with rubber bands or clothespins can prevent ice from forming overnight. And in the morning after removing the plastic, you’ll have an ice-free mirror! Pretty awesome right?

Take Advantage of the Sun

Whenever the sun is out in this cold dark weather, utilize the natural energy it gives and keep yourself warm. Park your car facing east to take full advantage of the sunshine. By doing this, the sun will melt and do a lot of snow removal work for you. Opening your house curtains is also a great idea to easily keep you warmer during winter.

DIY Mittens Sweater

If you have old and unused crochet sweaters, you can easily do this DIY project. It’s cheap, cozy, and will totally keep you warm. Make a couple of them to last you throughout the winter.

Cooking Spray Will Keep Snow From Sticking on a Shovel

Don’t waste time on banging stuck snow off your shovel and try this super simple trick. Spraying generous amount of cooking oil on your shovel can protect it from snow build up.

Let a Hot Shower Warm and Humidify Your House

Taking a hot bath or shower in this cold weather is perfect for your home. Just don’t drain the water afterwards since it has a lot of heat to give. Let the water sit and cool to room temperature first. That way all the heat stays in your house and the hot water will help to humidify the dry air in your home.

Natural Home Remedies for Winter Cold and Flu

Fight off the common winter cold and flu by using natural home remedies. They are effective, cheap and can easily be done in the comfort of your home. This could be drinking things like mint or ginger tea and using ingredients such as turmeric or garlic in your cooking.

Even if you’re having trouble getting through this winter, staying warm and cozy all day long makes things a lot better. Choose any of these cold weather tips and tricks and make sure your home is nice and toasty this cold season. Also, let me know what you think about these tips!

Alternatively, if you’re the sort of person who just LOVES winter, then check out these 12 beautiful Winter Wonderlands you can visit around the world.

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Chasing Foxes was started in 2016 as a way for Grace and her husband, Silas, to start traveling. However, they started to realize that they had a passion for improving themselves, and wanted to help others level up their lives as well. So whether it's with cooking, travel, or staying healthy, they want to help you better your life bit by bit, as they do the same.


Silas & Grace

Chasing Foxes was started in 2016 as a way for Grace and her husband, Silas, to start traveling. However, they started to realize that they had a passion for improving themselves, and wanted to help others level up their lives as well. So whether it's with cooking, travel, or staying healthy, they want to help you better your life bit by bit, as they do the same.

8 thoughts on “11 Cold Weather Hacks That’ll Get You Through Winter”

  1. Keep s small whisk broom by your back door to brush snow off your husband and kids after they’ve shoveled the latest blizzard from the driveway. If you brush it off outside on the porch or in the garage it won’t melt on their clothes. And make sure the cocoa has some crushed candy canes in it too. Another 10″ snow expected for us tomorrow and it’s March 6th!!!!!

  2. Put clear plastic over your windows, attach with double face tape. You are making a pocket of insulating air that you can see through.
    Also, if you like bare floors for their sweep-ability, but hate their coldness, get several soft kitchen or bath mats and space them along the hall and beds. I like the ones with memory foam and non-skid backing. They are easy to pick up to sweep the floor. I keep one between the kitchen sink and the dishwasher, to catch any water dripping from rinsed dishes as I load the dishwasher.
    We have a heat pump and it doesn’t keep up well when the temp outside is freezing. (It’s about 62 inside.) So we use a space heater in the bathroom during baths and have one on in the one room we stay in most of the time (bedroom, with computers, desk, and blankets.) We keep warm fuzzy throws on the bed and in the living room for watching movies out there. We wear warm animal slippers, or put fleece lined boots on, never go barefoot inside if it is snowing outside. I wear leggings under my jeans and a fleece “sweatshirt” over 1-2 other layers, never just short sleeves in the winter. Hot drinks and baking dinners keep us warmer too. (Leave the oven open when it is cooling.) Washing dishes by hand in a sink of hot soapy water is one way to get your hands warmed up – and can be done often! With all these ideas, I’m not often cold even if it is 62 inside! PS – we have a wood stove, but haven’t used it more than than once this winter. We could – but that is work! We will if the power goes out.


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