12 Amazing Looking Air Purifying Plants You Need in Your Home


Silas & Grace

Alright guys, lately I’ve become a bit interested (totally an understatement) in house plants. When I was younger, I thought they were just something grandparents had around their home. But now after seeing them (everywhere on the internet) in cool looking DIY crafted hanging pots I could never make, I’m beginning to think otherwise.

Now instead of just doing a curated list of indoor plants to dress up your home, I decided I’d do one that also purifies your air. Why not have your place look stylish and be good for your health? So check them out and let me know what you think!

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Money Bonsai

Found from Nayadiez

I’m pretty sure this one is my favorite out of them all. The hanging Devil’s Ivy and Heartleaf look pretty cool, but that braided trunk has got me.

Snake Plant

Found from Haley Weidenbaum

If you’re looking for something that’s low maintenance, especially if you’re not at home a lot, then try this awesome plant out. Definitely a great way to make your place look great, but nothing that requires too much of your attention.

Note: The snake plant, when consumed, has a low toxicity. So it’s definitely not lethal, but still, make sure it’s away from your pets and small children.

Devil’s Ivy

Found from Little Green Friends

Use a hanging basket for this one since its leaves can grow pretty long. And to be honest, I’m a sucker for hanging plants since they look so cool, so definitely give it a try.

Note: Toxic to pets and humans when consumed.

Weeping Fig

Found from the.aesthete

Needing just a sunny spot to hang out, this one’s super easy to take care of.

Note: Leaves are toxic, so keep away from pets and small kids.

Peace Lily

Found from joyoz2013

If you love flowering plants, then definitely get this one for your living room. Just make sure your pets don’t eat them as they’re toxic in large quantities.

Note: Toxic to pets and humans when consumed.

Cornstalk Dracaena

Found from jessyemcdibs

Being a tall plant, it’s a cool looking way to dress up any room. Just make sure to keep it away from pets and small children since the leaves are toxic.

Note: Toxic to animals and humans when consumed.

Heartleaf Philodendron

Found from imababysquid

This plant is super easy to care for and looks awesome with its heart-shaped leaves.

Note: Toxic to animals and humans if eaten.

Dumb Cane

Found from all.that.green

With multicolored leaves, this is a fun way to add some color to your living room or bedroom.

Note: This plant is called Dumb Cane due to its slurred speech affect when eaten (and in larger quantities, it can be fatal). So make sure it’s kept away from any animal or curious children.


Found from Style and Forks

With many beautiful colors to choose from, this is an awesome low maintenance plant for your home.

Note: Toxic for animals and humans when consumed.

Spider Plant

Found from Medium

Without spending very much money at all, you can easily rid toxins from the air with this beautiful plant.

Fun Fact: It was one of the top 3 air purifying plants in NASA’s Clean Air Study.

English Ivy

Found from Medium

This plant may not be great for your home on the outside, but it does take toxins like benzene out of the air. Also, it can be a fun hanging plant since you can control how long it grows.

Note: Toxic for both animals and humans when consumed.

Boston Fern

Found from Medium

This plant does three cool things. First, it removes formaldehyde better than any other plant. Second, it acts as a humidifier for your home. And Third, it dresses up your space nicely. That’s pretty important right?

Alright, so whether you’ve gotten on board with this internet and DIY craze, or you’re just looking for ways to improve your health, definitely give some of these a try. They’re not super expensive at all, and the fair majority of them are low maintenance (yes for being lazy!)

Now if you have any questions about these plants, feel free to ask me in the comments down below!

Chasing Foxes was started in 2016 as a way for Grace and her husband, Silas, to start traveling. However, they started to realize that they had a passion for improving themselves, and wanted to help others level up their lives as well. So whether it's with cooking, travel, or staying healthy, they want to help you better your life bit by bit, as they do the same.

Health Home Wellness

Silas & Grace

Chasing Foxes was started in 2016 as a way for Grace and her husband, Silas, to start traveling. However, they started to realize that they had a passion for improving themselves, and wanted to help others level up their lives as well. So whether it's with cooking, travel, or staying healthy, they want to help you better your life bit by bit, as they do the same.

13 thoughts on “12 Amazing Looking Air Purifying Plants You Need in Your Home”

  1. How do you keep a houseplant away from a cat? Only so much room on the top of the fridge. Guess hanging baskets it is. I’m told the breathable kind let the roots exchange VO’s for oxygen too.

  2. Instead of putting a Boston fern in your home I would like to recommend the Lemon Button Fern. It is so pretty and as far as I know not toxic to anything. It is also very forgiving if you forget to water for awhile. It will bounce back over and over.

  3. Hi! I have a Boston fern I got this winter, and I’ve heard that they kind of “die” in the winter and come back in spring, and though I’m good at taking care of a variety of plants, mine is definitely crunchy and looks to be losing life. Is this normal? Since it’s an easy to take care of plant, I’m worried I’m doing something wrong.

    Let me know, and thank you!!

  4. They are wonderful plants and I have it in my collection. I only wonder why that hanging plant is called devil’s ivy when its beautiful.


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