You may be the kind of person who is naturally trim no matter what she eats, but chances are you are probably the average kind of woman who has a normal metabolism and, if you overeat, are likely to gain weight. So here are just a few habits that slim girls will follow to keep up their slender appearance.
1. Ignore the Scales
When trying to lose weight, a lot of people make the mistake of focusing on the number on the scales. This can be misleading. Slender women know that lean muscle is better than being scrawny or having too much fat. Muscle also weighs more than fat. So instead, they’ll focus on their endurance and strength levels, as well as how trim they look in the mirror.
2. No Guilt Tripping
Skinny girls know that, if they eat a cheat meal or go over their allotted calories, mentally berating themselves will do no good. Instead, they will consider where they went wrong and make sure they amend their eating behaviors for the next meal.
3. Make Your Own
Rather than buying lunch out or takeaway dinners, skinny girls know that the best way to ensure you are eating a nutritional and balanced meal is to make it yourself. This way you can choose what ingredients are put in to suit your diet and calorie limit.
4. Don’t Fry Food in Oil
Rather than frying food, find alternative cooking methods. Air frying is fine, as is poaching, steaming, and roasting. You can adapt recipes to remove any need for frying and use spices and herbs for extra flavor.
5. Don’t Overeat
While it may be deemed polite, you don’t need to eat large portions. Skinny girls know they should eat just until they are no longer hungry. By filling, but not over-filling, your stomach, you will get rid of any pangs of hunger but also still aid yourself in shrinking your stomach to help you stay slimmer.
6. Work Out in the Morning
Once you get to the end of the day it can be hard to find the motivation you need to work out and burn some calories. By doing it first thing, you can check it off your list as a completed task. You may also find it helps boost your energy levels for the rest of the day.
7. Get Enough Sleep
Your metabolism gets a kick when you sleep, ready to help you the following day. If you get too little sleep then this can drastically affect your metabolism. So girls who sleep well are more likely to lose weight and stay slim.
Being skinny doesn’t have to be a chore or make you feel unsatisfied. Slimming down and building lean muscle is good for you. And some of these health changes will affect your ability to focus too, rather than just your physical appearance. So go ahead and give them a try!
Grace Moser is the author and founder of Chasing Foxes, where she writes articles to help women create a life they love in big and small ways. She's been a full-time traveler since 2016 and loves sharing her experiences and exploring the world with her husband, Silas. Her lifestyle and travel advice can also be seen on sites such as Business Insider, Glamour, Newsweek, Huffpost, & Apartment Therapy.
Thanks for the tips thst will help a lot.